Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7028 Master of Heiyun Pavilion, half-step to create a god!

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"Hahahaha! What's so great about half-stepping into the god-making realm, if you don't enter the god-making realm, you won't be able to get rid of the shackles of the original god's power!"

The green camel old monster waved his hands and laughed wildly. The laughter alone shocked a large number of martial artists present, their hearts were terrified and their blood was tumbling!

"Damn it!"

"It seems that you are determined to rob us two?"

The ancestor Yaotian and the old mother Zishan looked at each other and reached a tacit understanding in an instant!

Even if they can't get it, they can't take advantage of the green camel old monster, otherwise, once the other party enters the god-making realm, they will probably turn around and deal with them!

Because there are many years of grievances between the three of them, no one can see who is better.

The reason why the two teamed up was only to hold back the green camel old monster and prevent him from breaking through ahead of schedule!

"Since you guys insist on robbing me, then get ready to fall here today and die!"

"bring it on!"

"Who is afraid of whom?"


The violent roar resounded through the void, and Jiang Tian hadn't made a move yet, but these powerful old monsters fought for it first.

The battle is imminent!

at this time!

Suddenly someone persuaded!

"Listen to me, you three, we are here to receive the talisman, and it is not appropriate to fight each other at this time!"

An old man in black robe spoke in a deep voice, trying to dissuade him.

"Heiyun Pavilion Master!"

"You're here too!"

The three of them looked at the old man in black with apprehension in their eyes.

Especially the green camel old monster, there is even hatred in his eyes!

In contrast, the ancestor Yaotian and the old mother Zishan are so proud!

The strength of the Heiyun pavilion master is not inferior to that of the old monster Qingtuo, and he has had a little feud with the old monster Qingtuo, but has no grievances with the two of them.

Although there is no grievance, Yaotian and Zishan also dare not be careless.

After all, this is a terrifying power in the half-step god-making realm, and they can crush their existence with one hand, and there is no room for neglect.

The two looked at Pavilion Master Heiyun with flattering smiles on their faces.

"Heiyun Pavilion Master, we are not your opponents. If you want to fight for the attracting talisman, we can only give it up!"

"But some people probably don't think so, so if you want to get this attracting talisman, I'm afraid it's not that simple!"

What the two of them said was obviously trying to run the green camel old monster.

"Shut up, old man!" The green camel old monster was furious, but he dared not be stupid, and of course he would not be misled by such inferior means.

"Pavilion Master Heiyun, although the two of us had a bit of a holiday in the past, but now is not the time for us to care about personal grievances!"

"Naturally, the master of this pavilion is not a fool, of course he will not be fooled by their few words, but..." The master of Heiyun changed the subject, and a serious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth!

"...If someone dares to snatch the attracting talisman from me, this old man will definitely let him go around!"

The words spread, and the audience was silent!

No one dared to stand up and contradict the other party at this time, because that was pure courting of death!

Jiang Tian was already difficult enough. Before Jiang Tian was taken down, no one would touch the bad luck of these powerful men.

"Since the two of you intend to put aside the old grievances for the time being, it's not easy for us to fight ahead of you. Please, please!"

"We think we can't compete for the second place, so let's take a look around and prevent him from escaping!"

Yaotian and Zishan are prudent to protect themselves, and bluntly say that they will not intervene in the scramble for receiving the attractor for the time being.

"Let the two of us fight for it, and if you wait for the opportunity to benefit, you will have a good plan!"

The green camel old monster gritted his teeth and scolded angrily, his eyes were cold!

"it's the same!"

The master of Heiyun Pavilion waved his hand, and suddenly slapped Jiang Tian!

His attack came without warning, which not only surprised the three of them, but also made all the powers afraid of him!

Following his strike, a giant mountain of ten thousand feet volleyed down, and a terrifying pressure erupted and enveloped Jiang Tian in an instant!


"What method is this?"

"It seems... a giant mountain?"

"Be confident, this is a real giant mountain!"

"He actually refined a huge mountain, the method of the master of Heiyun Pavilion is too strong!"

Everyone gasped, terrified!

The method of refining mountain peaks into magic weapons is not uncommon in the martial arts world, but the larger the scale of the giant mountain, the higher the price required for refining.

And the more difficult it is to control, the more expensive it is!

More importantly, this kind of bulky and extremely heavy magic weapon is extremely difficult to control, and its activation speed is relatively slow.

It may be able to take advantage of being used to suppress fixed targets, but if it is used to deal with flexible and maneuverable targets, it will inevitably be slow and slow!

Jiang Tian is equipped with space escapism, so it shouldn't be too difficult to avoid such an attack!


Under everyone's gaze, this gigantic mountain suddenly flashed and fell down at an astonishing speed.

Collapsing the void all the way, the speed is frighteningly fast!

"To be able to control the giant mountain to such a state, the master of Heiyun Pavilion is indeed a half-step god-making power!"

"The body of this giant peak shouldn't be that big, but it shouldn't be too small either!"

After refining, the gigantic mountain must be able to scale freely, otherwise it would be very inconvenient to carry it around.

So normally speaking, the body of this giant mountain is at least no more than a hundred feet in size, or even smaller!

Because this kind of thing is to be included in the magic weapon of storage, it is destined to refine it to the smaller the better.

But no one saw the process of the giant peak growing from small to large. As soon as the master of the Black Cloud Pavilion made a move, the giant peak stretched across the void and crushed down.

It can be seen that the speed of its urging has reached an extremely astonishing level!

At this moment, even the green camel old monster, who was half a step into the god-making realm, couldn't help shrinking the corners of his eyes, showing a look of fear!

If such a method is used on him, although it will not be fatal in one blow, it will also make him fall into a passive position if he is caught off guard.

As for the contest at the half-step god-making level, once you fall into a passive position, it will be difficult to stand up in the future.

It takes a huge price to turn the situation around!

"My lord, hide away!"


The warriors in Chiyue City were shocked and reminded Jiang Tian to avoid.

However, Jiang Tian at this time didn't even have the slightest intention of avoiding it!

Staring at the giant peak that was falling crazily, Jiang Tian grasped the void with his right hand, and suddenly swung out the Dongtian Hammer!

Click... bang!

The terrifying loud noise shook the void, the dazzling blue light burst out suddenly, and the vast void instantly collapsed!

The falling momentum of the giant mountain was forced to stop abruptly, and it was even forced to rise by nearly a hundred feet!

Ka Ka Ka!

At the bottom of the gigantic mountain, where it was hit by the hammer shadow of the cave sky, a large boulder exploded and turned into a rain of stones!



"Immortal rank magic weapon!"

"What a powerful method!"

The old monster Qingtuo, the ancestor Yaotian, and the old mother Zishan all stared at the magic weapon in Jiang Tian's hand, with surprise in their eyes!

The magic weapon of the fairy rank is already extremely powerful, and it is even more shocking to use it in Jiang Tian's hands!

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