Biquge, the fastest update of the Dragon Emperor!

"Two stupid pigs, have you forgotten what I just said?"

"With just the two of you, can you deal with eight of them?"

"It doesn't matter if you want to lose, don't drag us down!"

"Please see clearly, you two idiots, the opponent who is about to contract Beckina is Jiang Tian, ​​not these eight oriental monsters!"

"Even if you are angry, you should find the right target instead of being provoked casually!"

The three southern warriors pointed at the two of them and cursed fiercely, completely waking them up!

The two Western evildoers gritted their teeth, clenched their fists, and their hearts were filled with rage!

Their eyes moved away from the evildoer from the east, and landed on Jiang Tian, ​​gnashing their teeth, sternly threatening!

"Let go of her, Jiang Tian!"

"If you dare to make a contract with Beckina, we will never die with you!"

In a sense, Birkina is the leader and benchmark of Western monsters at this Supernova Conference.

But now, such a benchmark is lying on the ground, begging Jiang Tian to make a contract with difficulty!

What made them even angrier was that Jiang Tian looked indifferent in the face of Begina's request, as if a high-ranking god was silently looking down.


This is simply a great humiliation!

As Western warriors, they definitely cannot bear it!

"Jiang Tian, ​​get your feet off her!"

"We Western warriors will never accept your contract!"

"Come out if you have the ability, don't shout there." Jiang Tian said coldly without turning his head.

Crack... Rumble!

The auras of the two western evildoers surged wildly, roaring like tigers, but they dared not rush out of the barrier.

Because after they came out, they might have been suppressed by eight oriental evildoers waiting in full force before they even touched their fur!


Must endure!

If you can't bear it, you have to bear it!

The two Western evildoers almost gritted their steel teeth, burning with anger!


Beckina spoke intermittently, her voice getting weaker and weaker.

"Why did you make such a request?" Jiang Tian was a little curious and looked at her with interest.

According to the pissing nature of western evildoers, shouldn't the other party be a dead duck with a stubborn mouth and refuse to admit defeat?

Why did you ask for a contract just after being stepped on by him?

"Because...because...the West...would...not...accept...I...failed...!"

It became more and more difficult for Beckina to speak, but the general meaning could still be expressed clearly.

It meant that she had suffered a disastrous defeat at the Supernova Conference and would be abandoned by the Western martial arts world.

As the saying goes, the higher you stand, the harder you fall!

The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment!

Simply put, she can't go back!

Jiang Tian shook his head and sneered: "I don't need your servant!"

In fact, if the Supernova Conference could tell the difference between life and death, he would have already killed the opponent!

"Brother Jiang, it's not necessary, it's really not necessary!"

Song Yuan's injuries have recovered, and now he is standing on the top of the mountain and shouting from afar.

"Brother Jiang, Beckina's talent, aptitude, cultivation, and other conditions are all top-notch. The contract with her will only benefit you and not harm you. Accept it!"

Jiang Tian frowned: "You don't hate her?"

"Hate?" Song Yuan shook his head and smiled wryly, "The Supernova Conference was originally a contest between the best monsters. She hurt me, and I hurt others. If you say hate, wouldn't it be endless?"

Jiang Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, a little surprised!

"But she wanted to kill you just now!"

"Brother Jiang may have misunderstood a little bit. She did kill me when she shot just now, but she didn't really kill me at the last moment!"

"Oh, why is that?" Jiang Tian asked.

"Maybe it's the rules of the scruples meeting, maybe she didn't want to really kill me. Anyway, I can feel that she didn't really want to kill me. As for my injury, it's because I'm not strong enough. In fact, I can't blame her!"

Song Yuan explained with a self-deprecating face that he didn't have much resentment towards Begina, and he didn't have much desire for revenge.

This made Jiang Tian feel a lot of emotion!

"I have to say, brother Song's kindness is rare in the martial arts world!"

"Maybe I'm born like this, Brother Jiang, you're overrated!"

Song Yuan shook his head and smiled, not paying attention.

Jiang Tian withdrew his gaze and looked at Bei Jinna again.

After a short consideration, he still shook his head.

"I don't need your slave!"



The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at Bei Jina.

I saw a layer of dazzling snow light rising from her body surface, and a powerful aura abruptly overcame his pressure, supporting Beckina to crawl forward!

"What is this for?"

Jiang Tian was deeply surprised.

Although Bejina gained a bit of struggling strength, it was obviously not enough to form a counterattack.

This supreme arrogance from Western Rocky City was crawling towards him, and after crawling in front of him, he made a move that caused an uproar in the audience!

She stretched out her hands and hugged Jiang Tian's leg!


" make a date with me!"


The audience was in an uproar again, and everyone was in shock!

The two Western monsters almost collapsed!

"Begina, what are you doing?"

"Quickly take your hands away, quickly take your noble hands away from that shameless northern warrior!"

Beckina didn't seem to hear the roar of the two, and still begged Jiang Tian bitterly.

The eight oriental evildoers were originally watching the fun, but they suddenly reacted at this moment!

They are annoyed!

"Elder Supervisor, look, what are the two of them doing?"

"Are they fighting?"

"Is this the final showdown at the Supernova Conference?"

"They're wasting their time!"

"Begina has already lost, let her go!"

Facing the protest of the evildoer from the east, the elder supervisor finally couldn't stand it any longer!

"Beginna, admit defeat quickly, you have already lost!"

According to the rules of the final duel, as long as one side does not admit defeat, the competition can continue.

Although the current situation is one-sided, it can be regarded as a stalemate, so it is not easy for the supervisor elder to announce the result directly.

"Jiang Tian, ​​hurry up and end this competition, this farce must stop!"

The elder supervisor had no choice but to remind Jiang Tian, ​​asking him to take action to end it.

"Please... make a contract... I... must!"

Bei Jina hugged Jiang Tian's leg and begged bitterly.

Jiang Tian put away his coercion a little bit, and let the other side sigh a little.

Bei Jina's breath recovered slightly, took a few breaths, and looked up at Jiang Tian.

Begging: "The reason why you rejected me is because I seriously injured Song Yuan? It's not what you think. I didn't really want to kill him. I just wanted to provoke you to attract your attention and fight you. My goal...has been achieved, but your much stronger than mine. You can either kill me...or make a contract with me, come on!"

Beckina looked at Jiang Tian with determination!

"Enough! This farce must stop!"

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