Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6986 Conference rewards, three treasures!

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Western evildoers have the same attitude and refuse to face reality!

Especially the contract between Virgina and Beite made them feel a huge threat and humiliation.

This is a disgrace to the Western Martial Arts world. Of course, it is impossible for them to stand together with such a disgrace and surrender to Jiang Tian!

"Jiang Tian, ​​although the level of the Supernova Conference is not low, it's just a competition after all, if you have the ability to fight us to the death!"

"Yes, winning the battle of life and death is the real skill!"

"Do you dare? I'm afraid you don't have the guts!"

Boom... Boom!

More than a dozen evildoers in the west have surging aura and provocative words!


The war supervisor sternly reprimanded!

"How can you question the status of the Supernova Conference? You talk tough, but your actual performance is a mess. Why do you have the face to provoke?"

"You can't win the competition, you still want to fight to the death, I'm afraid you are tired of life!"

The evildoers in the West are determined that the Supernova Conference does not allow life-and-death battles, so at this moment, feel free to provoke them boldly and recklessly.

They didn't care even if they had offended the Elder Supervisor.

"Hmph, hahaha! Elder Supervisor, you seem to be fair, but to put it bluntly, you are actually a bunch of fools, and you will talk to whichever side wins!"

"Isn't it? If we win the final victory now, you will definitely stand on our side and scold Jiang Tian angrily!"

The elder supervisor's face was ashen, and there was a cold light in his eyes!

"Presumptuous! If you dare to provoke the elder supervisor at the Supernova Conference, you probably don't know the prohibition and punishment regulations of the conference!"

"Punishment? Heck, don't do this!" The evildoers in the West shook their heads and laughed.

"The final duel is over, that is to say, the Supernova Conference is over, why should we still listen to you?"

"Are your so-called bans and regulations useful to us?"

"Do you really think we are fools, Elder Supervisor?"

"I didn't say that if we let him fight us again, he won't be able to win!"

The monsters in the West uttered nonsense, which completely angered the Elder Supervisor.

"Jiang Tian, ​​are you willing to fight them?"

"It's just a group of defeated generals, not interested." Jiang Tian shook his head slowly, his expression indifferent.

Elder Du Zhan was not upset, looking at those western monsters, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth instead.

Communicate silently with a few colleagues for a moment, and immediately announce the final result!

"I declare: the final winner of this Supernova Conference - Jiang Tian!"

"The reward given to Jiang Tian by the Supernova Conference will be issued immediately!"

"The first item: Yantian Dao Plasma!"


As soon as the words fell, there was a sensation in the audience!

The corners of all the evildoers' eyes shrank suddenly, and they were shocked!

"Extending Heavenly Dao Paste, it turned out to be Yantian Dao Paste!"

"Oh My God!"

At the same time as the exclamation sounded, the elder supervisor continued to announce the second reward.

"The second item: a ray of divine artistic conception!"


"The artistic conception of creating gods is actually the artistic conception of creating gods!"

"This... this is a great opportunity for the peak powerhouse of the original God Realm to step into the God-Constructing Realm!"

The audience was in an uproar again, and the atmosphere was even higher than before!

"The third item!" The elder supervisor shouted in a deep voice, overwhelming the audience!

"One of the original deified celestial pills!"



The announcement of the three rewards completely blew up the emotions of the audience!

Countless warriors inside and outside the realm of God's Creation exclaimed in amazement, their blood boiling!

"It's against the sky to get three treasures!"

"Opportunity, this is really a terrible opportunity!"

"It's so enviable!"

"If I can beat Jiang Tian, ​​I'll grab these treasures no matter what!"

"It's a pity that I can't, I can only envy and hate!"

"Why not me, why not me?"

Countless warriors beat their chests and stamped their feet, even weeping and howling.

Heavenly Dao Plasma!

It is said that it contains a trace of the power of the Dao. Of course, it is not a rare treasure that directly evolved from the power of the Dao.

Instead, when a certain martial arts master comprehended the power of the Dao, he picked up a wisp and blended it into a special spiritual liquid!

But even so, its efficacy is still extremely coveted, enough to make countless warriors crazy about it!

It is said that only one drop of Yantian Dao Jelly can help warriors comprehend and integrate the power of Dao!

This kind of power of the Dao is different from the will of the Dao in the "Critical Dao Domain"!

The will of the Dao belongs to the aftermath and aftertaste of the power of the Dao, or the product after it is extremely weakened and diluted.

And the power of the great way is the purest and most terrifying power!

It is said that a trace of the power of the Great Dao is fused into Yantian Dao Plasma. This power can turn decay into magic and help warriors break through the bottleneck that is difficult to break.

It is also of great benefit to some warriors who are not yet in the bottleneck period!

It can enhance the martial arts talent of the warrior, improve the bloodline qualification of the warrior, remove impurities from the warrior's physical body, and greatly strengthen the physical strength of the warrior!

It can significantly increase the martial artist's future cultivation potential!

It can be said that this is a major opportunity that some warriors with poor aptitude but high level and great ambitions are crazily craving for!

And now, this great opportunity is about to be handed over to Jiang Tian!

How can you not be envious?

"Strong, too strong!"

"I didn't expect the rewards of this Supernova Conference to be so luxurious!"

"There is also a god-making artistic conception, which is also a good thing that can't be found!"

The artistic conception of creating gods is a special contribution from the great power of creating divine realms.

This kind of thing, under normal circumstances, no one will take it out and give it to others.

Only in some aristocratic families and sects with strong foundations, there will be some powerful people who give it to the most favored juniors to help them break the limit of the original gods and enter the gods!

Therefore, the greatest use of this kind of thing is to seek advanced use for those who are at the peak of the original god realm!

"Jiang Tian has not entered the level of the original God Realm, it is a waste to take such an opportunity!"

"It's not just a waste, it's a waste of money!"

"Maybe this ray of god-making artistic conception can help him step into the original god realm in one fell swoop?"

"Maybe, but that would be an unimaginable luxury!"

Numerous Martial Arts shook their heads and sighed, burning greed and longing radiated from their eyes.

God-making artistic conception is a great opportunity to help the peak powerhouse of the original god realm to break through the barrier. It is an extremely wasteful use to help a starry sky warrior advance to the original god realm!

Simply unimaginable!

If that master of the god-making realm knew that the precious will he contributed was actually used by a junior in the starry sky realm to advance to the original god realm, he might be so angry that he vomited blood!

"Don't guess, I'm sure that Jiang Tian won't use the artistic conception of creating gods for his recent breakthrough!" An old man said loudly.


"Look at the third reward!"


The third reward - the original deified celestial pill!

This kind of elixir is used to improve and enhance the cultivation base and aptitude of the original god realm warriors, and it is somewhat similar to the effect of Yantian Daojiang to some extent.

But there is also a difference between the two!

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