Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7027 Half-step God Realm!

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When the fox fur reaches ten thousand feet, it releases a majestic and terrifying aura. It is an astonishingly powerful defensive magic weapon!

Click... bang!

Jiang Tian punched out casually, and the violent power fell on the fox fur!

But only let it shake slightly, and there is no damage!

"So strong?"

Jiang Tian was surprised!

After weighing for a while, he pointed forward and drew lightly!

The sword intent contained in this finger is enough to cut through the void and release the power of the void!

But he failed to cut the golden fox fur, just let it shake slightly, and there was no response!

"Not bad, very strong!"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself, his eyes shining brightly!

When he fought against the old monster Qingqiu, if the opponent sacrificed this treasure, it would be really difficult for him to break through it for a while.

Thinking of this, he suddenly had another idea!

Could such a treasure be used only for defense?

of course not!

In addition to defense, there is also the effect of confinement!


Jiang Tian waved his hand gently, and the ten thousand zhang fox fur swept down like a terrifying giant sail, wrapping thousands of warriors of Chiyue City in it without any explanation!



"Oh my god! What is the city lord going to do?"

The light was instantly blocked, and everyone within the area covered by the golden fox fur was terrified and at a loss.

"Everyone, don't panic, the Lord City Lord should have no malicious intentions!"

"Even if he has it, there is no need to use magic weapon at all!"

Everyone thought about it and forced themselves to calm down.

In the blink of an eye, the sky reappeared!

The fox fur magic weapon has shrunk rapidly, and returned to Jiang Tian's hand in the size of a palm.

"That's right, it's also a usable treasure!"

Jiang Tian nodded and smiled, and put away the golden fox fur.

This kind of thing will be very useful in some occasions. Once it is sacrificed, there is no need to pay too much attention to it. It can be said that it is very labor-saving.

After disposing of several fox clan treasures, Jiang Tian stretched out his hands, holding the Sky Hammer and the Sky Hammer respectively!

These two treasures are the magic treasures of the immortal rank that he has recently harvested!

They are extremely powerful, and they all contain space power. Even among fairy treasures, they are extremely rare and heavyweight treasures!

"Try it!"

Jiang Tian injected spiritual power and swung the double hammers at the same time.

Boom, boom...crack...rumble!

Terrible roar resounded through the void, the sky exploded thousands of feet away, and the power of the void surged out wildly.

Although he didn't use too much strength, the bombardment of the two immortal treasure hammers still caused an uproar in the audience!


"What a terrifying magic weapon!"

"Especially in the hands of a strong man of the city lord level, this kind of treasure can exert a terrifying power!"

"Horror, it's too scary!"

Amidst the exclamation of the audience, Jiang Tian did not continue to shoot.

He kept a close eye on these two magic weapons!

To be honest, the power of these two magic weapons really satisfied him, and they were also great offensive weapons in actual combat.

Its power is majestic and domineering, and it can explode a terrifying attack with a wave of hand!

He originally wanted to refine these two treasures and absorb the space power contained in them, but now it seems that it is not appropriate to act too hastily.

"Stay here for a while!"

Jiang Tian suddenly changed his mind and decided to keep these two fairy treasures.

He wants to give the upcoming powerful enemies two big "surprises"!

Jiang Tian waved away the cave hammer and the sky hammer, and waited silently!

The next day, Dongfang revealed his white belly!

At this time, a large number of strong men came frantically from all directions!

"Here they come!"

"here we go again!"

"This time, there are more people than last time!"

Amidst the exclamation of everyone, Jiang Tian once again ushered in a wave of powerful enemies!

This time it was more than two thousand late-stage powerhouses of the original god realm!

Among them, there are more than one hundred peaks of the original god realm!

"Jiang Tian, ​​this old man has been out of touch with world affairs for more than three thousand years, and I am here just for you!"

Ancestor Yaotian was wearing a white Taoist robe, which looked very fairy-like.

He is the ancestor of Yao Tianzong who retired for thousands of years, and it is said that he had reached the peak of the original god state three thousand years ago.

The purpose of retiring was to hit the next bottleneck, but unfortunately, he was unable to break through that barrier for a long time.

Recently, he heard that a talisman containing a god-making artistic conception appeared, and he immediately left the customs to seize the treasure!

Along with them came the suzerain of the Yaotian sect and several Supreme Protectors.

Yao Tianzong's territory is larger than a super city, and its strength can crush a super city!

Now, the six members of Duobao's party are already half of the peak combat power of this sect!

There are still a few peak powers left, who feel extremely regretful that they cannot come because they have to stay behind in the sect!

"Ancestor Yaotian, you haven't asked about world affairs for more than three thousand years, why did you come all the way here this time, and have trouble with a junior?"

An old woman in purple robe with a ferocious complexion appeared in the opposite void, looking at Patriarch Yaotian from the air, her eyes were extremely gloomy!

"Mother Zishan, you have been in seclusion for more than 5,000 years, didn't you come here as well?"

Patriarch Yaotian sneered coldly, his face full of mockery.

The old lady of Zishan smiled ferociously: "Yes, we were all trapped in front of that big pass, unable to advance an inch for thousands of years, now we finally have a chance, of course we are coming!"

"Hmph! I am determined to get the attracting talisman. If you want to play with it, get rid of it as soon as possible!" The ancestor Yaotian shouted coldly.

"No! It should be you who wants to get rid of this thought!" Zishan old mother slowly shook her head, "Because I am different from you. You only need to find a god-making master to help you, and you can cross the threshold. Because of my skills and blood, it is difficult to solve the problem even if I find the god-making realm. Therefore, this connecting talisman is my best chance. No matter who it is, as long as he dares to snatch it from me, I will definitely let him die without a burial!"

Zishan's old mother looked at the other party and issued a naked threat!

"Hahahaha, the two fellow daoists have been friends for tens of thousands of years, why are you still working so hard for a small magic talisman?"

Amid wild laughter, the sky was suddenly broken by a terrifying giant foot!

A huge figure stepped down from the sky, quickly shrank, and turned into a middle-aged man in green robes!

Seeing this person, the ancestor Yaotian and the old mother Zishan all frowned!

"Old green camel, you're here too, haven't you already stepped into the realm of god-making?"

"You know several god-making realms, do you need to grab the attractor with us?"

The faces of the two were extremely ugly, their eyes were extremely fierce, and they looked at each other viciously.

But deep in their eyes, there is a trace of fear that cannot be concealed!

Old monster green camel!

They are about the same age as them, but stronger than them!

He is a terrifying power who is half a step into the god-making realm!

"Half-step god-making realm!"

The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes shrank sharply, his heart was dark!

This is the first time he has encountered such a level of power!

And the other party is obviously not good at coming, one-on-one may be able to let go of a fight, and now there are so many people present.

If the opponent takes the opportunity to launch a mad attack, how should he respond?

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