Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6987 Tens of thousands?

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The original deified celestial pill does not have any great power, but its improvement and promotion of warriors within the original god realm is more direct and significant!

To put it simply, warriors at the original level of God Realm will have a significant improvement in their overall aptitude after taking this pill.

And it will directly break through a level!

After hearing the old man's explanation, everyone understood and fell into shock!

"Wait! Jiang Tian is not at the level of the original God Realm, what effect will taking this elixir have?"

The old man shook his head and said, "Ordinary starry sky warriors dare not take it at all!"


"Because it will burst the flesh body by its power, and fall on the spot!"


Everyone was shocked and appalled, and gasped one after another!

The effect of the original deified celestial pill is too overbearing!

"So, this pill is temporarily useless to him?"

"Not necessarily!" The old man shook his head again.

"You have also seen Jiang Tian's strength. It is not too much to say that he is a strong man in the original god realm. His combat power has reached or even faintly surpassed the original god realm level, and he has both a physical body and a space master body. Taking this kind of medicine should not be too much of a problem!"

"And did you notice?"


"His power in the starry sky can even surpass the power of the opponent's original god realm, which is too terrifying!"


"That's how Beckina was crushed by him, she was powerless to fight back!"

"Terrible, terrible!"

The atmosphere was oppressive, and everyone was shocked by Jiang Tian's methods!

Deep awe surged in my heart!


With such a strong aptitude, there shouldn't be much problem in taking the original deified celestial pill.

"So, do you think he will use the artistic conception of God-making for his recent breakthrough?"

"of course not!"

"If it were me, I wouldn't be so stupid!"

Everyone shook their heads and smiled wryly, feeling extremely sour in their hearts.

Such an opportunity, they couldn't wait for it, and they didn't even have the chance to take a look at it.

But Jiang Tian, ​​because of his own realm, doesn't need to use it temporarily.

Comparing the two, what a huge gap it is!

"Jiang Tian, ​​although you won the final victory, I must remind you not to be too proud!"

The elder supervisor looked at Jiang Tian and kindly reminded him.

"Thank you elder!" Jiang Tian nodded slowly, listening humbly.

"You know, this is just a supernova competition of a hundred cities. There are tens of thousands of super cities in the entire Dao Domain. If they are gathered together, the scale and difficulty will be beyond imagination. The so-called people outside the world, people outside the sky, don't think that if you win the first place here, you will be invincible in the entire Dao Domain, or you will fall!"


Jiang Tian was surprised!

Before that, he thought that there were only more than a thousand super cities in Daoyu, but he didn't expect there to be so many!

This overturned his previous cognition and imagination, and made him feel the vastness and vastness of the Dao Domain.

The area covered by a super city is already very large. How big should the Dao domain where thousands of super cities gather together be?

There is no doubt that even if hundreds or thousands of lower realms are added together, it may not be comparable to a dao domain!

At this moment, Jiang Tian's heart surged with thoughts, and it was difficult to suppress the shock in his heart!

"Of course, you don't need to underestimate yourself. After all, you have won round after round by hard power, and you deserve these rewards!"

"Although the level of martial arts in our area can't stand alone in the Dao Domain, you can still be regarded as standing among the peak ranks of the younger generation in the entire Dao Domain!"

While reminding him kindly, the elder supervisor also gave Jiang Tian the greatest affirmation!

Jiang Tian didn't care about these flattery, he paid more attention to other things!

"Elder, do I have a chance to contact supernova winners from other places?"

The supernova elder shook his head: "The process of the Supernova Conference has come to an end. The official conference has no further arrangements, but the Taoist Palace will release a list of Dao Domain Supernovas after all the competitions are over. If you really want to get in touch with those people, you can get to know them first!"

"Supernova list!"

Jiang Tian was refreshed!

"Dare to ask the elders, how is this list ranked?"

The elder supervisor smiled and said: "The ranking has nothing to do with specific strength, but is arranged according to the speed of the Supernova Conference. Among all the divisions, the first to determine the final winner is the first, and so on, only in order, regardless of strength!"

"So, this is a leaderboard with no strength or weakness!"

"That's right, so if you are lucky enough to be at the top, don't underestimate those who rank lower than you in the future, maybe their strength is much higher than yours!"

The Elder Superintendent explained seriously, solving the doubts in Jiang Tian's heart.

"Thank you elder, this junior understands!"

Jiang Tian received the three awards, bowed and stood aside.

"I declare: this Supernova Conference has come to a successful conclusion!"


With the order of the elder supervisor, the Supernova Conference is completely over!

Countless warriors inside and outside Zao Shenxu fell into carnival-like turmoil.

More than a dozen war supervisor elders gathered together and looked at Jiang Tian with interest.

"What's the matter with the Dao Palace's reward list? After so many rounds of competitions, why haven't you refreshed the ranking?"

"Yeah, I can't wait to see Jiang Tian's latest ranking!"

"He has won so many opponents, and he has also ascended to the throne of the Supernova Conference. His ranking will definitely skyrocket!"

"He was five thousand five hundred and ninety-nine before, how many will he be after the refresh?"

"I guess he is likely to jump up to a thousand again!"

"This... I'm afraid it's a bit difficult!"

"That's right, the higher the reward list, the more exaggerated the fighting power will be, and the pressure to improve the ranking will be great. Although he has a good record, he may not be able to climb another thousand places!"

"Just wait and see!"

The elders who supervised the war did not wait for the news that the reward list was refreshed, and one of them suddenly looked at a dozen or so western evildoers.

With a strange smile on his face, he said: "The Supernova Conference is over, you are no longer restricted by us, Jiang Tian is here, aren't you dissatisfied, go challenge!"

The western evildoer immediately looked at Jiang Tian, ​​and the atmosphere was suddenly a little awkward!

"Shall we... want to challenge him?"

"Of course, you go, I will cheer for you!"


A dozen evildoers looked at each other in blank dismay, and none of them dared to fight!

"What are you talking about? If you don't make a move, he will leave!" the elder supervisor urged, looking like he was watching a good show.

The faces of more than a dozen western evildoers turned red, and they didn't have the courage to challenge Jiang Tian at all.

"Even if you want to fight, you can't fight here!"

"These dogs are forcing the elders to watch us laugh, and we must not let them succeed!"

"If we really want to fight here, if we can't keep it all, they will have to do it secretly. We must not be fooled!"

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