Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6977 You are very strong!

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Streams of snow-white streams shot up from her body surface, cutting through the space storm that surged in like a tidal wave!

Jiang Tian didn't respond, and let the storms roll back.

For him, these storms not only have no effect, but also have a certain nourishing effect!

"The power of the void!"

Jiang Tian's eyes flickered, urging the Void Hegemony to absorb these forces silently.

It has to be said that the power of the void contained in the space storm caused by the collision of sword intent between him and Virgina is quite effective!

He even enjoyed this kind of nourishment a little bit!

Rumble... boom rumble!

The space storm rushed in, and he absorbed the power of the void into his body, silently increasing the power of the void dominance.


Ignoring the disturbance of the space storm, Bejina made a bold move from a distance in the void!

With a wave of fingers, dozens of snow-colored sword rainbows tore through the void and slashed at Jiang Tian!


Jiang Tian also pointed and swiped, and the purple sword intent flew up to meet him!

Spin the sword!

This is the rotating sword in "Three Forms of Stars"!

Chi chi... Whoosh whoosh!

The purple sword intent cut through the void, bursting out with astonishing power!

Chi chi... Kachacha!

The snow-colored sword rainbows were cut and broken by it, turning into large pieces of snow light and scattering into the void!


The void was torn apart again and again, and the space storm that was set off became more and more violent!

"A single sword intent can match my hundred sword rainbows?"

Beckina refused to accept it!

Although the contest between the two did not tell the winner, the situation was relatively stable.

But at least in this collision, Jiang Tian was more relaxed.

"There is no winner in such a duel, so come up with the strongest method, Jiang Tian!"


Birkina fit and darted out, and streams of snow-colored streams danced around her body quickly, turning into a sharp and tough barrier.

The powerful space storm can't pose a threat to her at all!

She is like a long snow-colored dragon, and like a dazzling comet, dragging her long snow-colored tail towards Jiang Tian!

"Well done!"

Jiang Tian's gaze remained calm.

Beckina is indeed very strong, but it has not exceeded his imagination!

"Spin sword, cut again!"

Jiang Tian pointed at the same point, and the swirling sword that he cut out earlier surged in momentum, and he cut towards the snow-colored dragon transformed by Begina!

Chi Chi Chi... Bang Bang Bang Bang... Kacha, Bang Bang!

The violent collision sounded like thunder!

All of a sudden, the purple sword intent couldn't break through Begina's defense!

The rapid spinning cuts were all forcibly resolved by the snow-colored stream light outside the opponent's body.

But at the same time, Virgina's speed also dropped significantly!

The pressure brought by the spinning sword cannot be ignored after all, and her speed began to drop.

She didn't count as a loser in this match, but she obviously didn't take advantage of it so far.

The important thing is that she still failed to really threaten Jiang Tian!

"This is what you call the strongest method?"

Jiang Tian's eyes turned cold, and he had lost the patience to fight.

With one step, teleport out!

The next moment, he came to the top of the snow-colored dragon transformed by Begina, and with a swipe of his finger, the purple sword intent slashed down wildly!


A terrible roar erupted suddenly, and the snow-colored Changhong was cut off by him, causing the audience to exclaim!


"Oh My God!"

"What a terrible method!"

"What a terrifying sword intent!"

"Teleportation plus terrifying sword intent, ordinary people can't dodge his attack at all!"

"Begina should have been seriously injured, right?"

There were bursts of exclamations from inside and outside Zao Shenxu, and the corners of many people's eyes twitched, deeply shocked!

"Everyone is ready!"

The eight oriental evildoers who were watching the battle immediately cheered up!

This duel is coming to an end, and no matter which side wins, they must launch a siege as soon as possible to suppress the opponent forcefully!

Eliminate this variable!

"Everyone, get ready!"

Among the more than ten layers of spiritual power barriers, the five evildoers in the west and south have also raised their vigilance!

The eight oriental evildoers will definitely take action at the moment when the outcome is announced, to eliminate the biggest variable.

And once the variable disappears, the eight people can attack them without any scruples and start the final encirclement and suppression!

Once they reach that point, they will no longer be able to fight back!

What awaits them is nothing but a fiasco!

Rumble... boom!

The thirteen evildoers gathered their spiritual power silently, ready to make a lightning strike at the moment when the winner will be decided!


Click... bang!

A terrible noise suddenly spread throughout the void!

The snow-colored long dragon that had been cut off by Jiang Tian suddenly changed in the second half!

Crack... bang rumble!

A snow-colored sword light shot out from the rear half of the broken snow dragon, pointing directly at Jiang Tian's back!


The warriors who saw this scene all gasped!


This is definitely a shocking surprise attack!

In everyone's imagination, Virgina should be in the head area of ​​the snow-colored dragon.

After the long dragon was cut off by Jiang Tian, ​​even if Begina was not seriously injured, she would fall into a huge passive state.

But the fact is that everyone miscalculated this woman!

She wasn't on the head of the snow-colored dragon, but was hiding behind the snow-colored dragon!

While Jiang Tian cut off the long dragon in the middle, he hid the surprise attack launched by Begina in the back half!

Fast as lightning!

It's like thunder!

Crack... bang rumble!

The snow-colored sword light pointed directly at his back, and it seemed inevitable that Jiang Tian would be severely injured!

Even if you are unlucky, your body may be cut in two!

"Anti-kill, a shocking anti-kill!"

"Begina is so strong and courageous!"

"Her strength and resourcefulness are extremely high!"

Shouts from inside and outside Zao Shenxu raged, and everyone was shocked by this scene.

It was like seeing Jiang Tian being severely injured and suffering a miserable defeat!

But at this moment, everyone shrank their pupils sharply and fell into shock again!

Crack... bang rumble!

The snow-colored sword light slashed like lightning, directly cutting open the void!

Jiang Tian's figure disappeared without a trace at the same time!


"what's the situation?"


"It's possible, but the sword light has already been cut, can he avoid serious injuries?"

"I'm afraid not, because his reaction is still slow!"

Everyone discussed and made judgments about Jiang Tian's situation.

No one thought that he could calmly avoid this terrifying blow, because the moment the sword light slashed across, his figure disappeared at the same time.

This means that he did not avoid this terrifying blow in advance!

"Huh?" Beckina appeared from the back half of the snow rainbow, frowning tightly!

She was 90% sure that this sword had already severely injured Jiang Tian.

But now, she couldn't find Jiang Tian!

"You are strong!"

"But not strong enough!"


Jiang Tian's voice suddenly came from behind her!

Bei Jina's complexion changed drastically, and before she could turn around in time, a sword light was swept out with her backhand!

Jiang Tian didn't dodge, but confronted the sword and pointed!

Click... bang!

A terrifying explosion resounded through the void, and Jiang Tian spewed out purple sword intent from his fingertips, blasting Bei Jina's snow-colored sword light with one finger!

The sword intent exploded, and the void collapsed!

A violent space storm erupted thereafter!

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