Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

6984--Andrew Jiang Tian surrounds the opponent

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"Are you going to lose?"

On the top of the ten-thousand-foot mountain, Begina looked at the seven figures facing each other in the void.

Her eyes stayed on Jiang Tian for a moment, and then looked at the six people opposite!

If it is one-on-one, or even one-on-two, she is sure to win.

But against six, she will definitely lose!

"I didn't expect that the final matchup of the Supernova Conference would have such a disparity in the lineup!"

Begina muttered to herself, a look of disappointment and loss flashed in her eyes.

Does Jiang Tian have a chance to win?

The answer is clear: no!

One against six, no matter how powerful his physical body is, no matter how powerful his domineering body is, and no matter how powerful his sword intent is, it is impossible to win.

The six oriental evildoers would never make such low-level mistakes that allowed him to turn defeat into victory in the siege of six people.

"It's over, goodbye!"

Beckina sighed regretfully, and was about to turn around and leave the mountain.

Leaving this turning point that changed her martial arts path!

Countless years later, when the warriors in Dao Domain heard the name of Beckina again, she at that time had already become a frightening and terrifying Great Demon King!

Birkina turned around, stepped into the air, and plundered beyond the realm of the gods!

She didn't want to witness Jiang Tian's fiasco.

Because she has accepted the contract, she will serve Jiang Tian as her master!

And once Jiang Tian loses, it will be an unbearable blow to her, and it will also be an unprecedented blow to her Dao Xin.

For her, there are too many variables in this Supernova Conference!

So many that she couldn't imagine in her dreams, but now, she wants to say goodbye!

She wants to bid farewell to Jiang Tian, ​​to this turning point that changed her martial arts trajectory, farewell!

"Will we see you again?"


Bei Jina looked back at Jiang Tian, ​​looked at the back, and shook her head slowly.

Probably not!

Because a failed Jiang Tian couldn't bear the weight of "master" in her mind.

And she didn't want to face such a defeated "master" either!

Leaving is her only direction!


Birkina strode up into the air, and fled towards the outside of the God-making Void Realm!


At this time, six oriental evildoers began to attack!

Boom, boom, boom...crack...rumble!

The terrifying roar resounded through the void, and the six evildoers shot wildly, attacking without reservation!

They already have a deep understanding of Jiang Tian's methods, and they never want to give him the opportunity to use all kinds of powerful methods!

Of course, no matter how much Jiang Tian struggles, in their view, it is impossible to turn defeat into victory from this almost desperate situation!


Facing the crazy attack of the six people, Jiang Tian did not retreat but advanced!

Stepping out with one step, the figure suddenly disappeared in place!

Buzz buzz!


Instant killing technique!

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!

When one Jiang Tian disappeared, a dozen Jiang Tian suddenly appeared!


There was an uproar inside and outside Zao Shenxu, and everyone was stunned!

Although Jiang Tian's teleportation and instant kill are well-known, and he also used instant kill skills in the fight just now.

But that was only a limited shot, and the impact on everyone was far less direct and intense than it is now!

"With more than a dozen clones teleported, he still has a lot of power left!"

"No! This is not a clone, it's all the body!"

The elders who supervised the battle looked like lightning, scanning the battle situation sharply!

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Tian's offensive had already slammed into six powerful enemies!

Crack, crack, boom, boom, boom!

Tyrannosaurus attack!

He shook his fists together and used Tyrannosaurus Fight!

A dozen Zijin fist shadows suddenly exploded, as if a dozen Jiang Tian turned around and besieged six opponents!



"Damn it!"

The six oriental evildoers roared sharply, their faces changed drastically!

They were besieging Jiang Tian, ​​but now they seem to be under Jiang Tian's siege!

This feeling is too weird and shocking!

Jiang Tian obviously only had one person, but now he teleported out more than a dozen clones and besieged them in turn.

This appalling scene can only be understood by experiencing it personally!

Crack, crack, boom, boom, boom!

Puff puff puff... wow!

In an instant, four oriental evildoers were knocked back by Jiang Tianling, vomiting blood and exclaiming, their breaths were in chaos!

The other two, relying on their own magic weapons for body protection, forcibly deflected Jiang Tian's mad attack.

But their faces are not pretty!

Because the body protection magic weapon consumes a lot, it can't withstand several such attacks!

As soon as Jiang Tianfang made a move, he didn't intend to give the opponent a chance to breathe!


Chi Chi Chi Chi...Crack, Crack...Boom!

The instant kill technique was used again!

More than a dozen Jiang Tian flashed in an instant, and pointed out at the same time!

The purple sword intent went straight to the opponent's vitals, the void was torn into more than a dozen gaps, and the space turmoil erupted, sending the opponent into a frenzy!

"Damn it!"


"Pfft... wow!"

In an instant, three people were beheaded by him, screaming and falling down, unable to fight any more!


The remaining three people's expressions changed in horror, they forced out of Jiang Tian's encirclement, and stuck together back to back!

"Instant killing skill, this is the instant killing skill he is famous for!"

"Too strong, how could it be so strong?"

"Those dozen or so paths don't seem to be clones, they seem to be the main body, but how is this possible?"

The three exclaimed in amazement, their faces extremely ugly!

They were quite confident just now, but they suddenly fell into an extremely passive situation.

This kind of contrast and change was too dramatic, and it severely impacted their minds!

"Hole Fist!"

More than a dozen Jiang Tian appeared again, shaking their right fists indiscriminately, and blasting out more than a dozen punches!

Bang bang bang... click... boom!

More than a dozen purple-gold fist shadows burst and burst, directly submerging the void!

The three of them wanted to use back-to-back formations to resist his instant killing skills, but they never thought that they would hit Jiang Tianxia's arms instead!

The power of more than a dozen Dongxu fists was repeatedly superimposed on them, causing a severe impact on them.

Puff puff... wow!

The three of them back to back, not only had to bear the extremely abrupt frontal bombardment of Dongxu Fist, but also had to bear the pressure from their companions behind them.

The situation was chaotic for a while, and it was completely defeated in an instant!

"I lost!"

"But I'm not convinced... Puff, wow!"

"I'm not convinced either... Wow wow wow!"

The three of them vomited blood again and again after being bombarded by more than a dozen punches, they were powerless to fight back, but they were still dissatisfied in their hearts.

Because they haven't had time to display all kinds of hole cards, they feel aggrieved that they will lose their opportunities before they exert their strength.

"Hole Fist?"

"This method doesn't seem too advanced, but the speed is indeed extremely fast!"

"The opponent has no time to react, this is speed to win!"

"Do you really think it's just speed?"

"Jiang Tian is not that simple!"

The war supervisor elders were also shocked!

No one expected that Jiang Tian would win in an instant when he hit six!

And it's crushing to win!

No one expected that the oriental evildoers, who had an absolute advantage in numbers, would be surrounded by Jiang Tian alone!

"it's over!"

"The evildoer of the East has already lost!"

"Jiang Tian...is amazing!"

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