Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6985 We will never recognize

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The war-supervising elders shook their heads and sighed, filled with emotion.

There are huge waves surging in my heart!

Although their cultivation and strength are stronger, if they are placed at the same age and realm, they are far inferior to Jiang Tian!

"Are you still fighting?" Jiang Tian looked at the three opponents who were in a panic, and the other three who fell into the forest.

"No... no more fights!"

"We lost...we lost!"

These oriental evildoers shook their heads one after another, unable to fight against them anymore.

Although they were unwilling, if they continued to fight, they would only be hurt more severely.

They already understood the fact that together they are not Jiang Tian's opponent!

"Instant killing technique, it's too terrifying!"

"The instant killing technique itself is indeed terrifying, but it is even more terrifying when coupled with his various methods!"

"Such an opponent, even if you give us a few more people, I'm afraid we won't be able to deal with him!"

"I lost, I lost nothing to say!"

"If you don't accept it, you have to hold back!"

"I can't beat it, I really can't beat it!"

The three oriental evildoers stepped into the air and met with the others in the same way.

For Jiang Tian, ​​they really had nothing to do.

"It... actually won!"

Begina, who turned her head to wait and see, had a face full of horror at this moment, her body shook violently, and turbulent waves set off in her mind!

One dozen six!

Jiang Tian actually won!

This is so bizarre and so shocking!

Only at this moment did she realize that Jiang Tian's strength was beyond her imagination.

During the entire Supernova Conference, I'm afraid I didn't use all my hole cards, nor did I display my ultimate combat power.

"So that's how it is, that's how it is!"

Beckina shook her head and smiled wryly, her heart miserable.

After arguing for a long time, she still underestimated this "master" after all!

Standing on the top of Wanzhang Mountain, she solemnly saluted Jiang Tian.

At this moment, she truly recognized and convinced this master!

It's not the helplessness of asking to admit the Lord just now due to the situation!

"Hope we'll see each other again!"

"At that time, how strong will you be?"

"I hope I can catch up with you then!"


Birkina stepped into the sky, turned into a snow-colored rainbow and broke through the sky, leaving the God Constructing Realm straight away!

"she left!"

"Vegina is gone!"

"As a representative figure of the Western Super City, she was contracted by Jiang Tian in this Supernova Conference, and she also took the initiative to request the other party's contract, which must be tolerated by the Western martial arts world!"

"She can't go back, where will she go next?"

"I don't know, but the Dao Domain is so big, there is always a place for her, right?"

"Not necessarily! The power of the Western Martial Arts world is also unfathomable. They must not tolerate this shame, and most likely want to obliterate it!"

"This is inevitable! It would be fine if Begina just lost, but she took the initiative to ask to be contracted by Jiang Tian. This is destined to be unbearable by the Western martial arts world!"

"And Bait! This evildoer with a physical body and a super-strong contract bloodline, he was also contracted by Jiang Tian, ​​and I am afraid that he will not be tolerated by the West!"

"It's natural, the future road for both of them... will be full of hardships and dangers!"

"Look, he's gone too!"


After Begina, Byte stepped into the sky and escaped from the God-Constructing Realm with great strides!

Every step he took, the void was crushed by him, causing violent space ripples!

"Strong, too strong!"

"But as strong as this evildoer, he still succumbed to Jiang Tian after all!"

"It has to be said that it is no accident that Jiang Tian is the final king of this supernova conference!"

Outside the Realm of Creation of Gods, countless warriors watching the battle were deeply amazed.

This time, Jiang Tian was full of incomparable admiration!

No matter what his origin is, no matter what his origin and background, after this tough battle, he won without dispute and deserved it!

at this time!

In the territory of Zao Shenxu, nearly a hundred evildoers are all staring at Jiang Tian, ​​with different expressions and extremely complicated emotions!

Some are shocked, some feel helpless, some smile and shake their heads, and some even have deep admiration!

"I never expected that among so many super cities, Chiyue City, the most inconspicuous northern city, won the first place!"

"I also didn't expect that Jiang Tian could become the final winner of this conference!"

"It's a pity that I couldn't fight against him. It's really a huge regret!"

"What a pity, do you think you can beat him?" Someone asked with a sneer.

"No no! I guess I'll be crushed by him too, but it's a real regret not being able to experience his strength in person!" The man shook his head and sighed bitterly, and said with a depressed face.

The atmosphere was a bit dull, and everyone felt very uncomfortable.

They all came here with grand dreams, but the rules of the Supernova Conference are destined to have only one winner!

"Brother Jiang, congratulations, you have won the supreme glory for our northern city!" Song Yuan cupped his hands in congratulations, laughing endlessly.

"Brother Jiang, congratulations!"

"The evildoers in our northern city, this trip is worthwhile!"

All the evil spirits in the north bowed to Jiang Tian under the leadership of Song Yuan, thanking him for his dedication and final feat at this Supernova Conference.

Watching this scene, the evildoers from the east, south, and west have mixed feelings!

After a moment of dullness, the evildoers in the east took the lead in congratulating Jiang Tian!

"Jiang Tian, ​​congratulations!"

"This battle, you have nothing to say when you win, we are convinced!"

"You are the true king of this Supernova Conference!"

The evildoers of the East stood in a row and saluted Jiang Tian solemnly.

"You are welcome, you are also good!"

Jiang Tian responded with a smile on his face.

In round after round of contests, although everyone spoke harshly and shot violently, that was actually normal among warriors.

After all, fighting in martial arts is a collision of strength, and sometimes verbal stimulation is even more effective than hard power.

Therefore, as long as they can beat their opponents to win, they often don't mind the specific details and methods.

But now, after the final duel, they could only congratulate Jiang Tian who had won the match!

"Jiang Tian, ​​although we are very unwilling, we have to say that you won impeccably!"

"Congratulations to the evildoer of our southern city!"

The evildoers in the south also congratulated him.

"Thank you!" Jiang Tian nodded and smiled.

Next, it's the Western evildoer's turn!

The evildoers from the two camps of the East and the South looked at these people together.

They are obviously still a little bit dissatisfied!

Looking at Jiang Tian at this moment, his eyes were full of indignation.

"It makes no sense!"

"This person has contracted our two benchmark figures, do we still have to congratulate Dao?"

"We Western warriors never admit defeat!"

"Only we crush others and make contracts with others. No one has ever crushed us and contracted us. I am not convinced by this result!"

"Although Jiang Tian has already won, in my eyes, he is not the real king!"

"Yes! We Western warriors will never recognize his achievements!"

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