Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6979 Please...

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The power of the starry sky forcibly crushed Beckina, and her waist bent down again.

Immediately afterwards, the legs also began to bend!

Ka Ka Ka... Rumble!

In the end, under Jiang Tian's strong pressure, she slowly fell to her knees and couldn't even raise her head!

"Admit defeat?"

Jiang Tian asked coldly.


Beckina gritted her teeth!

Crack... Rumble!

Jiang Tian tapped his right foot lightly, and the huge pressure made Beckina vomit blood again!

Her breath was violently turbulent, and she was seriously injured!


Beckina growled in a low voice, like a wounded tigress!

"Then bring them all!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were cold, and he devoured again!

Hum rumble!

All the power of the original God Realm released by Beginna was swallowed up by him!

Kacha... Puff, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Beckina's body was completely pressed to the ground, and her cheeks pressed against the ground and vomited blood!

The breath has become abnormally disordered!

"Lost, she lost!"

"Jiang Tian's advantage is so great?"

"Exaggeration, this is too exaggerated!"

The audience was shocked, everyone was shocked by this scene!

In a showdown that was supposed to be full of suspense, Beckina was defeated miserably in this way!

Jiang Tian won, this is a complete victory, a crushing complete victory!

His performance shocked everyone!

It also changed the faces of the other thirteen evildoers who hadn't made a move yet!

"My son, it's so scary!"

"Get ready, as soon as Beckina admits defeat, we will launch a thunderous attack, and we must not give him the slightest chance to resist!"


The eight oriental evildoers each gathered their spiritual power, and even grasped the magic talisman and magic weapon tightly, preparing to launch a thunderous suppression against Jiang Tian!

"Admit defeat!"

Jiang Tian looked down at Beckina and said coldly.

The Supernova Conference does not allow life-and-death duels, otherwise Beckina may have died.

This time, Beckina fell silent!

She was still pressed to the ground by Jiang Tian, ​​unable to move.

What's more troublesome is that Jiang Tian sucked up all the power of the original gods she released!

Although that is not all of her, it also has a certain impact on her strength, and she can no longer use this kind of strength to compete with her opponent like just now!

"Beginna, you can admit defeat!"

The war supervisor frowned and reminded.

"I..." Beckina pressed against the ground, making a difficult voice.

"Are you admitting defeat?" the elder supervisor asked.

"No...recognize, I...please..."

Beckina made a staccato voice, and it was extremely difficult to speak.

"What are you asking for?" Elder Superintendent Zhan frowned, and simply moved closer to listen.

"Please... please... contract... make a date with... me!"


The elder supervisor was taken aback!

Looking at Jiang Tian suddenly, his eyes are shining brightly!


"what did she say?"

"Contract her?"

"Who? Let who contract her?"

"Who else can it be, it can only be Jiang Tian!"

"Is it too exaggerated?"


The audience was in an uproar, and everyone inside and outside the Shenxu was exploded!

"What did you say? Say it again!"

The elder supervisor looked at Bei Jina lying on the ground in shock, and a look of shock flashed in his eyes.

"You... don't want to admit defeat, but... want a contract?"

The Elder Supervising Zhan's mind was so full of thoughts that he couldn't believe his ears!

"Please... contract... make a date with... me!"

Beckina lay on the ground and said with difficulty.


"too exaggerated!"

"Outrageous, simply outrageous!"

"How could such a thing happen?"

"She's not admitting defeat, but asking for a contract!"

There was shock inside and outside Zao Shenxu, and the sound of uproar was endless.

Beckina's request aroused the extreme anger of the two evildoers in the west!

"Begina, what are you doing?"

"Are you crazy?"

"What kind of bewitching technique did this northern warrior use to you?"

"Wake up, Beckina! Wake up!"

The two evildoers roared wildly, and even wanted to rush out of the restraining barrier, to pull Beckina up and beat her up, to wake her up!

"Don't mess around!"

The evildoers in the south stopped them immediately!

"What do you want to do?"

"Stand back! This is a matter for our western evildoers. You southern evildoers have no right to intervene. Get out of the way!"

The two western evildoers roared fiercely, with a cold murderous intent in their eyes!

It seems that no matter how hard the opponent blocks, a life-and-death battle will start!

The leading southern evildoer waved his hands again and again, and said in a deep voice: "If you go out now, not only will you not be able to save Beckina, but you will definitely be besieged by the eastern evildoers. I don't need to say more about the consequences?"



The two Western evildoers woke up instantly with cold sweat on their foreheads!

Fortunately, the other party stopped them, otherwise, they might have been under the attack of eight people!

The fact is indeed the case, after the eight oriental evildoers noticed their movements, they were ready to launch a thunderous siege at any time!

But after seeing them being dissuaded, they felt annoyed and couldn't help but sigh.

"Sorry, so fucking sorry!"

"If these two guys rush out, they will hit our hands!"

"Hey, you two, come out and save her!"

"Why, don't you dare?"

"Tsk tsk! This is the arrogance of your western city, and now you are asking this northern warrior to make a contract with her!"

"Do you understand the contract? I think you Western warriors who practice the power of the contract should be very clear about what it means?"

"Jie Jie! Once the contract is completed, she will become Jiang Tian's servant, and she will do whatever Jiang Tian asks her to do, even... Jie Jie, even some unspeakable things!"

"Hahahaha, Jiang Tian, ​​I didn't expect you to have such a blessing, I'm really envious!"

The eastern evildoer kept stimulating the two western evildoers with words, trying to force them to break out of the restriction.

"Damn it!"

"Shut up, you shameless oriental monsters!"

The western evildoer roared wildly, furious!

"Shameless? Hahahaha, in terms of shamelessness, you Western monsters say that they are second, and no one dares to say that they are number one!"

"We are just repaying the person in the same way as the person!"

"You flaunt the so-called spirit of contract at every turn, but you are actually more insidious, despicable, and shameless than anyone else. Don't you Western warriors never look in the mirror?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The oriental evildoer launched a verbal attack on the western evildoer, and the two were so angry that they were about to vomit blood!

"Let go of me, I'll fight them!"

"Shameless oriental evildoers, how dare you wantonly slander our contract power? I will make you pay the price!"

Boom... Boom, boom!

The two western evildoers couldn't suppress the anger in their hearts, their breaths soared, and they shook off the southern evildoers who were holding them, ready to break out of the restraint and fight each other.


Crack, crack!

The slap sounded!

The person who shot was the leading southern evildoer. He slapped twice and woke up the two western evildoers!

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