Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6983 A pair of six!

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Accompanied by a terrifying bang, a fire magic weapon exploded on the field, and the two oriental evildoers were forcibly blown away and seriously injured, their auras were abnormally disordered!




"It shouldn't be!"

The six oriental monsters frowned and their eyes were gloomy!

The opponent who should have been defeated without much effort, suddenly cast a cold arrow and severely injured the two of them by self-exploding the immortal treasure, turning defeat into victory.

This is really a major mistake for them!

"I can't blame you, it's all because of our own carelessness... Ahem!"

"I didn't expect his strength to be so strong, and we can only be unlucky!"

The two injured oriental evildoers quickly swallowed the pill, but they had no strength to fight anymore and could only admit defeat.

Let the remaining six companions take care of this southern evildoer!

Boom... Boom!

The six oriental evildoers did not hesitate, their auras surged, and they were ready to besiege the victorious southern evildoers!

At this time, what they want is a quick victory, and they can no longer consider face and dignity as before.

If the other party succeeds in a surprise attack again, I will really regret it!

"Jiang Tian, ​​I want to fight you one-on-one!"

The southern evildoer who just won is naturally unwilling to fall into the siege of six people!

That means a miserable scream, and there is no way to resist it!

So before the six of them could make a move, he pointed at Jiang Tian and chose to single out!


"Damn it!"

"It makes no sense!"

"Let him take advantage of the loophole!"

The six oriental evildoers cursed loudly!

Under the compound rules, as long as the opponent chooses to single out, they can no longer attack.

What to do next, are the six of them going to fight a civil war?


At this time, the civil war will only weaken one's own strength.

Let Jiang Tian and this southern evildoer take advantage, so they can only choose to wait and see.

The elder supervisor did not urge them to act, nor was he annoyed.

Because everyone knows that if they fight against each other, it is impossible to really fight.

They only flirt with each other, pretend to fight, and observe the movements of Jiang Tian and the southern evildoers at the same time.

Save strength to the greatest extent!

The final showdown of the Supernova Conference does not require such a false fight!

The elder supervisor chose to remain silent and wait and see calmly!

"Jiang Tian, ​​I want to challenge you one-on-one!"

After chanting the slogan of heads-up, the southern evildoer quickly swallowed the elixir, and immediately rushed towards Jiang Tian, ​​ready to fight him.

For him, this is a rare opportunity to recover!

If he was besieged by six oriental monsters, he might not even have the chance to take the pill!

"I reject!"

Unexpectedly, Jiang Tian refused!

"What did you say?" The southern evildoer was taken aback!

Jiang Tian actually refused!

Refusing to fight one-on-one, is it possible that he still wants to fight six evildoers from the East?

"Jiang Tian, ​​you can think clearly. The price of rejecting me is to face the siege of six oriental monsters. Are you really confident to bear it?"

The southern evildoer asked with a sneer.

At the same time, the six oriental monsters were also greatly surprised!

"He actually refused!"

"What on earth is he up to?"

"No matter what he thinks, our chance has come!"

"Shoot immediately!"


The six of them couldn't wait to rush towards the southern evildoer, ready to launch a siege.

Then there is Jiang Tian!

In fact, they can be divided into two groups.

A group of three besieged Jiang Tian and the southern evildoer respectively.

But they don't!

Out of absolute safety, they chose to deal with the evildoers in the south first, and then went to besiege Jiang Tian!

It may seem a bit wordy to do so, but the benefits are obvious: Jiang Tian will be under pressure, helplessly watching, and sit back and watch the evildoers in the south lose!

Because he had just rejected the opponent's heads-up request, it was unlikely to help the opponent deal with the six-man siege at this time.

Even if he wanted to, it was too late!

Bang, bang, bang... Boom!

The six oriental evildoers had already started to attack, and the terrifying offensive instantly overwhelmed the southern evildoer.

"Damn... I don't accept it!"


"Pfft, wow... ah!"

The screams rang out quickly, and even though this southern evildoer blew up a fairy treasure, he still couldn't withstand the violent attack of the six people.

Fall into the mountains and lose quickly!


The war supervisor waved his hand, indicating that the competition would continue.

"The final duel is finally here!"

"The next game will determine the final ownership of the supernova!"

"Just like the prediction just now, there is no one who can be the opponent of the evildoer of the East!"

"That's right, the lineup of the oriental evildoers is too huge, no one can stop their torrent!"

The elders who supervised the battle all felt emotional, thinking that the overall situation has been settled!

Six to one!

One-sided crushing!

Match without suspense!

Although the competition hasn't started yet, Jiang Tian has already lost!

"Perhaps, he can choose to admit defeat, so that he can at least be decent." An elder who supervised the battle said.

"I believe he won't, and neither will anyone!" The other person shook his head slowly, disagreeing.

"Yeah, coming to the stage of the Supernova Conference, you will lose without fighting. This is something that no one will accept."

"Even if the ending will be tragic and the injuries will be serious, it is impossible for him to admit defeat!"

"Winning or losing this game is actually not important anymore, because the result has already been determined, but the meaning of fighting or not fighting is completely different!"

"That's right, if this battle continues, Jiang Tian will accumulate rare and valuable experience. If he doesn't fight, it may have an impact on his Dao Heart!"

"Fight, we have to fight, but I don't know how long he can last?" asked an elder who supervised the battle.

"How long?" Another elder shook his head slowly: "There is no doubt that he will end in a disastrous defeat in the first round of the six-person siege!"

"He has a space, a physical body, and a star sword body to support him. I think he should be able to deal with it for a while!"

"Six to one, how to deal with it? Unless he runs now!"

"let's start!"

The war supervisor issued an order to signal the start of the duel.

This battle may not determine the final winner, but it can lock the ownership of the Supernova Throne!

The northern camp represented by Jiang Tian is single and weak, and the crown of the supernova will eventually belong to the powerful eastern camp!

There is no suspense!

Outside of the God-Creating Void Realm, countless warriors sighed one after another.

"There is no suspense!"

"Six against one, Jiang Tian not admitting defeat is already the greatest courage!"

"The number of people, after all, is the strength of the number of people!"

"Who says it's not? Even if the evildoer of the East is exchanged by the number of people, there is still a huge redundancy!"

"Who would have thought that the most critical battle in the final confrontation of the Supernova Conference would be such a one-sided situation?"

Countless spectators seemed to have seen the scene of Jiang Tian screaming and ending the siege.

As for who will ascend to the final supernova throne, it suddenly becomes less worrying.

After all, no matter who they are, they can't escape the scope of these six evildoers from the east.

"Are you going to lose?"

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