Biquge, the fastest update of the Dragon Emperor!


The violent roar resounded through the void, and an old man in white robes in the late stage of the original god state roared wildly with both palms, the void above Jiang Tian collapsed, and two giant white palms of cloud air blasted down like surging clouds.

"Small tricks!"

Jiang Tian waved his right hand lightly, and a cloud-like palm wind went against the trend.

Kacha... Boom, boom!

The loud noise shook the sky!

The cloud-like palm wind easily tore apart two cloud-like giant palms, and blasted at the white-robed old man unabated.

"Huh?" The corners of the white-robed old man's eyes narrowed sharply, and he held his right hand in the air, and strands of white light gathered in his palm.

It is a strange magic weapon!

But he didn't have time to wait for the body of the magic weapon to fully appear, so he roared and slashed down!



A terrifying roar resounded through the void, and a ten thousand zhang sword light tore through the void and slashed at Jiang Tian.

"Well done!"

Jiang Tian didn't panic either, he sat cross-legged on the void ring, opened his five fingers to the sky and grabbed it!

Ka Ka Ka... Bang Bang!

An amazing scene ensues!

Five giant purple fingers appeared out of thin air, instantly supporting the ten thousand zhang blade light, and with continuous force, twisted the blade light forcefully!



"This Jiang Tian is really strong!"

All the great powers who were watching were shocked!

The power of the Wanzhang Daomang is not weak, and the body is a fairy treasure.

At this moment, it is being held in the hands of the white-robed old man, exuding a strange fairy light!

But it was such an offensive, but it was blocked by Jiang Tian's palm across the air, and he was even twisted and deformed by him.

Jiang Tian's strength is simply beyond imagination!

"Extremely arrogant! Explode me!"

The old man in white robe blushed, never expecting Jiang Tian to hold back his mad attack with a spiritual palm.

Embarrassed and annoyed, he immediately urged the sword to explode!

Crack... Rumble!

At the same time as the Wanzhang Daomang was greatly distorted, it exploded suddenly, engulfing the purple palm.

Jiang Tian was expressionless, pointing at the white-robed old man from the air!

"Star Splitting Finger!"


The moment he made a move, a giant finger of a white star suddenly appeared in front of the old man in white robe, locked on by the huge coercion and blasted out involuntarily.

"not good!"

The white-robed old man's complexion changed drastically!

With the fairy treasure in his hand, he never expected that Jiang Tian could launch such a strong counterattack in an instant.

He didn't have time to think about it, so he could only slash his sword in front of him to resist.

Bang... Boom... Crack!

The white star's giant fingers showed great power, and shattered the fairy treasure with one finger. The terrifying power drove straight in, and bombarded the white-robed old man like a shattering one.

"Pfft... wow!"

The old man in white robe spurted blood and screamed, a big hole was blasted out of his chest!

An amazing scene followed!

The old man twirled the formula with his hands and cast the spell quickly. The big hole blasted by the star finger began to heal quickly, and the injury seemed to be back to normal!

And the price he paid was a significant drop in his aura!

But after all this coping, his life was obviously saved!

Jiang Tian shook his head and sneered, a cold light flashed in his eyes!


All the immortal treasures were blown up by him, and naturally he would not let go of the seriously injured old man in white robe.

Now that the shot has been made, life and death will be divided!


Jiang Tian pointed and swiped across the air!


The purple sword intent suddenly appeared in front of the old man in white robe, tearing through like lightning!


The white-robed old man only let out a half-cry, his head flew up, and his body fell into the air.

When it touched the huge void arena, it was twisted into powder by the space patterns on the surface of the arena!

"Strong, very strong!"

"Jiang Tian's methods are indeed beyond our expectations!"

"It's useless to fight alone, let's do it together!"

"How to divide up the treasures?"

"of course……"

Seeing that the situation is not right, the powerful people from all sides are preparing to join forces to attack.

But before making a move, they are more concerned about how to divide the spoils.

It's just that before he finished speaking, he was ridiculed by Jiang Tian!

"Hey! You people are really interesting. You don't know if you can save your life, and you are still talking about the spoils here. Do you think you really have a chance to get those treasures?"

"Damn it!"


"No matter how strong you are alone, you are not our opponent!"

"Let's talk about dividing up the treasures later, let's take him down first!"


Bang, click... Boom!

Amidst the violent roar, the great powers from all sides began to make wild moves.

In the first wave, dozens of people besieged him!

"Well done!"

Facing the mad attack of the group of enemies, Jiang Tian was also unequivocal.

The left and right hands are clasped empty, and they spin each other quickly!

Kaka... Boom!

The Qianzhang Void Dominion then appeared, imprisoning dozens of original god-level powers who rushed into that area.



"I can't move!"

"not good!"

"Rush out!"

Boom boom boom boom boom boom!

Bang, click, click... Boom!

Everyone's face changed drastically, knowing that something was wrong, they immediately used various means to try to break free.

But under the terror of the void hegemony, they could not escape death after all!

Ka Ka Ka... Boom!



Jiang Tian clasped his hands and twirled each other, and layers of space appeared immediately, like a layered compound terrifying giant mill, crushing and killing dozens of people in an instant!


The faces of all the powers of all parties changed in horror, and they stopped their shots to avoid that terrifying airspace with all their strength!

"Space hegemony!"

"It's enough to obliterate my late-stage power in the original god realm!"

"This kid is too powerful!"

"The killer move, this is the real killer move, and it's a group attack and group kill!"

"what to do?"

At this moment, they really realized Jiang Tian's difficulty.

Especially after stepping into the realm of the original gods, this son's combat power has soared, and all kinds of methods are extremely terrifying, and it is really difficult to deal with!

The shadow of the treasure has not been seen yet, but dozens of people have already lost their lives.

This situation really gave them a headache!

But the temptation of those three treasures is really too strong!

In particular, the talisman that seals the artistic conception of creating gods is a rare treasure that is enough to make the late stage and peak powerhouses of the original divine realm break through major limits.

Even at the risk of falling, take it down!

"Melee combat is not enough, then kill in the air town!"



Rumble rumble!

There was an angry shout, and pieces of array disks, array flags, and array towers were sacrificed by everyone!

In an instant, hundreds of large formations of restraint were launched in the air.

Some of the great powers from all parties came by appointment, but most of them did not know each other.

But in front of the common opponent, they formed a powerful force and joined forces to suppress Jiang Tian!

Boom... boom, click... boom!

Hundreds of prohibition formations unfolded one after another, and the top of the void arena was blocked by various auras, forming terrifying scenes one after another!

"Forbidden array?"

There was a flash of hostility in Jiang Tian's eyes!

In fact, he has seen such scenes quite often, but his opponents in the past were not as strong as they are now.

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