Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7023 Overturning Hammer

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Puff puff puff... ah!

The screams resounded through the void, and in an instant, more than a hundred heads flew up, and more than a hundred corpses fell!

More than 500 people, nearly half of them fell in less than three breaths!

"Run away!"




The remaining three hundred or so people were completely scared out of their wits!

With Jiang Tian like this, killing people is like picking up grass!

Such a crazy and terrifying killing, who can stop it?


Only escape!

Even if you escape slowly, you will be harvested by him!


More than three hundred people in the late stage of the original god realm fled frantically in all directions, each resorting to life-saving means, tearing apart the void one by one to escape.

Jiang Tian didn't stop shooting, but he only killed less than a hundred people.

In the end, more than two hundred people fled frantically!

This battle left an unforgettable shadow on them, and since then, they have never set foot in the territory of Chiyue City!

"Damn it!"

"Damn it!"

"Kill him quickly!"

More than twenty peak powers were completely furious!

Originally, they thought that even if the more than 500 late-stage powerhouses did not make a move, staying here was a threat and a deterrent.

It is enough to make Jiang Tian afraid, and he is not distracted from time to time.

But they finally realized that all this is just wishful thinking!

Jiang Tian didn't care whether it was five hundred, eight hundred or one thousand people!

His combat power has completely surpassed the late stage of the original god realm, killing these people is as easy as trampling to death a group of ants!

In less than half a cup of tea, more than a thousand strong late-stage original gods have been defeated miserably!

Naturally, they couldn't do such a feat!

"Jiang Tian, ​​die for me!"

Boom boom boom!

The violent roar resounded through the void, and more than 20 powerhouses at the peak of the original god realm joined hands to kill Jiang Tian.

The terrifying offensive bombarded out first, and the nearly ten thousand zhang void collapsed directly!

Jiang Tian was in the center of the collapsed void, seemingly doomed!


Hum rumble!

Void Hegemony sacrificed, although the range was only a hundred feet in size, it protected Jiang Tian firmly!

The violent attacks of more than twenty peak powerhouses came down, and the moment they touched the void hegemony, they seemed to be stagnant!



"What method is this?"

Everyone was shocked!

In their view, this wave of joint attack is enough to crush Jiang Tian.

But I didn't expect that even that space hegemony would be difficult to break through!

"Break it!"

A peak power held a giant hammer magic weapon, and swung it fiercely from the air!

Click, bang!

A red ripple appeared on the surface of the void hegemony, and it broke in response!

"Hahahaha, in front of my air-covering hammer, any space hegemony is just paper!"

The air-covering hammer contains powerful space power, which is enough to blast through any space restriction.

Although Jiang Tian's space hegemony is powerful, it can't withstand its violent bombardment!

Looking at the collapsed Void Dominion, Jiang Tian was expressionless.

This hammer itself was not enough to blast the void hegemony, it was only because the violent attack of more than 20 people had already caused huge consumption, it gave the other party the illusion that the hammer was the final word.


Jiang Tian stepped out, and his figure disappeared in place!

"Instant killing technique!"


Everyone's complexion changed suddenly, and they all avoided.

Even with peak cultivation, they dare not face Jiang Tian's attack directly.

After all, the scene before this moment left an extremely terrifying impression on them!

For Jiang Tian, ​​they already had a deep fear, and completely regarded him as an equal opponent, even the only enemy they had ever seen in their lives!

"It's really unimaginable that a winner of the Supernova Conference has grown to such a degree in just a few days!"

"It turns out that we had a chance to crush him easily, but now..."

While avoiding, everyone sighed angrily.

If they shot at the end of the Supernova Conference, all the treasures on Jiang Tian's body might have been divided up by them.

But now, just a few days later, Jiang Tian's combat power has skyrocketed to the point where even they feel afraid.

If this allowed him to continue to grow, they would soon be completely thrown away!

At that time, if you saw Jiang Tian, ​​let alone seize the treasure, you might have to go far away!

Boom, boom, boom...crack...rumble!

More than 20 people shot wildly again, and the pinnacle power who was holding the empty-covering hammer swung wildly, blasting out more than a dozen hammers in an instant!

Hammer shadows smashed towards Jiang Tian like huge mountains, the void was directly shattered, and the space cracks just appeared, they were crushed and shattered by the terrifying force!

"The power that can crush space cracks!"

The light in Jiang Tian's eyes soared, and his fighting spirit increased at this moment instead of diminishing!

Although he was no longer afraid of ordinary space cracks, it was not so easy to break them easily.

This Sky Shrouding Hammer does have some tricks, it is a powerful treasure of space attribute!

"Bring it to you!"

Jiang Tian teleported out, flashing in front of the strong man holding the hammer!



Just as the man was about to speak, a black lightning fell into his divine sea!


He screamed and rolled in the air.

Jiang Tian grabbed the Sky-Shattering Hammer and swung a sword intent with his left hand to finish him off.

Jiang Tian swung the sky-shattering hammer, which had become an unowned object, and a shadow of the hammer blasted towards the opposite side in an instant!

Click... bang, bang!

The two former God Realm peak powerhouses were caught off guard, and were blown away by his hammer, vomiting blood and screaming!


Jiang Tian teleported out, splitting into two figures, and the sword intent from his fingertips soared out, taking advantage of the situation to kill the two of them!

The next moment, he opened the purple-black "Sword Domain"!

"Jianyu, give me the town!"


The thousand-foot "Sword Field" suddenly unfolded, and the turbulent sword intent frenziedly converged into purple divine swords, launching a frenzied strangulation!

Six of the more than 20 peak powerhouses were suppressed in it, and the other dozen people broke free with all their strength, and they dare not neglect!

"A sword field is so powerful!"

"This son is really the only evil wizard I have ever seen in my life!"

The peak powers who rushed out of the sword domain still had fear in their eyes, but the six people in the sword domain had already been frantically strangled to death by torrents of sword intent.



"help me!"

Crack, crack... Boom, boom!

Jiang Tian pointed and urged fiercely, and the Qianzhang Sword Field shrank to the size of Baizhang in an instant.

It was like a giant blood-devouring mill that completely crushed six peak powers!

Kachacha... Boom!

The six peak powers perished in desperate screams, Jiang Tian looked at the remaining dozen people!

Take one step forward, and show off your instant killing skills!

Chi chi...Puff puff!

Bang bang bang... boom!

This time, the Instant Kill Skill didn't immediately achieve success as before!

Because more than a dozen peak powers had been prepared for a long time, the moment Jiang Tian made a move, they launched their defense with all their strength.

Some people use offense instead of defense, attacking wildly, completely desperate to play!

Jiang Tian's blow only seriously injured three people, and the other ten people were not injured!

It can be said that this is the first time since the instant killing technique has been practiced, it has failed!

However, Jiang Tian was not disappointed!

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