Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7024 Flame Spirit Puppet

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A dozen figures disappeared instantly, and at the same time, another dozen figures appeared behind everyone like ghosts!


"not good!"

"Be careful!"

Crack...crack, boom!

The black lightning struck out suddenly and blasted into the sea of ​​gods of more than a dozen people.

Although some people took precautions, they couldn't resist Nie Lei's power at all, and they rolled over with their heads in their hands and screamed.


With a light shake of Jiang Tian's right hand, a series of evil thunders directly silenced the other party's Shenhai!

More than a dozen peak powerhouses seemed to be in good health, but Shenhai had been destroyed and turned into a corpse without sanity!

Such a corpse is easy to be seized, and it can be called an ideal target for seizure!

However, Jiang Tian didn't destroy them immediately!


With a big wave of Jiang Tian's hand, he grabbed more than a dozen peak powers who had wiped out their minds in front of him.

"Spirit of Earth Flame!"

"The flame spirit is here, what is the master's order?"

Jiang Tian summoned the spirit of the flames and instructed it to sneak into the bodies of these peak powers and refine them into an incarnation of flame spirits!

"Jie Jie, this is Yanling's best method!"

Since the spirit of the earth flame was surrendered by Jiang Tian, ​​he didn't have many chances to make a move.

Can't help but be very excited at the moment!

It has extremely high intelligence, and is sinister and vicious.

Occupying the physical bodies of more than a dozen peak powerhouses, manipulating them to make shots, I feel excited just thinking about it!

Buzz buzz!

With the infusion of more than a dozen spirits of earth flames, the physical bodies of more than a dozen peak powerhouses instantly became alive!

The eyes that were originally empty and lifeless now also exude a strange red light!

"Take it easy!"

Jiang Tian said in a deep voice.

"Yes, master!"

The spirit of the earth flame restrained slightly, and the red light in the eyes quickly dimmed, but there was still a strange red shadow remaining in the eyes, but it was not as obvious as before.

"What else does the master want?"

After taking control of more than a dozen pinnacle powerful physical bodies, the spirit of the earth flame is ready to move!


"Wait? Okay, Master!"

The Earth Flame Spirit was a little surprised, but he didn't dare to ask further questions.

Since Jiang Tian said to wait, then it will be fine if it waits!

For Jiang Tian, ​​no matter how powerful one person is, it is impossible to withstand the flood of powerful forces from all sides.

This time, there were more than 20 peak powers besieging, and next time there may be hundreds of them!

It's easy to deal with a small number of people, but if there are too many people, the power of the instant kill technique will also face a huge challenge.

If it continues to develop, the peak power who came to seize the treasure may even exceed the limit of his combat power!

Two fists are hard to beat with a hundred hands, once so many peak powers gather here, no one knows what will happen.

But with these dozens of flame spirit puppets, his pressure can be greatly relieved!


Jiang Tian waved his hand, and the storage rings rolled back one by one.

Useful resources were left behind by him, and all unnecessary things were scattered under the void ring, allowing the warriors of Chiyue City to pick them up.

At this time, more and more warriors from Chiyue City came here to enjoy this rare opportunity!

At the same time, some warriors from the original God Realm and later stages of Chiyue City came to the Void Ring with the storage rings they had just picked up, and handed them to Jiang Tian respectfully.

"This is the storage ring we just picked up, and now give it to the city owner!"

"Don't worry! My promise still counts. As long as you can win or kill a late-stage original God Realm expert, you can come and receive such a storage ring!"

Jiang Tian took these storage rings and put them on the void arena.

"Thank you, Lord City Lord!"

Everyone was excited, but at the same time they dared to be a little depressed.

Just now they were just watching the battle, and when those late-stage powerhouses in the original god state escaped, they didn't have time to stop them at all.

"Don't worry, City Lord, if someone comes later, we will never miss the opportunity!"

"Everyone, get ready, we must kill a few more late-stage original gods who are alone!"

"Never let the Lord City Lord down!"

The benefits they have reaped are enough, but compared to the resources that Jiang Tian spilled, a complete storage ring is obviously more valuable!

So, they must not miss such an opportunity!

Next, Jiang Tian sat cross-legged at his heart in the void arena.

More than a dozen flame spirit puppets stood thousands of feet away, forming a faint guard!

"bring it on!"

Jiang Tian opened the storage rings one after another, and rows of cultivation resources appeared in front of him, and he began to refine them crazily.

Rumble... boom!

His bloodline spiritual power is improving every moment, and his strength is getting stronger and stronger!

It wasn't a peaceful night!

From time to time, groups of powers from all sides came to attack, but they were all easily beheaded by the flame puppets.

After beheading another wave of powerful enemies, Jiang Tian finished refining the cultivation resources at hand, and his blood spiritual power reached 65%!

Then, he took out each fairy treasure and examined them carefully!

The magic weapon of the fox family, the cave hammer and the sky-shattering hammer!

"Fox Clan Magical Treasure!"

Jiang Tian mobilized his blood and spiritual power, silently sensing the magic weapons of the fox clan.

One of the eye-shaped treasures with a strange aura caught his attention!

This thing is only the size of a date pit, and looks like a fox pupil!

But the aura it exudes is extremely weird!

"This is... Magic Treasure?"

Jiang Tian looked at the golden fox pupil thoughtfully.

This thing exudes a strange aura, even if you hold it in your hand, it feels as if it doesn't exist.

Staring at it for a moment gave him a strange feeling that he was about to sink and lose himself!

"What a strong illusion!"

Jiang Tian has been able to confirm that this is a powerful magic treasure!

With his current strength, and his fusion of the blood of the "Phantom Eye Evil Dragon", he can be disturbed, and it will only be more embarrassing for others.

If this treasure is sacrificed in actual combat, it will definitely catch the opponent off guard and fall into a state of being lost, chaotic and at the mercy of others!

"Not bad, but unfortunately, it's useless to me!"

There was a sneer at the corner of Jiang Tian's mouth.

The magic treasure with fox pupils seems to have been meticulously refined by the great masters of the fox clan, and it has also reached the level of fairy treasures.

It was the first time for him to see a magical treasure at the level of a fairy treasure!

Coincidentally, his blood has a super talent for illusion, so this magic treasure with fox pupils is useless to him.

But this doesn't mean that this fairy treasure with fox pupils is worthless to him!

"Come, let me feel your power!"

Jiang Tian accelerated the infusion of blood spiritual power.


The golden light of the magic treasure with fox pupils shines brightly, and the light and shadow flash across the tens of thousands of feet in an instant, turning into a strange world!


The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes shrank, and his face changed slightly!

The moment this magical treasure was activated, he felt a sense of loss and sinking.

As far as the line of sight is concerned, there are scenes of strange illusions, and no sound can be heard around.

He seemed to be enclosed in a weird space!

"Where are people?"

Looking around, tens of thousands of warriors of Chiyue City have disappeared!


Jiang Tian's face darkened slightly, reminding himself to stay awake!

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