Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7010 Jiang Tian makes a move

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"The pressure is indeed unprecedentedly strong, but the Lord City Lord is no longer the same as he was during the Supernova Conference. Let's wait and see!"

Countless fighters seized favorable positions, preparing to observe the battle three days later.


Facts have proved that the temptation of those three big prizes is still too great!

As a result, many powerful and powerful people can't wait for three days, and they have arrived ahead of time!

"Hahahaha, Jiang Tian, ​​the old man is here!"

"Jiang Tian, ​​I'm not here for anything else, just for that important treasure. If you hand it over on your own initiative, the old man will take the treasure and leave immediately!"

"Don't listen to him! Not only will this old man not embarrass you, but he can also help you deal with the powers of all parties. The condition is the three treasures!"

"Hmph! With so many of you coming from afar, why should the three treasures be entrusted to you?"

"Don't talk about it, who will get the treasure, let's use your strength to speak!"

Boom... Boom!

Amidst the sky-shaking roar, long rainbows pierced the sky, and figures tore out from the void, releasing a hideous and terrifying aura!

"Late Stage of the Original God Realm!"

"So strong!"

"My God, so many people?"


The warriors of Chiyue City who came to watch the battle did not expect that these people would be so impatient, they rushed here in less than half a day!

"It's unreasonable, these people are too exaggerated!"

"That's right, the deadline given by the city lord is three days later, and now they rushed over in less than half a day, it's really shameless!"

"No way, if these people really had principles, they wouldn't come to grab the treasure!"

"In the world of martial arts, the weak are preyed upon by the strong. Everything depends on strength after all. Strength is the last word!"

The warriors in Chiyue City sighed one after another, although they were annoyed, there was nothing they could do!

"It's him!" An old man in the early stage of the original God Realm in Chiyue City suddenly pointed to the opposite void.

There are three warriors tearing the space and appearing!

They were all wearing black and red spirit pattern robes, with a striking flame symbol embroidered on their shoulders!

"Who are they?" Jiang Tian asked.

"Master City Lord, it is these three people who raged in our Chiyue City a few days ago, and killed several City Lord's Palace elders and dozens of City Lord's Palace guards!"

"I see!"

Jiang Tian's eyes turned cold, and he locked on to the other party.

"Hahahaha! So what if it's us?"

"The strong are the sky, and the strong are the law. They are weak and deserve to be crushed by us!"

"Jiang Tian, ​​you will not escape defeat today, quickly hand over those three treasures, and we can spare your life!"

The three of them laughed wildly, looking down at Jiang Tian from a height.

"Late stage of the original god realm? Hmph!"

Jiang Tian glanced at the three of them, and then showed disdain.

The strength of these three people is indeed not weak, almost on par with the former city lord Chi Xuntian.

If it was before the advanced stage, such an opponent would have to spend a lot of time.

but now!

Crack... bang bang bang!

Jiang Tian slammed his right fist across the air, and three purple-gold fist shadows exploded in an instant, engulfing the three without any explanation!



As soon as the screams sounded, they were drowned out by the terrifying roar, and all three of them exploded to death, turning into ashes!


"My lord is amazing!"

"The city lord is mighty!"

"These people deserve to be killed, they deserve to die!"

The warriors of Chiyue City lifted their spirits and let out a bad breath!

But the strong men from all sides who had just arrived at the scene now had a slightly gloomy expression, with a touch of seriousness on their faces!

"This Jiang Tian, ​​what a powerful method!"

"Shooting and killing three late-stage masters of the original god realm in the air, even I may not be able to do it!"

"In the early stage of the original god realm, he has entered the early stage of the original god realm!" Someone pointed at Jiang Tian angrily and shouted loudly.

Buzz buzz!

One after another divine thoughts spread out like tides, enveloping Jiang Tian tightly.

Jiang Tian made no secret of his cultivation!

This is not a contest in the arena. It is meaningless to cover up his realm, and he doesn't want to cover it up either.

If he wanted to hide it, he would not advance in front of so many warriors of Chiyue City.

In the next few days, he will face the cruelest moment in his martial arts career, and meet the challenges from countless martial arts powers in many super cities!

Except for the impossibility of appearing in the god-making realm, any level in the original god realm may show up and attack him.

Some people will even launch a siege at any cost!

All kinds of means are likely to exceed expectations!

"Warriors of Chiyue City, please retreat immediately!"

"My lord, we are not leaving!"

"We're here to watch you beat the enemy!"

"Although we can't help you much, we can at least cheer for you!"

"If it really comes to the moment of life and death, we will fight with them!"

The warriors of Chiyue City raised their arms and shouted wildly, their blood boiling!

The previous city lord, Chi Xuntian, had always been aloof. He often bullied and trampled ordinary warriors, and even treated them as subordinates!

Now Jiang Tian treats them as real warriors, and they have a deeper sense of belonging to Chiyue City.

Naturally, I don't want to watch Jiang Tian alone, resisting more and more foreign powerhouses alone!

"It's useless, these people are too powerful, you will only be affected if you stay here, and you will fall in vain!"

"Even if you don't want to leave, you must retreat further, over there!"

Jiang Tian waved his finger to the north.

That is the direction close to Chiyue City, which is relatively safer.


"According to the orders of the city lord!"


A large number of warriors of Chiyue City began to plunder to the north, receding tens of thousands of feet away like a tide.

This distance is still very short compared to the power of the original God Realm, but they don't want to retreat too far.

Because then, you may not even be able to see the situation of the fight!

"Jiang Tian, ​​it seems that you have already made plans to live and die with Chiyue City!"

"Hey! With your talent, aptitude and potential, is Little Red Moon City worthy of your death?"

"If you are willing to cooperate today, we will not make it difficult for you. In the future, you can still achieve impressive achievements. Why do you want to do it?"

"Is it worth it for you to take the risk of falling here for just three treasures?"

Seeing that Jiang Tian was posing for a decisive battle, the powerful people from all sides persuaded him one after another, and at the same time felt deeply disdainful.

Jiang Tian is indeed very strong, and his strength has improved!

But no matter how strong he is, it is impossible for him to hold back the powerful forces from all sides coming in like a tide!

"Cultivation is not easy, I also advise everyone to turn back as soon as possible, otherwise I will not hold back when we fight later!"



"Jiang Tian, ​​do you really think you are strong?"

"No matter how strong you are, we will peel off a layer of skin for you!"

"Let's do it!"

Boom boom boom boom boom boom!

Now that they were already there, they naturally couldn't foolishly wait until three days before making a move.

With every passing moment, Jiang Tian might become stronger.

Since they were going to tear their skins apart to seize the treasure, they naturally wouldn't follow Jiang Tian's rules.

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