Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6978 Kneel down for me!

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Bei Jina's face changed, and the lightning swept forward to avoid it.

Jiang Tian just swayed slightly, but stood there indifferently.

The space storm enveloped him in an instant, but it had no effect on him at all!

He even took the opportunity to absorb the power of the void tonic!

"You actually blocked my sword intent with your body?"

Thousands of feet away, Beckina's face was extremely ugly!

At that moment just now, the purple light flickered on Jiang Tian's fingertips, it was the purple sword's intention to show off its might!

But at such a short distance, Jiang Tian's physical body is the real target to bear her sword attack!

That sword should have severely injured Jiang Tian and made him lose his combat power.

The result was shocking!

Jiang Tian blasted her sword intent with one finger, and she wasn't even seriously injured by the backlash!

At this moment, Jiang Tian was glowing with a star-like glow!

"This is... Star Sword Intent?"

Beckina's face changed slightly, and her heart was shocked!

Star Sword Intent!

Star Sword Body!

"You are actually a star sword body, no wonder... no wonder you are so strong!"

Bejina also knows something about the star sword body.

This is the so-called kendo talent body that is rare in a hundred thousand years, and one of the swordsmen has an unimaginable talent beyond imagination!

She didn't expect Jiang Tian to have such a physique!

"Physical dominance, space dominance, star sword... your hole cards are really strong!"

Beckina's eyes were cold, and she drank coldly from the air.

Among many super cities in the West, her talent is already among the top, and she thinks that no one can match her talent.

But now, she was deeply shocked by Jiang Tian!

With so many physiques against the sky at the same time, no wonder the combat power is so powerful!

"The last blow will determine the outcome!"

Beckina knew that if the fight continued like this, it would not be possible to tell the winner after several days and nights.

The point is that Jiang Tian has already taken the initiative, and it won't do her any good to delay it for a long time.

"Don't you give yourself a few more chances?" Jiang Tian asked with a smile, his eyes indifferent.


Beckina felt a deep sense of contempt.

Immediately angry!


Countless streams of snow-colored streams surged out of her body, forming a thick and terrifying snow-colored barrier!

The next moment, she bumped into Jiang Tian under the cover of this barrier!

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!

Wherever he went, the void collapsed inch by inch, setting off a large space storm!

Space ripples spread in all directions like huge waves!

Even more terrifying!

As she continued to move, her aura became stronger and stronger, reaching a terrifying level!


"So strong!"

"Vegina is too strong!"

"This is the real method!"

"It's obviously impossible for Jiang Tian to deal with it as easily as before, unless he chooses to retreat!"

"Is that interesting? That's actually tantamount to acquiescing that you can't beat the opponent, and you can only avoid their edge!"

People inside and outside Zao Shenxu couldn't stop exclaiming, everyone was looking forward to this last collision!

"bring it on!"

Instead of waiting in place, Jiang Tian stepped forward and went straight to meet the shocked eyes of the audience!

Crack... Rumble!

Jiang Tian stepped forward, and the void was directly crushed by him!

The violent space storm slammed directly towards Beijina, but it didn't slow down her speed!

Countless streams of snow color cut through the void, tearing apart countless cracks in space!

At this moment, Begina seems to be the owner of the cracks in space, carrying them and blasting towards Jiang Tian!

Jiang Tian's eyes were indifferent and calm!

Facing the approach of Beckina, he gave a cold shout and unleashed some kind of special power!

"The power of the starry sky, open!"

Buzz buzz... boom boom!

Once the power of the starry sky was unfolded, an invisible wave spread out with a strange coercion, covering Beckina involuntarily.

Sizzling... Chi Chi... Whoosh!


Countless streams of snow-colored streams swirling rapidly around Beckina's body slowed down at a speed visible to the naked eye after coming into contact with this force!

"Hiss! What is this?"

"how so?"

Beckina's face changed drastically!

This is already her trump card that she is proud of, and she thinks she can decide the outcome.

But she never expected that Jiang Tian could suppress it instantly with only a special force.

"The power of the starry sky?"



This is not the power of the starry sky, at least not the pure starry sky power!

"What kind of power is this?"

Beckina screamed loudly!

The countless streams of snow-colored streams swirling outside became slower and slower, so that it was almost impossible to split the void!

"Are you admitting defeat?"

Jiang Tian asked coldly, his eyes indifferent!

"Admit defeat? Impossible, you are dreaming!"

Beckina gritted her teeth and refused to admit defeat.

"very good!"

Jiang Tian smiled coldly, and moved his right foot slightly forward.


Pfft... wow!

The huge coercion shrouded down, completely ignoring those snow-colored streamers, and blasted directly on Beckina!

Beckina's face was red, she vomited violently, and her body shook violently, as if she was about to be unable to hold on!

"Kneel down!"

Jiang Tian's right foot exerted strength again!

Boom, boom... Kaka Kaka!

Birkina gritted her teeth and tried her best to resist, but in the end she was no match for this powerful force, and she was forced to bend her waist!



Beckina screamed, and a layer of dazzling snow light suddenly burst out from her body!

The power of the original gods!

She used the power of the original god realm!

Generally speaking, this kind of power is rarely used in actual combat.

Because it is not as fast and fast as other methods, and its momentum is not so spectacular and powerful.

But in this special situation, she can only use this power to resist Jiang Tian's suppression!

Rumbling... bang, bang, bang!

With the release of the power of the original gods, Begina straightened her back again!

"The power of the original god realm cannot lose to your star power!"

"I, Beckina, will not lose!"

Bei Jina gritted her teeth and looked at Jiang Tian, ​​roaring like a mad tigress!


Jiang Tian only responded with one word coldly!

The moment the words sounded, the power of the starry sky spread out, effortlessly suppressing the opponent's original god-level power!

At the same time, the power of the original god realm released by Beginna was swallowed by him.


Jiang Tian's breath fluctuated, but the coercion exerted on Bei Jina was slowly rising!

"No! How is that possible?"

Beckina was shocked!

The power of the original god realm should have surpassed the power of the starry sky!

The power of the starry sky is the exclusive power of the warriors in the starry sky realm. After entering the original god realm, this power will transform into the power of the original god realm.

This is the crushing of realms, a huge gap, and the laws of martial arts, which cannot be broken!

But in front of Jiang Tian, ​​the rules seemed to be ruthlessly rewritten!

Jiang Tian used the power of the starry sky, which was one level lower, to crush her original god-level power in turn!

"Impossible, this is impossible!"

Beckina yelled sharply, unable to accept the facts in front of her.

"Kneel down!"

Jiang Tian drank violently and stepped forward with his right foot!


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