Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7012 Nine Profound Golden Light Formation

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More than 200 late-stage masters of the original god realm, and more than 100 powerful restrictions jointly imposed, are also a pressure that cannot be ignored for him.

But he still sat cross-legged in the center of the void ring, and didn't get up!

Looking at the more than one hundred huge restrictions falling from the sky, and the terrifying aura released earlier, he raised his hand and waved towards the sky!

"Void hegemony, get up!"

Hum rumble!

The thousand-foot void hegemony soared up, crashing directly into more than a hundred restrictions.

Bang, click... Boom!


The sky-shattering roar resounded through the void, and under the impact of the void hegemony, the prohibition formations collapsed rapidly!

Three floors, five floors... ten floors!

The ten or so layers of restrictions at the bottom shattered in an instant, unable to threaten Jiang Tian at all.

"Damn it!"

"Don't hesitate, continue to suppress him!"

"With a bang, take him down!"

All parties are well aware that the situation is tense, and no one dares to relax.

At this critical moment, they had to crush Jiang Tian in one go, and they couldn't give him the strength to fight back, otherwise, once he was freed from the shackles of heavy restrictions, it would be even more difficult to suppress him!

"Void hegemony, go up!"

Jiang Tian waved his palm again.

The aura of the void hegemony is soaring, rushing up against the trend!

Crack... Rumble!

The layers of restrictions were smashed again, and in an instant, more than 100 restrictions have been destroyed, and thirty dozen of them have been destroyed!

At this time, the power of the void hegemony was also severely consumed, and the breath was nearly half weaker than before!

"Look, his space hegemony is not invulnerable!"

"Everyone do their best to completely suppress him!"



Dozens of powerhouses urged the remaining array disks, array flags, and array towers to suppress the void hegemony with all their strength.

But what shocked them was that Jiang Tian's momentum not only remained undiminished, but even launched a stronger counterattack!

"Void hegemony, start it for me!"

Boom, rumble... Crack!

Under his urging, the Void Hegemony suddenly rushed upwards, blasting towards the remaining dozens of layers of magic circle restrictions at a faster speed!

"Damn it!"

"What is he going to do?"

"That's dozens of layers of restrictions. He really thought that a space hegemony could blow them all up..."

Before the words were finished, the huge power of the Void Dominion violently blasted into the sky.

Dozens of layers of restrictions were blasted through in an instant, and the void hegemony had also been drastically distorted, unable to maintain its original scale.


Without hesitation, Jiang Tian decisively urged Hegemony to blew himself up!

Boom... 呲啦啦啦!

This is the first time he detonated the void domain!

The power of its self-explosion shook the world, the space collapsed directly, the void surged violently, and the remaining dozens of layers of restrictions were swallowed up by the anti-customer!

"Damn it!"

"He's about to break through!"

"Quickly suppress it!"

Everyone was shocked and prepared to suppress the impact of the void hegemony with all their strength.

It's a pity that it's a little late!

The power of the Void Hegemony's self-explosion is extremely terrifying, like an erupting volcano that directly engulfed the void.

The giant waves of the void spread wantonly, completely crushing the remaining dozens of forbidden magic circles!

"Damn it!"

"Damn it!"

"How can it be?"

Seeing that more than a hundred magic circles failed to suppress Jiang Tian, ​​everyone was shocked, but they became more and more furious!

"Ordinary restraining magic circles are useless, don't hesitate, everyone, come up with your means of suppressing the bottom of the box!"

"bring it on!"

After all, everyone is the late-stage powerhouse of the original god realm, and there are even a few terrifying existences at the peak of the original god realm.

All of them have strong backgrounds, and they all hold some powerful cards.

They will not use these cards easily.

Because they knew very well that Jiang Tian was not easy to deal with, and the person who made the first move had already paid a huge price.

And after Jiang Tian showed his extreme means, it was the best time for them to play their hole cards.

Only now, they find that the process is getting a little out of control.

Jiang Tian didn't seem to have used extreme means so far, but their hole cards were rapidly being consumed at a rate far exceeding expectations!




Suddenly, a golden-cloaked power soared into the sky, and shouted to the sky!

Boom, boom... Boom!

At the same time, another nine gold-cloaked powerhouses scattered in all directions, forming a large formation of thousands of feet to envelop Jiang Tian!



The mighty golden robe stands on the sky, Li Zhi roars!

The nine gold-cloaked powerhouses each raised their hands and made a formula, and sacrificed a strange formation weapon!

"Fairy Artifact!"

"And it's a fairy array!"

"So strong, what kind of formation is this?"

The powers of all parties exclaimed in unison, horrified!

This formation is extraordinary at first glance, and its power must be quite terrifying!

"Nine Profound Golden Light Formation, open!"

Following the sacrifice of the nine immortal arrays, the golden-robed mighty man who stood on the sky roared wildly, and the nine arrays soared into the air.

Each released a blazing golden light, connected to each other, forming a huge array of nine-pointed stars!

The terrifying formation enveloped the void in an instant, and the strength of the aura was far from comparable to the more than one hundred chaotic prohibition formations before!

"Nine Profound Golden Light Formation, it turned out to be such a lost ancient formation!"

"This array is composed of nine immortal-level arrays. Once deployed, it is enough to trap and kill any strong original god!"

"It is said that even if you are trapped in the half-step god-making state, you will not escape death!"

"No matter how strong Jiang Tian's combat power is, he can't go beyond the half-step God Constructing Realm if he dies. This time, he will definitely die!"

The spirits of all parties were lifted up, as if seeing the scene of suppressing Jiang Tian.

However, the warriors of Chiyue City who watched the battle in the north, after the initial shock and ecstasy, fell into panic and uneasiness.

"Nine Profound Golden Light Formation, I have heard of this kind of formation!"

"See, those nine treasures that burst out with golden light, each one is at the level of immortal treasures, and they are immortal-level arrays that specialize in array formations!"

"Its formidable power is definitely not comparable to array boards, array flags, and array towers!"

"City Lord Jiang, there is trouble now!"

Everyone clenched their fists, their heartstrings were tense, and they wanted to help but were powerless.

There is no way, the Nine Profound Golden Light Formation is too powerful.

Moreover, the powers of all parties are far superior to them. In this case, they are powerless to help.

"No way, it's fine if we don't drag City Lord Jiang down. Now I just hope that he can fight back strongly and break this formation!"

"This is the Nine Profound Golden Light Formation, the prestigious prohibition formation in ancient books, can City Lord Jiang really break through it?"

An old man shook his head and sighed bitterly, with awe in his eyes!

"Nine lights are shining, give me the town!"

The golden robed power stood on the sky, and swung his right hand down fiercely!

At this moment, his face was full of pride!

No matter how strong your space hegemony is, it is impossible to resist the mighty power of the Nine Profound Golden Light Formation.

Jiang Tian, ​​die!

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

Nine golden threads form nine-pointed starlight and tear down. Wherever they go, the void seems to be cut into nine pieces, which is unrivaled!

"Void Dominion!"

Jiang Tian didn't neglect, and waved his big hand to sacrifice the void hegemony to block it.

Hiss... Boom!

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