Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6997 Cave hammer!

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At that moment just now, even if they reacted a little slower, they might be forcibly imprisoned in the space domain.

Maybe it won't fall instantly, and it won't even be severely injured, but the speed of escape will undoubtedly be greatly affected.

And Jiang Tian, ​​who has teleportation and instant killing skills, can completely attack them madly in that short gap, injuring them, or even severely injuring them!

"This space domain is so strong! It should be related to his overlord body. It is definitely not a space domain in the ordinary sense. It should be a space domain!"

"Space hegemony?"

The two looked at each other, and they both saw shock and horror on each other's faces!

The space hegemony is even higher than the space domain, and only monsters with a space hegemony body can display it.

The method Jiang Angel used is obviously in the category of hegemony!

It was this method that easily wiped out the three original mid-stage warriors just now, and now it is used to deal with them, which is also very deterrent.

In fact, Jiang Tian didn't need to use such means at all to deal with the warriors in the middle stage of the original god realm.

He can kill them with random shots, he just wants to save time and deal with these opponents as quickly as possible!

"Does Tangtang Yuanshen, a late stage power, only dodge in front of me?"

"Even if you want to escape, do you think you can escape?"

Jiang Tian's eyes were cold, and he asked in a deep voice.

"Damn it!"

"Extremely arrogant, kill him!"

Boom, boom!

The two great masters in the late stage of the original god realm were furious together, and their breaths soared and rushed towards Jiang Tian.

One of them held a silver knife and slashed forward fiercely.

Kacha... 呵啦啦!

The silver sword light tore through the void thousands of feet, pointing directly at Jiang Tian himself.

Crack... bang rumble!

The sword light touched the void hegemony, and forcibly opened a gap!

The spirit of the person who made the shot was greatly lifted, and he was ecstatic!

"Hahahaha, what kind of bullshit space dominance, isn't it like paper in front of Lao Tzu's fairy treasure... huh?"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly froze!

After the silver blade light cut into the Void Dominion, its speed began to drop sharply after only a dozen or so feet forward.

Finally, after rushing forward for nearly a hundred feet, he could no longer walk, and was blocked abruptly!

"Damn it, this space hegemony can't even break through the fairy treasure?"

He looked at the silver knife in his hand, almost thinking that he had taken it by mistake.

This is a fairy treasure. In the hands of a late-stage original god, he can't even break through a space hegemony?

Click, bang!

A violent roar suddenly sounded, and an even more astonishing scene appeared!

Qianzhang Void Hegemony turned gently, and crushed the solidified silver sword glow!

"I come!"

On the opposite side, the master of the late stage of the original god realm grabbed a giant red spear, poured spiritual power into it and threw it wildly!


Amidst the terrifying roar, a big hole was pierced through the void!

Layers of red ripples diffused, triggering countless space cracks!

Wherever the giant red gun went, the void twisted and turbulently, unable to bear its power at all!

In his opinion, this blow would surely break through the opponent's space hegemony, forcing Jiang Tian to change his tactics to deal with it.

But then a scene that shocked him appeared!

Click... bang!

After the giant red gun blasted into the void hegemony, its speed dropped sharply!

The huge gun body trembled violently, and the direction of the attack was deflected!

"Damn it!"

"How can it be?"

The two exclaimed at the same time!

The scene in front of me is really amazing!

Tangtang Yuanshen Realm's late-stage powers, making successive attacks, can't even break through a space hegemony?

If this gets out, they will probably become the two big jokes in Dao Yu!


The owner of the giant red spear was also decisive and ruthless, with a frowning look in his eyes, he decisively detonated this fairy treasure!

Crack... Rumble!

The terrifying roar resounded through the void, and the Qianzhang Void Hegemony was terribly impacted!


The hegemony began to collapse sharply from the edge, and spread rapidly, rewinding and collapsing layer by layer!


Jiang Tian stepped on his right foot, and the Qianzhang Dominion was divided into inner and outer layers!

The inner layer is only a hundred feet in size, but the breath is extremely thick!

The outer layer maintains a range of a thousand feet, but the two have been separated.

The outer layer is violently turbulent, against the force of the red giant gun's self-explosion!

However, the self-detonation power of this immortal treasure infused with the spiritual power of the powerful bloodline in the late stage of the original god realm is hard to resist after all!

Although the surrounding Qianzhang hegemony tried its best to suppress it, it was still smashed by it!

"Hahahaha! What space hegemony, that's all!"

The owner of the giant red gun laughed wildly, not caring about the loss of the giant gun.

Although it was a fairy treasure, and it was a fairy treasure that he relied on more, but in the final analysis, it was just an external thing.

After the fairy treasure exploded, he himself did not suffer any losses, and even his combat power did not fluctuate much.

Still maintain the original advantage!

But for Jiang Tian, ​​the situation is completely different!

Faced with the terrible impact of Xianbao's self-detonation, his space hegemony collapsed instantly, and he will be defeated steadily in the future!

"It's about time...huh?"

The owner of the giant red gun showed a proud smile, and prepared to join forces to take down Jiang Tian as well.

But he froze as soon as he opened his mouth!

The imagined scene of Jiang Tian retreating in embarrassment did not appear!

Although the Qianzhang hegemony has collapsed, there is still a Baizhang airspace covering Jiang Tian in the center of this space.

This Baizhang airspace should have been swept away by the giant gun's self-destructive power, but what is shocking is that it was not affected at all!

"How can it be?"

"Space hegemony, this is still space hegemony!"

The two stared at each other, their gazes were horrified!

This means that the red giant gun blew itself up in vain, and did not pose a substantial threat to Jiang Tian!

"Damn it!"

Crack... Rumble!

The owner of the giant red gun gritted his teeth and stomped on the void.

Taking advantage of the momentum, he soared into the sky, swung out a golden giant hammer, and smashed it at Jiang Tian condescendingly!

"Cave Sky Hammer, kill him!"

Bang, click... Boom!

The Dongtian hammer is also a treasure of the immortal rank, and it has a powerful space attribute!

With a light blow, it can penetrate the void, and the attack is instant, so fast that it is hard to guard against!

This is an immortal treasure that combines speed and power, and it is a relatively rare treasure among immortal treasures!

"Huh?" Jiang Tian's eyes shrank sharply, his heart trembled slightly!

The moment the opponent made a move, he felt a certain sense of crisis, but fortunately, this feeling was not particularly strong.

It shows that the threat this treasure brings to him is not fatal!

But he didn't dare to be careless, and with a wave of his hand, the thousand-foot peripheral hegemony that had just been smashed by the red giant gun condensed again!

Ka Ka Ka... Boom!

Jiang Tian clasped his hands in vain, and spun left and right, and a frightening laminar flow of space rotated rapidly.

The phantom of the golden giant hammer crashed down, and the vast void shook wildly, as if the whole world was about to collapse!

The strong backlash even involved Jiang Tian himself through the Baizhang hegemony.

Let him be shocked!

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