Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6996 Hegemony promotion!

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The opportunity in Jiang Tian is obviously more than the three treasures, he himself is a huge throne.

If they can understand all the secrets in this throne, their gains will be beyond imagination!

Rumble... boom!

Facing the crazy siege of five people, Jiang Tian had to teleport temporarily!

The rapid expansion of the Void Dominion covers more than ten thousand feet of void. Although the power has been diluted infinitely, it has finally enveloped countless spatial frenzy and reduced their damage to the greatest extent.

At the same time, these suppressed frenzied flows of space turned into streams of pure void power, which quickly poured down on him, forming considerable nourishment.

It's just that now, Jiang Tian is in no mood to savor it carefully.

Because he still has to face the backlash and turmoil caused by waves of space storms in his body!

Although the Void Swallowing Art can swallow them into the body, because these space storms are too violent, it will inevitably cause some impact.

Rumble... boom rumble!

While dodging the opponent's mad attack, Jiang Tian suppressed the turmoil caused by the spiritual power of space.

The Void Hegemony received a double impact from inside and outside, and its aura rose and fell wildly, violently turbulent!

"This kid can't stand it anymore!"

"Hahahaha, let me just say, it is impossible for him to withstand such a violent impact and backlash!"

"Hahaha, maybe we don't need to take action, he will be seriously injured himself!"

"Surround him to prevent him from escaping!"

Whoosh... boom rumble!

The three strong men in the middle stage of the original god realm made a decisive move, covering the void with three prohibition barriers, enveloping Jiang Tian and them together.

In this way, Jiang Tian could not escape with the powerful space escape technique, and they could besiege calmly.

Seeing these restrictive barriers, Jiang Tian was not surprised but happy, a stone fell from his heart instead!

Within the prohibition barrier, it is inconvenient for these people to shoot out, and the scope of damage is only limited to the void.

In this way, he no longer needs to spread the void hegemony and suppress the frenzied flow of space.

You can deal with these opponents with all your strength!


At this moment, he felt something strange about the void hegemony!


There was a strange humming sound in the body, and the aura of the Void Dominant Body rose sharply.

And the power of the void hegemony has also undergone a significant transformation!

"Void Dominion!"

Jiang Tian unfolded the Baizhang Void Dominion, and found that its power had skyrocketed by about twice that of the Supernova Conference!

This improvement is obviously the benefit of this crazy tonic!

"Sure enough, extreme and cruel actual combat is more conducive to the transformation of strength!"

Jiang Tian's eyes shine brightly, and it can be regarded as turning harm into benefit, a blessing in disguise!

And the waves of space storms that swallowed into his body just now are also changing his void power, making this power stronger and full of violent will!

Jiang Tian tried to integrate the transformed void power into the hegemony, but the result surprised him!


The Baizhang void hegemony was almost boiling, and the power that erupted shocked even himself!


With a wave of Jiang Tian's hand, the Void Dominant Body instantly expanded to a range of thousands of feet!

In the past, the coercion of the Void Hegemony of this scale would have dropped dramatically, but now, its power is even higher than that of the Baizhang Hegemony before the transformation!

"very good!"

Jiang Tian's spirit was lifted!

It is undoubtedly a small leap for him to expand the void hegemony to a thousand feet!

This means that his hegemony will no longer be mainly used for defense, but can be used as a powerful means of attack to control a wider range of void!

"bring it on!"

With a roar, Jiang Tian teleported out!

With a thousand feet of void hegemony, he appeared directly in front of two opponents in the middle of the original god realm!


"not good……"

Crack... Rumble!

The two wanted to escape, but were instantly enveloped by Qianzhang's hegemony.

The terrifying power of the void hegemony pressed down on them and their bodies stiffened, unable to move!

"Help me!"


The screams followed, and Jiang Tian activated the power of the Void Hegemony, strangling the two of them instantly!


The face of another warrior in the middle stage of the original god realm changed drastically!

The two peers had no power to fight back in Jiang Tian's space domain, and they were even powerless to protect themselves, and he was even more unable to fight alone.


He couldn't help but rush to the other two companions!

Under the protection of the two late-stage original gods, he can feel more at ease.

But as soon as he took a step, Jiang Tian teleported to him!

"Give me town!"


The Baizhang space hegemony crashed down!


The warrior in the middle stage of the original god realm couldn't even utter a scream, so he exploded into a cloud of blood mist!



"After all, I still underestimated him!"

The remaining two late-stage original gods were shaken for a moment, wanting to run away at full speed.

But thinking of the huge gap in realm, they stabilized their minds.

The three companions in the middle stage of the original God Realm are actually just embellishments and foils.

The people who really suppressed Jiang Tian were always the two of them!

So, having all three companions is all the same to them.

Now that the three of them have fallen, they can still share some more benefits.

"kill him!"


Facing Jiang Tian at this time, the two knew that it was not appropriate to hesitate any longer.

It must be dealt with decisively, otherwise it is easy to make mistakes!

They no longer extravagantly hoped to capture Jiang Tian alive, they only wanted to kill this monstrous evildoer as soon as possible and get his treasures!

Click... bang!


The two besieged Jiang Tian from left to right!

In fact, even if it was one-on-one, they had enough confidence and certainty to kill Jiang Tian.

But after witnessing Jiang Tian's various methods, they still decided to use the safest and toughest way to kill each other!

It is also a huge pressure for Jiang Tian that the two masters in the late stage of the original god realm joined forces to siege!

You know, before going to the Supernova Conference, he beheaded Chi Xuntian, who was in the late stage of the original God Realm, in Chiyue City, because the other party was injured.

Strictly speaking, it is a trick to win!

In other words, what he beheaded was not a Chi Xuntian in peak state, but a Chi Xuntian whose strength was greatly reduced!

Therefore, in terms of hard power, even now, he has no advantage in one-on-one situations!

What's more, it's one-on-two now!

However, after going through the crazy baptism of the Supernova Conference, the current Jiang Tian is no longer the former Jiang Tian!

His insight, experience, practical experience and courage have all been greatly improved and honed, and his whole person has become unprecedentedly strong!

"Void hegemony, give me the town!"

Jiang Tian teleported out in one step and came in front of the two opponents. The space hegemony immediately unfolded and forcibly enveloped the two of them.

However, the two had been prepared for a long time, and when he disappeared, they realized that the situation was not good, and they scrambled left and right.

Boom, boom!

The Thousand Zhang Void Hegemony landed with a blast, and only a little afterimage of the two was wiped!

But even so, it still shocked the two opponents!

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