Biquge, the fastest update of the Dragon Emperor!

"That's right, if a mortal provoked and angered the martial artist, what would be the consequences? Doesn't he understand?"

"This is the price of his lack of calmness, no one can save him!"

The onlookers sighed one after another, as if they had seen the tragic scene of the strange scholar being blasted into flying ash.

"Everyone, we can pack up and leave!"

"Yeah, it seems that there is no need to pay this account!"

"Everyone, goodbye!"

"Goodbye, farewell!"

Everyone began to tidy up their account books and prepare to leave.

Crack... Rumble!

The roar reached its peak, and dozens of spiritual powers had already drowned the strange scholar!

He didn't even utter a scream, and his whole body was engulfed by the dazzling aura!

"Hahahaha, this is the price for provoking us!"

"If you talk to us well, it's not like we can't consider paying our dues!"

"It's his fault for being too tough. Who gave him the guts for a mortal to challenge us martial arts experts?"

After everyone shot, they were still venting their anger.

"A group of warriors dare to attack me, a mortal, who gave you the face and courage?"



"He's not dead!"

"How can it be?"

Hearing the strange scholar's voice, everyone hurriedly dispersed the frenzy of spiritual power.

When I looked closely, my face changed drastically!


"Impossible, this is impossible!"

At this time, the strange scholar was not injured at all!

"Damn it!"

"how so?"

"He can withstand our violent bombardment, is he also a strong martial artist?"

Whoosh whoosh!

One after another divine thoughts converged on the strange scholar, as if they wanted to see him through.

But then it was discovered that the strange scholar was indeed just a mortal, without the slightest fluctuation of spiritual power at all!

"How can it be?"

"Explore again, investigate carefully!"

Whoosh whoosh!

More and more spiritual thoughts enveloped the strange scholar, and the result was a complete shock!

He is indeed a mortal without cultivation!

Didn't even use any magic weapon!

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"It's too weird. Without cultivation and magic weapon, how did he withstand our violent bombardment?"

The warriors who made the move were horrified, their eyes widened.

At this moment, everyone's eyes on the strange scholar changed!

Become full of fear and shock!

In the bottom of everyone's heart, there was a stormy sea!



A mortal who has no fluctuations in cultivation and has not used magic weapons or talismans can withstand the violent bombardment of more than a dozen warriors without any injuries.

This is not right!

Totally wrong!

If something goes wrong, there must be a demon, and there is a big problem here!

Think carefully!

"Who exactly is Your Excellency?"

"A martial artist like Your Excellency, don't say that I have never seen it in this life, even if there is no similar situation recorded in any ancient books!"

"Who is your Excellency, and which force do you come from?"

All eyes focused on the strange scholar, extremely dignified!

The strange scholar waved his hand, the cloud is calm and the wind is light!

"Have you ever heard that, jumping out of the world, not in the five elements, the avenue is like floating clouds to me, and the long river of time and space is free for me to swim?"


"Jump out of the world, not in the five elements!"

"The avenue is like floating clouds to me, and the long river of time and space allows me to swim?"

"So bold!"

"What a bold strategy!"

"What an amazing layout!"


Everyone was shocked by these words, and they looked at the strange scholar with strange, bizarre and deep fear!

There were not a few strong original gods present, but none of them dared to say such bold words.

Even those great powers whose cultivation has reached the level of God-making Realm, dare not say that they can jump out of the world!

Not to mention scary slogans such as the avenue is like floating clouds, and the river of time and space is free to swim.

Who is this person, what background and background does he have?

The eyes of everyone looking at the strange scholar became even more weird!

"Who am I, you don't need to know, and you can't know, otherwise you can't bear the karma!"

Karma can't bear it!


The hearts of the people exploded in shock, and they were extremely shocked!

What a big tone, what a terrifying momentum!

At this moment, an extremely terrifying idea spread in the hearts of everyone!

They were reminded of some horrible possibility!

Some mighty warriors with extremely high levels of cultivation will be undetectable in front of warriors with extremely low cultivation levels!

Could it be that this strange scholar has reached that level, making it impossible for them, the original gods, to detect it?

If this is the case, how high should his realm be?

God-making realm?

Absolute realm?

Or...or is it even more terrifying, bizarre, and extremely high realm beyond imagination?


Everyone gasped, their spines shivered, and they felt the greatest fear and shock in their lives.



Extreme horror!

"I...we...we are willing to bet and admit defeat!"

"Senior, calm down, we were wrong!"

"We are willing to pay the previous gambling bill!"

The dozen or so warriors who shot at him just now were all terrified at the moment!

They all begged him for mercy with pale faces, ready to hand over their gambling debts.

"No need, your spirit crystals are spared, but you have to use other things to make up for it!" The strange scholar said expressionlessly.


Everyone was startled, secretly exclaiming that something is wrong!


The strange scholar waved his hand, as if nothing happened.

But at the same time as he waved his palm, a dozen warriors who were attacking him disappeared out of thin air!

The whole process was silent, and it just disappeared out of thin air!

Under the eyes of hundreds of thousands of warriors, they disappeared without a sound!

It was as if they had never come to this world, or that these people never existed in this world!

Hiss hiss!

Everyone was completely terrified!

Extreme fear enveloped their hearts, and they didn't even dare to make a loud gasp, covering their mouths one by one.

Looking at the strange scholar's eyes, he became extremely frightened!

"Ex...predecessor is a good way!"

"I really admire you!"

"Senior, please hold your hand high and spare our lives!"

Hula la la!

Bang bang bang!

In an instant, hundreds of thousands of warriors bowed down to the strange scholar, kowtowing frantically to him and begging for mercy!

"Get up!"

The strange scholar waved his hand.

"The mistakes they made will naturally be borne by them, and you are right, why do you need to beg me for mercy?"

"There are a lot of seniors!"

"Thank you, senior, for your forgiveness!"

Everyone was shocked, but they didn't dare to neglect in the slightest. While slowly getting up, they thanked each other carefully.

Next, don't blame the scholar to shout again, everyone lined up to deliver the financial account.

"Seniors, juniors have something to say, don't know whether to say it or not?"

A group of older-looking elders of casinos and business houses came forward and asked cautiously.

"Speak!" The strange scholar waved his hand and said.

"Although those people have been wiped out by the seniors just now, the gambling debts they owe are huge. After discussing with a few of us, we decided to collect their gambling debts to make up for the losses of the seniors!"

"No need!" The strange scholar refused decisively!

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