Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6994 Unfathomable!

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"Senior..." They hesitated to speak, but they didn't dare to force them, for fear of offending each other!

"The debts owed by them will naturally be repaid by them. It has nothing to do with you. As a person, I can still distinguish clearly, and as a person, I don't care about money!" said the strange scholar.

"There are a lot of seniors!"

"Senior has a broad mind!"

"Seniors have clear grievances!"

"Seniors are admirable!"

Everyone flattered wildly, making the strange scholar extremely annoyed.

"All right, all right, stop flattering, you can shoot anyone, it's useless to shoot me!"

The strange scholar waved his hands again and again: "Because flattering me won't do me any favors!"

"Senior's words are serious. We sincerely respect and admire seniors. How dare we ask for any benefits?"

"In front of an expert like Senior, if we still dare to be utilitarian, it would be a kind of blasphemy!"

"Okay, I should go!"

The strange scholar didn't want to listen to their nonsense anymore and was about to leave.

"Senior, please wait!"

"What is it?"

These old men asked the strange scholar to stay, and said hesitantly.

"There is a situation that needs to be reported to senior. In view of the huge amount of gambling this time, senior will have a huge impact on the surrounding one hundred super cities. Specifically, there will be huge fluctuations in the exchange price of spirit crystals in these more than one hundred super cities. If seniors are interested, they can take this opportunity to amass a lot of money, and even control the lifelines of the surrounding one hundred super cities!"

"That's it?" The strange scholar shook his head and laughed.

"To tell you the truth, I don't care about spirit crystals at all. I'm not interested in hundreds of small cities, let alone control their spirit crystal lifelines. You guys think too much!"



The strange scholar shouted loudly, took a step forward, and disappeared into the void in an instant!

Looking at the place where he disappeared, everyone fell into extreme fear again!

"No... there is no spatial fluctuation!"

"It's not a space escape technique, nor is it tearing the void, so what exactly is it?"

"Obviously it's not a magic talisman, let alone a magic circle. What kind of method is this?"

"It's too scary!"

A large number of well-informed and powerful original gods were all shocked by this scene!

Even if it is the peak power of the original God Realm, it is impossible to leave no traces before escaping.

Who is this strange scholar?

No one knew the answer, and all that remained in everyone's hearts was extreme panic!

But only a moment later, they suddenly realized that they couldn't remember the appearance of that strange scholar, nor his voice!

"How can it be?"

"Oh My God!"

"This is horrible!"

"Destructive power, this is definitely a destructive power!"

"The cultivation of that senior is unfathomable and unimaginable!"


Everyone gasped, venting their inner horror.

However, the next moment, something even more terrifying happened!

Everyone got rid of the shock and horror, and suddenly became calm!

It was as if nothing had happened, and all the things they had just experienced were completely gone from their minds!

"Huh! The Supernova Conference is finally over!"

"Everyone, we should go too!"

"It's time to leave, colleagues, goodbye!"




Someone released the flying boat, someone stepped into the air, and each escaped far away.

So far, everything that happened at the Supernova Conference is completely over!

But in the next few days, a terrifying wave began to sweep through the surrounding hundred super cities!

The price of the best spirit crystal has risen sharply!

Driven by the high-grade, middle-grade, and low-grade spirit crystals are also skyrocketing!

This crazy scene swept across the territory of a hundred super cities.

In view of this situation, countless martial arts masters began to purchase high-grade, middle-grade, and low-grade spirit crystals, and used various methods to infuse them with spiritual power to artificially create top-grade spirit crystals!

However, the success rate of forcibly producing top-grade spirit crystals has not been high, and the success rate of high-grade, medium-grade, and low-grade spirit crystals also shows huge stepwise differences.

Even those powerful original gods with strong cultivation bases, using high-level spirit crystals as raw materials, have a success rate of less than one-tenth!

And this crazy move triggered an even stronger chain reaction!

It further led to a sharp drop in the concentration of heaven and earth aura in the territory of one hundred super cities, and then even affected the practice of the majority of warriors.

There are a large number of warriors who are stuck in the bottleneck and cannot advance, and some warriors who are ready to break through are stuck in the bottleneck and cannot advance or retreat!

Such a scene also swept through Chiyue City!

At this time, Jiang Tian has returned to the city!

Seeing the chaos in the city, he was furious!

Jiang Tian stood in the air, overlooking the entire Chiyue City!

The once magnificent city has now been ravaged beyond recognition.

As far as the eye can see, there is a mess, a large number of buildings have been destroyed by spiritual power, and the corpses of warriors and common people are everywhere, it is extremely miserable!

"Who did it?"

Jiang Tian roared furiously, his killing intent soaring into the sky!


A tidal wave of divine thoughts spread and continued to spread in the city.

"The city lord... big... man..."

In the ruins of the City Lord's Mansion, there was a faint call, intermittent and weak.


Jiang Tian took a step forward and teleported to above the ruins of the City Lord's Mansion.

The original majestic and majestic City Lord's Mansion has now been razed to the ground, leaving only large areas of architectural ruins, as well as patches of raging spiritual fires and large columns of smoke rising into the sky!

With a big wave of Jiang Tian's hand, one person was rescued from the ruins!

This person is the Great Elder of the City Lord's Mansion, once a strong man in the original God Realm, but now his cultivation has fallen to the astonishing level of the Star Realm!

Moreover, his vitality is rapidly passing away, and it is already exhausted, and it is irreparable!


Jiang Tian injected blood spiritual power, trying to save this subordinate.

The Great Elder of the City Lord's Mansion regained his aura slightly, but he still couldn't stop falling.

Jiang Tian frowned and sighed secretly.

It's useless, the other party's injuries are too serious, it seems that some special secret technique has been used to wait for him to come back.

No matter how much spiritual power he poured into it, it was useless!

"Who did it?" Jiang Tian asked.

"They... have different backgrounds and unknown identities, they are all... coming for you, little... heart!"

After the Great Elder said these words, his vitality completely disappeared, and his physical body disintegrated!


Jiang Tian's breath soared, and the huge coercion instantly leveled the entire territory of the City Lord's Mansion!

A large area of ​​ruins was turned into dust, and was shaken into the air by his violent coercion, and scattered far away!

"No matter who it is, I will make you pay the price in blood!"

Jiang Tian let go of his divine sense and scanned with all his strength.

Soon, in a certain corner of the city, several gloomy auras were detected!


He took a step forward, teleported there, and slammed his palm at the remaining building involuntarily!

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