Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7013 Nine weapons in one!

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When the nine-pointed star formed by nine golden threads touches it, an astonishing scene appears!

The streaks of golden light instantly cut into the Void Dominion like a knife cutting butter. Although the speed has slowed down, it has not been really hindered!


Jiang Tian's face darkened, secretly surprised!

The Void Hegemony was easily breached, and the power of the Nine Profound Golden Light Formation really exceeded his imagination!

"Hahahaha, the mere space hegemony is in front of the Nine Profound Golden Light Formation, it's like paper, let me suppress and kill him!"

With a wave of the golden robe's powerful hand, the nine golden robed powerhouses cast spells in unison, urging the nine-pointed starlight to cut off at an accelerated rate.

Rumble, click!

The void hegemony was cut into more than a dozen pieces in an instant, and it could no longer stop the nine-pointed star from falling.

The golden robed powerhouse had a smirk on his face, and the nine golden robed powerhouses also showed pride.

The great powers of all parties seemed to see the scene where Jiang Tian was killed by the nine-pointed starlight town.

But the next moment, something unexpected happened!

With a big wave of Jiang Tian's hand, he once again invoked the void hegemony!

"Void hegemony, get up!"


"is that useful?"

"sucker Punch!"

Everyone was a little hesitant, but the golden-robed power was always full of confidence.

But the next moment, his face froze!

Humming... Ka Ka Ka!

The void hegemony that was sacrificed again actually blocked the cutting of the nine-pointed starlight, making it unable to fall!

"How can it be?"

The golden robe's face changed instantly!



"how so?"

The nine gold-cloaked powerhouses who controlled the immortal array were also stunned!

In their view, the Void Hegemony is powerless to stop the impact of the Nine Profound Golden Light Formation.

And the facts have proved this point, why has it changed now?

What is the difference between this space hegemony and the previous one?

Countless lines of sight looked at the position where the nine-pointed starlight was in contact with the void hegemony, and released divine thoughts to investigate.

The result surprised them!

When their divine thoughts swept across the nine-pointed starlight and swept towards the surface of the void hegemony, there was a feeling of stagnation!

It's so weird!

"What's happening here?"

"Space hegemony can also devour divine thoughts?"

"No! On the surface of this space hegemony, there is a strange force that interferes with our spiritual thoughts!"

"Obviously, it is also this kind of power that blocks the cutting of the nine-pointed starlight!"

"What exactly is it?"

Everyone stared at the Void Hegemony, wanting to find out the answer.

An old Taoist in green robe frowned, and said unsurely: "I can only think of one possibility!"

"What's possible?"

"Time spiritual power!"


"Time spiritual power?"

"How can it be?"

"too exaggerated!"


The powers of all parties were shocked and deeply shocked!

The spiritual power of time is definitely beyond the control of ordinary people, it is a more weird power than the spiritual power of space.

The person who controls the spiritual power of time becomes the master of time to some extent!

And the power of time is the most irresistible.

Once possessing this kind of power, it is not to be said that no one in the same level can be invincible.

Even if you encounter a powerful enemy with a higher realm and stronger combat power, you can still take advantage of it!

In short, the person who controls this kind of power is extremely difficult to deal with, and everyone can't avoid it!

Could it be that Jiang Tian controlled the existence of this kind of power?


At this moment, the eyes of everyone looking at Jiang Tian are very different!

If he really controls the power of time, it can only be said that everyone's luck is too bad!

"Impossible, break it open for me!"

The Golden Robe Da Neng raised his hand and pinched the formula, nine golden lights burst out from his fingertips!

Inject them into the nine fairy-level arrays respectively, so that their aura will increase greatly!


The nine pieces of arrays were all powerful, projecting streaks of thick golden light, forming a powerful nine-pointed star and blasting down again.

The momentum is like a rainbow!

Crack... Rumble!

Amidst the violent roar, the thick nine-pointed starlight touched the void hegemony again!

The space power fluctuated accordingly, and the huge nine-pointed star seemed to sink downward.

But after only a moment, he was held on tightly and couldn't continue down!

"Damn it! It's impossible!"

The mighty man in the golden robe howled fiercely, extremely furious!

The Nine Profound Golden Light Formation was originally his trump card, but he didn't expect it to be blocked by a spatial hegemony.

"Nine Profound Golden Light, blast it away!"


A savage look appeared on the face of Jinpao Da Neng, and he squeezed a little harder!

Crack... Rumble!

A terrifying roar resounded through the void, and the thick nine-pointed starlight suddenly exploded, turning into countless golden lights and spreading wildly.

The void was directly blasted through, even if it was as strong as the void hegemony, it would be difficult to withstand this force, and it was torn apart by it abruptly!


Jiang Tian snorted coldly, and pressed against the huge force of backlash.


Hum rumble!

The void hegemony that had just been torn apart miraculously reunited, forcibly overpowering the self-destruction power of the nine-pointed starlight!


"Oh My God!"

"how so?"

The faces of the nine gold-cloaked powerhouses who controlled the array changed drastically, and then they all looked at the golden-robed powerhouse high in the sky.

They are only in charge of manipulating the magic circle, but only the great master in the golden robe is the master of the Nine Profound Golden Light Formation!

He is the only master of this formation!

"Impossible, this is impossible!"

The golden robed power roared to the sky, extremely furious!

The scene in front of him made him unacceptable. How could such an ancient formation like the Nine Profound Golden Light Formation be blocked by a space hegemony?

"Combine, kill him for me!"


A savage look flashed in the golden robe's eyes, and he issued a kill order!

The nine gold-cloaked powerhouses raised their palms and pushed each other, and the nine immortal arrays quickly approached, forming a powerful immortal treasure!



"Nine weapons in one!"

"These nine immortal arrays can still be fused?"

The powers of all parties were stunned, and they looked at this fairy artifact full of fear!

These nine arrays were originally of the fairy class, but now that the nine weapons are integrated into one, the power is naturally even more terrifying!


With a wave of the golden robe's great power, the fused array moved towards Jiang Tian to suppress it!


At this time, what it erupted was no longer a nine-pointed starlight, but a blazing golden beam of light!

Very stout!

The golden beam of light spun rapidly and bombarded down, sweeping the void all the way, causing ripples in the space!

In addition to the power of the light beam itself, it also carried a large amount of space power and crushed it down layer by layer!

"Well done!"

Jiang Tian shouted loudly, urging the Void Hegemony to go up to him!

Thousands of feet of hegemony, now he has shrunk to more than one hundred feet!

The power of the void hegemony rose sharply, meeting the golden beam of light in an instant!

Boom... Boom, boom, boom!

The golden light burst suddenly, triggering a terrifying golden frenzy!

The power of the immortal treasure combined with nine weapons is released to the extreme at this moment!

The Void Hegemony trembled wildly, as if it was about to be smashed to pieces in the next moment, but it didn't collapse after all!

"Original holy bell, time spiritual power!"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself, his eyes shining brightly!

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