Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6974 All parties scramble!

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"So, you want to cooperate with the evildoer in the south?"

Beckina was obviously disdainful.

But under the pressure of reality, it seems that there is no good way.

"Yes, come out!"

"We have to cooperate with the evildoers in the south to have a better chance of winning, Beckina!"

The two looked at Beckina and asked her to come forward to communicate with the evildoer in the south.

At this time, the evildoers in the south are also discussing this issue.

They also discovered that cooperating with the evildoers in the west is the only way out!

"Three, are you interested in cooperating with us?"

Before Beckina could speak, a burly man with a dark complexion among the evildoers in the south conveyed his intention first.

Beckina looked at each other, her eyes were always cold.

But she didn't hesitate, because this is the most realistic way!

"Yes!" Beckina nodded.

"Okay, great!"

"The six of us team up, and we have a great hope of defeating them!"

The two companions of Beckina were very excited, as if they saw the hope of winning.

But the southern evildoer facing Beijina slowly shook his head, his expression still dignified!

"It's not that simple. We have six people facing eight people. How do you think we should resolve the opponent's numerical advantage?"


The two western monsters shook their heads again and again.

It can't be resolved!

If it was a single rule, it would be fine!

But now it is a compound rule. Whether it is one-on-one or melee, the advantages of two people are huge, and there is no clever plan to resolve it.

"Yeah, since we can't resolve it, we can only seek cooperation on a larger scale!"

The southern evildoer's eyes flashed, and his eyes turned to Jiang Tian!

"Jiang Tian, ​​Brother Jiang, on behalf of the evildoers in the south and the west, I seek to cooperate with you!"

"Brother Jiang, please join us and fight against the evil spirits of the East with us!"

In the eyes of the southern evildoer and the western evildoer, this should be the only choice Jiang Tian can make!

And it's the perfect choice in this case too!

He is the only one who is evil in the north.

No matter which side is facing the east, south or west, it is a losing game.

In this case, he has no other way out except to choose to cooperate with the other party!

"Brother Jiang, don't hesitate anymore, joining us is your only, most realistic and ideal choice!"

"Come on, join us and fight against the evil spirits of the East together!"

The five monsters in the south and west were all looking forward to Jiang Tian's joining, only Begina looked cold and hesitated to speak.

Because her biggest goal is Jiang Tian!

So she doesn't really want to cooperate with Jiang Tian, ​​but she has to admit that Jiang Tian's joining can indeed stabilize the number advantage of the oriental evildoer to the greatest extent.

Simply, she kept silent.

"not good!"

The faces of the evildoers in the East changed slightly!

The vast majority of them expected the combination of evildoers from the west and the south.

But Dudu didn't expect these two camps to win over Jiang Tian!

If Jiang Tian also joins in, they will only have one more person!

One person's advantage, although it is considered an advantage, but there are many variables!

"what to do?"

"Can't let him join the opposite side!"

"But they have already issued an invitation, and Jiang Tian probably won't refuse!"

"They can invite, can't we?" Someone said through gritted teeth.

"Let's invite him too, there's this...uh!"

An oriental evildoer just wanted to say, "Is this necessary?", but he felt a little stupid, and swallowed back the words.

There was really no need for this, but the problem is that people are pulling people!

If Jiang Tian joins, their advantage will be impacted and weakened the most!

This is unacceptable to them!

"Brother Jiang, brother Jiang, please join our Eastern camp!"

"We have a large number of people and great advantages. If you are willing to join, you will crush the west and south without any effort!"

"Brother Jiang must have thought it through clearly. Joining them and fighting against us will be a lot of pressure!"

"Hehe, no matter what happens to us, there is still one more person. If you stand on their side, can you imagine how difficult the situation will be?"

The evildoers in the East folded their arms and sneered, feeling that Jiang Tian would not refuse.

It's all said and done, the facts are clear, Jiang Tian is not a fool, he should know how to choose!

"Brother Jiang, no!" The faces of the evildoers in the south changed!

If Jiang Tian is taken away, they will be completely finished!

He must not be allowed to join the Eastern camp!

"Brother Jiang, our southern camp is willing to offer a fairy treasure as a reward. As long as you join us, no matter what the final result is, this fairy treasure will be yours!"

This southern evildoer took out a scarlet rhino horn-like strange treasure and showed it to Jiang Tian.

It exudes an astonishing demon clan aura, and it is an immortal treasure refined from the bones of a great demon!

Such a temptation is not insignificant!

But Jiang Tian didn't express his opinion!

Beckina can't calm down anymore!

Although she didn't directly invite Jiang Tian to join, if Jiang Tian chooses to join the Eastern camp, the whole situation will be completely tilted!

"We in the West are also willing to present a fairy treasure to invite you to join, Jiang Tian!"

When Beckina spoke, she spread her palms, and a special spar exuding the light of a white star appeared in her hand!


Jiang Tian stared at it, and couldn't help being a little surprised!

This spar is about an inch long and looks like a sword, but it is a little rough, like an unpolished natural sword blank!

There are traces of bloody lines on it, which looks quite strange!

It exudes an astonishing sword intent, and also contains a special power of stars!

"This is a special stellar sword crystal that is cultivated with my powerful sword intent and blood essence. It is of great benefit to sword repairers like you. As long as you join us, this treasure will be yours, Jiang Tian!"

Bei Jina looked at Jiang Tian confidently, thinking that it was impossible for him to refuse!

"We also have immortal treasures!"

The Eastern evildoer is in a hurry!

The leading man winked, took out three fairy treasures at once, and showed them to Jiang Tian!

"Brother Jiang, as long as you join us, these three fairy treasures will be handed over to you now. No matter what the final result is, we will never regret it!"

"Damn it!"

"You are too shameless, oriental evildoer!"

"We already have a numerical advantage, but you are still robbing us, how shameless are you?"

The monsters from the south and the west gritted their teeth and shouted angrily.

"Why can't you rob us if you can?"

"You have already cooperated with two parties, and if Jiang Tian is involved, it will be three parties. It is extremely unfair for us to fight three against one!"

"Bah! What is three against one? There are only seven of us from the three parties. There are already eight of you. Who is bullying whom?"

Both sides come and go, a few words are full of gunpowder!

"Brother Jiang, in addition to these three fairy treasures, after the conference is over, we can also invite you to retreat and practice in the Eastern Super City, and give you the best courtesy!"

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