Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6988 The reward list is refreshed, shocking the audience!

Biquge www.xbiquge.bz, the fastest update of the Dragon Emperor!

"Hitting is a must, but let's leave the God Constructing Realm first. After all, are you really not interested in those heavy treasures in Jiang Tian's hands?"

"It must be a lie to say that you are not tempted, I wish I could grab it now!"

If you want to win the treasure, you naturally have to avoid the war supervisor elders.

Although the conference has ended and the three rewards have become Jiang Tian's personal belongings, they must not be snatched in front of the supervising elders.

The other party will not let them snatch the treasure, that would be like slapping the Supernova Conference official in the face!


Whoosh whoosh!

The evildoers in the west immediately turned their heads and fled away, far away from the realm of the gods!

"Coming, coming soon!"

"Oh, is the Dao Palace's reward list about to be refreshed?"

"That's right!"

A supervising elder waved his hand, and suddenly an illusory list of lofty heights appeared in the void, standing between the heaven and the earth in the imaginary realm of god-making!


Seeing this list, countless warriors inside and outside the virtual world were shocked!

"Wanzhang list!"

"Dao Palace Reward List!"

"It's coming, it's coming!"

Countless lines of sight gathered on the Wanzhang list, eagerly looking forward to the upcoming ranking update.

The majestic white list stands between the sky and the earth, with a majestic and domineering momentum!

Buzz buzz!

Accompanied by bursts of strange buzzing, the white list began to refresh!

Golden light surged at the top of the list, but the top rankings remained unchanged!

Everyone looked directly at the bottom of the list, looking forward to Jiang Tian's latest ranking!

But this time, they found that the refresh rate of the list was a bit slow!


"so slow!"

"Refresh so slow?"

"It seems that his ranking should not be too low!"

"It was five thousand five hundred and ninety-nine before, how many will it be now?"

"Maybe it can really skyrocket by a thousand!"

Countless warriors kept their eyes on the giant list, suppressing their inner excitement, watching it keep refreshing.

"Seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred..."

Just when everyone thought that the list was about to surpass one thousand, the squirming golden light suddenly stopped!



"This is……"

Everyone looked towards the bottom of the list!

I saw the golden light squirming there, and a ranking that shocked the audience suddenly appeared!

"Nine hundred and ninety-ninth——Jiang Tian, ​​the original ranking, five thousand five hundred and ninety-nine!"

"My God!"

"Nine hundred and ninety-nine!"

"The number soared by 5,000!"


The inside and outside of Zao Shenxu exploded directly!


too exaggerated!

It's horrible!

Jiang Tian's ranking skyrocketed by five thousand!

From the original five thousand five hundred and ninety-nine, it directly rose to nine hundred and ninety-nine!

Straight into the top 1,000!

"Oh My God!"

"Top 1,000!"

"He actually broke into the top 1,000!"

"This is a rank that won't change easily, and he actually got into it!"

Swipe, swipe, swipe!

Countless lines of sight converged on Jiang Tian, ​​full of shock and horror!

"Top 1,000, he actually broke into the top 1,000!"

"This is too scary!"

The corners of the elders' eyes twitched, they were shocked!

Even if Jiang Tian rose by one or two thousand, they felt that it was a bit exaggerated.

Unexpectedly, it directly jumped to 5,000, and rushed into the top 1,000!

"No! Don't you feel it? This ranking is a bit abnormal!" an elder who supervised the battle said in a deep voice, his eyes were dignified!

"It's really not normal. It is impossible for him to rise so far!"

"Even if he jumps up one or two thousand ranks, I can accept it, but it's unreasonable for him to jump up to five thousand ranks all of a sudden and reach such a high rank!"

"Although he won the first place in the Supernova Conference, this round of record is not enough to support him to reach this rank!"

"What is the reason that made him rush to this position?"

The war elders looked at each other in blank dismay, deeply puzzled.

"Could it be...the Taoist Palace made a mistake?"

"How is it possible? This is the reward list, there will be no mistake!"

"Then why is his ranking so outrageous?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and couldn't tell why for a while.

In short, Jiang Tian's current ranking does not match his record.

The rank of nine hundred and ninety-nine is too high, far beyond the due rank!

"No matter what the reason is, the ranking will not go wrong!"

"This can only show that there are some factors we don't know that have affected this ranking change!"

"What happened to Dao Palace that made his ranking so exaggerated?"

"Does anyone know?"

The elders looked at each other and shook their heads.

They have been supervising the battle, putting all their body and mind into the duel at the Supernova Conference, and they don't understand the reason why Dao Palace gave this ranking.

Although Jiang Tian had already gained fame before coming to the Supernova Conference, he didn't seem to have an overly exaggerated record.

As for the Dao Palace, what is the reason for giving such an outrageous ranking?

"Jiang Tian, ​​should we congratulate you?"

The war supervisor elders looked at Jiang Tian with strange expressions.

"No need!" Jiang Tian shook his head slowly, his expression also a little dignified.

This ranking also shocked him!

Before that, he didn't pay too much attention to the reward list.

But now, he had to pay attention!

The prediction in his mind is to raise one to two thousand, which is already the limit.

But now that he broke into the top 1000 all of a sudden, he himself felt that it was outrageous!

He has a strong intuition: someone is messing with him!

Someone wants to use this list to do something!

Who is it?

Being on the reward list itself means huge trouble, and now that the ranking is exaggerated, who has so much energy?

As for the Dao Palace, why would they allow the other party to arbitrarily manipulate the rankings?

Everything is unknown!

But behind this, there seemed to be a mysterious big hand fueling the flames, as if it wanted to draw the attention of the entire Dao Domain to him!

"Jiang Tian, ​​you have to be more careful!"

"After the limelight is over, we will face unprecedented troubles!"

"You still have three rewards in your hand, which is enough to make people envious. Coupled with this outrageous ranking, your road ahead is not destined to be easy!"

"Take care!"

After being kindly reminded by the elders who supervised the war, they put away the God-making Void Realm!


The light and shadow in the void are changing, the power of space is slowly surging, and the god-making virtual realm has disappeared.

Everyone returned to the void of the gods and stood in the real void and forest.

"Brother Jiang, I'm leaving, let's go to another super city!"

Although Song Yuan did not achieve the desired results, his martial arts heart was still firm.

He bid farewell to Jiang Tian, ​​turned around and fled.

"Bon Voyage!"

Jiang Tian handed him off.

"Brother Jiang, we're going back!"

The evildoers in the north who used to call Jiang Tian his brother have all changed their names to "Brother Jiang".

This is recognition and respect for him!

"Best journey everyone!" Jiang Tian nodded with a smile.

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