Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7026 Phantom eyes skyrocket!

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For him, these are far away, and maybe they will not have any relationship with him in the future.

"Swallow, swallow it for me!"

Without hesitation, Jiang Tian devoured all the essence power in the Fox Pupil Magic Treasure as quickly as possible!

Hum rumble!

At this moment, he felt more and more intense blood suppression!

The bloodline will of the Brutal Blood Dragon directly pressed to death the bloodline essence of the fox clan that had entered the body, making it unable to turn over the slightest wave.


When all the power of these essences entered the body, the blood will of the brutal blood dragon launched a siege to suppress it!

"So exaggerated?"

Jiang Tian was even more surprised!

It seems that the blood will of the Brutal Blood Dragon wants to completely wipe out these foreign blood essences!

He didn't intervene, let alone stop, but waited and watched.

After all, for him, the blood of the Brutal Blood Dragon is the foundation, and it is his real trump card!



The blood will of the Brutal Blood Dragon frenziedly displayed its power, and launched a frenzied encirclement and suppression of the essence of the fox blood!

Jiang Tian was surprised by the great reaction!

Fortunately, it didn't take long for this suppression to end!

At this time, Jiang Tian stared and looked again, he couldn't help being stunned!

The power of the magic treasure essence of the fox clan that had been swallowed into his body had been completely crushed, turning into a starlight-like nourishment and fused into his blood.

"Not bad!"

Jiang Tian nodded again and again, letting out a sullen breath.

In this way, the blood power of the fox clan should not be left in the slightest, but the power of the essence he devoured with all his efforts may also be greatly reduced.

"Try it!"


Jiang Tian resolutely activated the magical power of "Phantom Eye"!

Layers of purple halos spread in front of his eyes, and the next moment, these purple halos suddenly exploded, turning into purple waves and spreading forward crazily!

"Hiss! So strong?"

Jiang Tian was taken aback!

This time, he just wanted to nourish the phantom power a little bit, but he didn't expect the change to be so drastic!

The essence of the fox tribe that was crushed to pieces by the brutal blood dragon, and the power of the bloodline can bring such a big improvement?


Purple waves spread wildly forward, and the breath was nearly ten times stronger than before!

"not bad, very good!"

Jiang Tian was very excited!

The stronger the power of the "Phantom Eye" magical power, the better it would be for him.

"Purple Light Profound Eyes, open!"

Jiang Tian turned to open Ziguang Xuanmu.

The result also surprised him!

The power of Ziguang Xuanmu has also been greatly improved, and even he himself can't even see the slightest flaw in the illusion created!



"My God!"

"What is the city lord doing?"

"Where is the Lord City Lord, has he left?"

Tens of thousands of warriors in Chiyue City exclaimed, and it quickly turned into an uproar!

At this moment, they suddenly found that Jiang Tian was gone!

The void arena disappeared with him!

Why did Jiang Tian leave?

Doesn't he have to wait for the appointment two days later?

Jiang Tian is gone at this time, who will deal with the flood of powers in two days?

"Everyone calm down, this is probably some kind of illusion!"

"Yes! The Lord City Lord seemed to be urging a powerful magic treasure just now, but this illusion is too real, right?"

Everyone exclaimed and sighed with emotion.

The magic treasure that Jiang Tian activated was more powerful than they imagined.

Soon, Jiang Tian put away the purple light mysterious eyes!

The illusion created quickly disappeared, and the void ring was still there, and he didn't move at all!


"I see!"

"I thought the city lord had really left!"

Tens of thousands of warriors in Chiyue City breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, the scene just now was just an illusion, Jiang Tian never left from the beginning to the end, and did not abandon them!

"Fox Eye Magic Treasure works well, let's take a look at these few more!"

There are three other important treasures of the fox clan in front of Jiang Tian!

A golden brush made of fox fur sacrifice!

A weird golden fox with nine tails!

A piece of golden fox fur the size of a palm!

"What treasures are these?"

Looking at the heavy treasure of the fox clan in front of him, Jiang Tian felt at a loss.

These treasures are different from the treasures of ordinary warriors, and they all look weird.

Golden pen!

This is obviously a golden brush made of fox fur, but what is its use?

Jiang Tian injected spiritual power, and the fox hair at the tip of the pen radiated golden light faintly, but there was no more reaction!

"A talisman?"

Jiang Tian has not low attainments in talismans, and even more powerful attainments in refining weapons.

Immediately thought of the possible use of this fox hair brush!

It's a pity that he is not a talisman maker, and he hardly uses this kind of thing usually.

As for refining weapons, he has not tried it for a long time, because he rarely needs to refine weapons.

Therefore, this fox hair brush may not be useful for the time being.

But that didn't stop him from trying it out!

"Try it!"

Jiang Tian flipped his left hand and took out a piece of silver talisman paper!

Draw a rune with the fox brush!

This is a spirit fire talisman, the simplest entry-level talisman, even a star-level or even lower-level talisman maker is no problem.

But when he drew out this spiritual fire talisman, the talisman burned by itself, and the flame was raging and extremely violent!

"So strong!"

Jiang Tian was taken aback!

He didn't deliberately inject flame power, and the grade of this talisman paper is also very average.

The runes he drew were just the simplest fire runes.

But it is this series of the simplest things combined, but it has evolved into a raging flame!

The flame power is strong enough to burn a martial artist at the level of the starry sky!

Moreover, this magic talisman continued to burn, and the flame power would not recede for a long time!

"Yes, it is a good thing!"

Jiang Tian was satisfied with the power of this fox brush.

With such a talisman pen, the power of the talisman will be greatly increased, and the result will be twice the result with half the effort!

After putting away the fox brush, he looked at the golden fox with nine tails again!

Each tail of the fox family represents a level.

Reaching Nine Tails is the great power of the Fox Clan!

How could this kind of thing be taken down and refined into a magic weapon?

Jiang Tian has no way of knowing this question, but it is roughly speculated that it is likely to be left by a certain powerful fox clan who is about to die, and was sacrificed by later generations to become a treasure!

Hum rumble!

Jiang Tian injected a little bit of blood spiritual power, and the nine fox tails swelled up like a dragon, releasing a terrifying breath!

The billowing golden light diffused, and the numerous illusions attached to it unfolded along with it!

"Not only is it a treasure, but it also has the effect of illusion!"

Jiang Tian didn't continue to push it, because the fox tail fully unfolded, and it would definitely involve the surrounding warriors of Chiyue City.

After putting away the nine tails of the golden fox, his eyes fell on that fox fur!

What kind of treasure is this palm-sized piece of golden fox fur?

"Try it!"

As soon as the blood and spiritual power was injected, an amazing scene appeared!


The golden fox fur flew up rapidly, soaring against the wind, and instantly turned into a gigantic giant!


The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes shrank slightly, and he was taken aback!

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