Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6992 You forced us!

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"Exemption from gambling bills!"


There was an uproar at the scene, and everyone was shocked!

They couldn't refuse the conditions offered by the strange scholars.

Because if they fulfilled the full amount, all the spirit crystals on them would be lost!

"what to do?"

"What else are you thinking, stop it!"

Boom boom boom boom boom boom!

In an instant, hundreds of figures soared into the sky, and began to block those who wanted to escape!

"Damn it!"

"how so?"

"Damn it, we were fooled!"

As the so-called shooting outcropping birds, they are the first to escape, and naturally become outcropping birds and living targets.

Became the target of public criticism!

Hundreds of warriors rushed forward frantically, and launched a violent bombardment without any explanation.

Bang, click... Boom!

"Damn it!"

"You dare?"

"don't want!"


Exclamations and screams resounded through the void, and one after another figures quickly fell down.

Under such a dense attack, no one could escape successfully.

The first group of escapees was about to be completely annihilated, but someone suddenly had a quick wit!

"Boss, if we take the initiative to intercept others, can we also get rid of the bill?"

"Yes, of course!" The strange scholar laughed and nodded: "The prodigal son will not change his money when he turns back. Knowing his mistakes can make a big difference. It's not too late for you to turn back now!"


Bang, bang, bang... Boom, boom!

The roar suddenly became more intense!

The few fleeing people suddenly turned around and launched a mad attack on their companions, knocking down more than a dozen people in an instant!


"Damn it!"

"What are you doing?"

The person who was knocked down was devastated and furious.

"What? Of course it's you guys!"

"Who wouldn't do it if you can avoid gambling debts?"

"I'm sorry brother, this is all forced by the situation, I hope you don't resent us!"

In this way, all the escapees were knocked down in an instant, and no one escaped successfully!

A group of warriors rushed to the strange scholar to ask for credit!

"I stopped a family!"

"I stopped two of them!"

"I stopped three of them!"

Everyone scrambled to show off their achievements, begging the strange scholar to avoid the gambling debt.

"Very good, everyone, don't panic, keep order and line up!"

"Those who stop the family stand to the left and get half of the betting bill!"

"Thank you boss!"

"Boss gets rich!"

These people lined up to deliver the spirit crystals, and they saved half of them!

"Stop the two and stand to the right, and you can leave after I confirm!"

"Boss is awesome!"

"The boss is trustworthy!"

These people also lined up, waiting for the strange scholar to check.

The strange scholar glanced at it, and a sneer suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth!

"You, come out!"

"Who! Me?"

Everyone backed away one after another, revealing a fat man with wicked eyebrows and mouse eyes!

"Yes, it's you!"

The strange scholar sneered.

"You are among the fleeing crowd, do you really think I didn't see it?"


"There are still escapees who want to get away with it!"

"It's simply unreasonable!"

"What do you think of us?"

"Hit him!"

Everyone was enraged, ready to step forward and fight!

"You dare?" The fat man pointed at everyone and threatened them fiercely!

But then he was swarmed and beaten by angry crowd!

"Ahh...don't hit me...let me go...ah!"

After a violent beating, everyone calmed down.

"You guys can go!"

The strange scholar waved his hand, waiving the opponent's gambling debt.

Those who had stopped the two families left gratefully.

"Stop the people from the three families, and you can go too!"

"Thank you boss, won't the boss give you some rewards, after all, we stopped one more family!"

"Reward?" The strange scholar sneered, "You don't want me to pay you back, do you?"

"Don't dare!"

"Then why don't you get out?"

"Okay, okay, let's go!"

These people also left quickly.

Behind the remaining hundreds of thousands of gaming tables, those elders, shopkeepers, and deacons witnessed the strange scholar's methods all the way, and they were all honest!

Those who had some thoughts at first also dispelled the distracting thoughts in their minds.

What are you running?

Be willing to admit defeat!

In order not to be beaten up, you have to pay the full amount!

"Boss, we were wrong, this is the gambling debt we should pay you, please accept it!"

"Wait!" The strange scholar waved his hand and said with a sneer, "You people who have been stopped, don't you want to pay the full amount?"

"Huh? Why don't we just pay the bills, can we also give us a reduction?" Everyone was stunned!

"I want to eat farts!" The strange scholar cursed: "You people, double your gambling bills to make up for my loss!"



"We are not convinced!"

"You are extorting, it is robbery!"

"Why don't you go grab it?"

These people are all angry!

All the accounts waived by the co-authored strange scholar have been transferred to them!

Who can bear this?

"No one can escape from my account, and I have to pay it if I don't pay it!"

The strange scribe has a tough attitude and won't budge an inch!

After a moment of stalemate, some people did not dare to hold on, so they could only bite the bullet and send the spirit crystal with tears in their eyes.

But there are also some people who plan to carry it to the end!

"If you don't pay, I just won't pay!"

"Yes! Raise the price at random and double it suddenly. You broke the rules first. We don't accept this account!"

These people put on a posture that a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, and planned to completely renege on this gambling account.

"I broke the rules first? Put your mother's shit on!" The strange scholar cursed at the top of his voice.

"It's obvious that you guys want to evade the bill, but you dare to argue when I stop you, you're so fucking shameless!"

"Tell you, I blame the scholar's account, you can't afford it, and you have to pay it if you don't!"

The strange scholar yelled at this person, and his attitude became even tougher!

"If you don't pay, don't pay, we won't pay!"

"Yes, we just won't pay!"

"What can you do to us?"

Everyone looked at the strange scholar with fierce eyes!

All of them are warriors. Although their strength is not comparable to the monsters of the Supernova Conference, there is no lack of strong ones.

And this strange scholar, who doesn't seem to have any aura of cultivation, is obviously a mortal!

A mere mortal dares to challenge these powerful fighters, probably because he thinks he has lived too long!

"Boy, you forced us to do this!"

"Since everyone breaks the rules, there will be no rules!"

"Not only will we not pay our dues today, but we will also teach you a lesson you will never forget!"

"Fuck him!"

Boom... Boom, boom!


More than a dozen warriors with strong aura rushed towards the strange scholar, seeing that this battle was not just as simple as teaching him a lesson.

A mortal with no cultivation base, under such intensive and violent attacks, his life may be in danger!

"Hiss! What are they going to do? This is to completely break the rules of our gambling house!"

"I can't help it, this strange scholar relied on his own reasoning and provoked wildly, but he forgot that these people are warriors!"

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