Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6981 The situation is in chaos

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"Jiang Tian, ​​make a contract with her and let her go!"

"It's no loss for you to make a contract with such a monstrous evildoer, so make a contract with her!"

The elders who supervised the war urged angrily, and even felt a little bit of resentment towards Jiang Tian.

A contract is a contract, what are you talking about?

Besides, it was Beckina's main request.

"Brother Jiang, it's ok!" Song Yuan reminded again, with a smile on his face and relief in his eyes.



"Let go of Shenhai, don't resist!"

"It's... Master!"

Bei Jina lowered her head silently, withdrew her spiritual power, and relied on Jiang Tian's contract.

Jiang Tian raised his hand and squeezed the formula, urging his blood and spiritual power to form a contract imprint with a powerful spiritual power and blast it into the opponent's divine sea!



Beckina screamed in pain, but quickly calmed down.

She really didn't resist, and let Jiang Tian's contract mark be imprinted in Shenhai.


After the contract was completed, Jiang Tian put away all the coercion and looked at Bei Jina lightly.


Beckina is obviously still a little uncomfortable with this relationship, and there is embarrassment and embarrassment that cannot be hidden in her eyes.

Obviously, she requested the contract out of desperation, and had no such intention at all.

"I said, I don't need you as a slave."

Jiang Tian said lightly, with a calm face.

Bejina was silent for a moment, and said solemnly: "I can't go back to the west, thank you master for giving me a new path."

"A new path?" Jiang Tian frowned slightly.

He just accepted the other party's request and made a contract, and did not do anything else.

Why did Beckina say that?

Jiang Tian pondered for a while: "Are you really not planning to go back to the West?"

"The master doesn't know the situation over there. A loser will not be accepted by them, and they will even be regarded as heresy and suppressed by them!"

Jiang Tian nodded slowly, understanding the reason why the other party repeatedly asked for the contract.

"You can admit defeat!" Jiang Tian said.

"I can't admit defeat just yet!" Beckina shook her head and refused!

"Huh?" Jiang Tian's face darkened slightly, and he stared at her coldly!

"I can still shoot, and I can also remove a few obstacles for the master!"

Beckina said firmly!


Jiang Tian waved his hand and ignored Bejina.

"Back off!"


"You are defeated, no more shots!"

Jiang Tian will not allow the other party to clear any obstacles for him, because he doesn't need it!

"It's... Master!"

Beckina wanted to make a move at this moment, because she was eager to vent the depression in her heart.

But Jiang Tian had issued an order, and she didn't dare to resist, so she could only step aside.


Jiang Tian looked at the eight oriental evildoers on the opposite side and shouted loudly.

Without waiting for the other party's response, he turned his head and looked at the monsters in the west and south surrounded by more than a dozen prohibition barriers!

"There are still a few of you, fight!"


"Jiang Tian, ​​do you really think it would be great to defeat Beckina and force her to recognize the Lord?"

"it's useless!"

"The eight of us, the evildoers of the East, join hands and can crush you in an instant!"

"Under this kind of duel with compound rules, the power of one person can't turn the sky after all!"


Boom boom boom boom boom boom!

Eight oriental evildoers rushed out brazenly, forming a huge semicircle and double-teaming towards him!

"Can't wait any longer!"

"Let's do it!"


At the same time as the evildoer from the East made his move, more than a dozen barriers suddenly disappeared!

Five monsters from the west and south rushed out together!

They didn't want to help Jiang Tian, ​​but they couldn't let him lose too quickly.

Otherwise, the eight oriental evildoers will lose their last obstacle, freeing up their hands to besiege the five of them with all their strength!

Although Jiang Tian didn't join their camp, he had to deal with the mad attack of eight evildoers at the moment.

Whether you like it or not, you have in fact become their partner!

"Jiang Tian, ​​we are in the same boat now, let's carry them first!"

"We won't shoot you until we finish fighting with them!"

"Please also, don't attack us!"

Three southern evildoers took the initiative to woo Jiang Tian.

The two western evildoers didn't care about these things at all, they left the camp of the five people and rushed towards Jiang Tian recklessly!

"Despicable northern warrior, I will kill you!"

"Dare to contract Beckina, this is a humiliation and provocation to the entire Western martial arts world, you must die!"


Amidst the violent roar, the two western evildoers rushed towards Jiang Tian recklessly.

"Damn! What are you doing?"

"What about joining forces?"

"What about your contract spirit?"

The three southern evildoers were thrown away by them, angrily cursing!

Sure enough, Western evildoers are unreliable after all!

The most realistic strategy at this moment should be for the five of them to join forces to resist the mad attack of the evildoer from the east, rather than abandoning the overall situation to kill Jiang Tian out of personal anger.

Besides, can they kill it?

This is the final duel of the Supernova Conference, and there are at least a dozen supervising elders watching over it!

Unless the methods of these two people are so fast that the elders can't stop them, it will be difficult for them to kill Jiang Tian!

"Warning you two, don't mess around!"

"Otherwise we will exercise the war supervision policy!"

Boom, boom!

The two supervising elders spoke up immediately, ordering them not to act rashly.

Turning a deaf ear to the two western evildoers, they have already come to Jiang Tian!


This scene stunned the eight oriental monsters!

Originally, they also thought that the five people from the west and the south would fight against them with Jiang Tian to avoid a quick defeat.

No one expected that these two people would insist on attacking and killing Jiang Tian regardless of the overall situation!

Seeing their desperate aura, the eight of them hesitated for a while!

"Everyone, what should I do?"

"Should we take the opportunity to suppress Jiang Tian, ​​besiege the two of them, or clean up the three of them together?"

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, a little uncertain for a while.

According to the number of people, it is not a problem to suppress Jiang Tian and the two western monsters, and there is a lot of confidence.

But in this way, they will have to face the surprise attack of three evildoers in the south, and they must score a few talents!

"Calm down, don't be impulsive!"

"Although the situation is favorable to us, it is also a bit more complicated than imagined!"

"Jiang Tian will not be able to tell the winner in a short time against two Western evildoers, and the two of them have launched a murderous plan. Unless the eight of us join forces to besiege, it will be difficult to take advantage of it in a short time!"

"It's better... to deal with the three of them directly!"


After a moment of weighing, the eight oriental evildoers set their sights on the three southern evildoers!


At this time, Jiang Tian was being entangled by two western evildoers, but these three southern evildoers were ignored for a while!

This gave them a great opportunity to besiege these three people!

And in this way, neither Jiang Tian nor the two western monsters will come to harass them, which is really a good situation!

"Wrap up!"

"Shoot with all your strength, make a quick decision!"

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