Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7030 Void waves

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The giant black palm reappeared again, pressing down frantically towards the Wanshan Seal!

In an instant, the body of Wan Shan Yin, the huge peak began to spin rapidly, bringing an unimaginable terrifying pressure and crushing it down!


Jiang Tian's heart was shocked!

Not to mention Wan Shanyin's body, just the coercion of the rapid rotation coming from the air made him feel difficult to stand.

His body seemed to be swaying with that force!

"So strong!"

Jiang Tian's eyes shone coldly!

Wan Shanyin's power once again exceeded his imagination.

Even though he has a physical body and a void double dominance body, he still feels unprecedented pressure in front of this berserk force at this moment!

He immediately unfolded the void hegemony, but this time it was only a hundred feet in size, just to protect him in it.

The Baizhang void hegemony opened up a space, making it impossible for Wan Shanyin's power to penetrate.

But he felt the pressure, and it didn't disappear completely, and he was still getting stronger and stronger!

Because Wan Shanyin's huge body is rotating at an accelerated speed, releasing waves of terrifying coercion that are higher than the waves, crazily exerting it on the void hegemony!

"Hahahaha, Jiang Tian, ​​stop struggling, this battle is completely over!"

The master of Heiyun Pavilion laughed wildly, and continued to press down with both palms.

But with the continuous pressing, the falling rate of the palm began to slow down.

This is not because of his weak follow-up, but a sign that Wan Shanyin's power is about to reach its peak!

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!

Wan Shanyin erupted wildly, and the phantom of the mountain peak that had been bombarded by the double hammers reappeared again. With the huge body of Wan Shanyin spinning rapidly, it erupted with a terrifying pressure far better than before!

"Void hegemony, explode again!"

With a wave of Jiang Tian's hand, the Baizhang Void Hegemony rose up against the trend like a moth, and blasted towards the huge Wanshan Seal.

Boom...Crack, bang, bang!

Amidst the terrifying loud noise, an unprecedented wave of void spread, sweeping tens of thousands of feet of void!

The seemingly gigantic Wanshan seal was also turned upside down, and it couldn't go anywhere for a while!

"How can it be?"

The Master of the Heiyun Pavilion's complexion was slightly gloomy, and the cold light in his eyes was shining brightly!

When he wanted to make a move again, he found that Jiang Tian had disappeared without a trace!


The master of the Heiyun Pavilion stared coldly at the bottom of Wanshanyin!

Jiang Tian has disappeared, but obviously he has not escaped!

Where can he hide?

He can only be under the Wanshan Seal, in the huge void wave caused by the self-explosion of the void hegemony!

Buzzing, buzzing, buzzing, booming, booming!

The terrifying noise resounded non-stop!

Spatial cracks sprung up wildly, but before they could fully unfold, they were engulfed and crushed by huge waves of void!

The power of the huge void wave was extremely violent, forming waves that rose up one after another, engulfing the phantom of the mountain peak that Wan Shanyin had transformed.

The huge void wave devoured and consumed the power of Wanshanyin, causing its spinning momentum to decline rapidly!


The master of Heiyun Pavilion's face was ashen, and his anger was surging!

Since he set foot in martial arts, he has rarely lost.

And when he stepped into the original god realm, he never lost a single defeat, and it was even difficult to meet evenly matched opponents.

Facing Jiang Tian at this moment, but his offensive was rarely blocked, he was extremely furious in his heart!

He folded his hands and pressed down frantically, urging the power of Wan Shanyin with all his strength.


Wan Shanyin's spinning momentum tried to improve again, but there was a lot of resistance in front of the huge waves in the void!

The power of the huge wave in the void passed through the Wanshan seal, and came back from the air, causing his pressed palms to tremble violently, causing great pain in the palm bones!

at this time!

In the huge waves of the void under Jiang Tian, ​​he spread his arms, frenziedly urging the void hegemony, greedily devouring the raging void storm!

"Strong, too strong!"

Jiang Tian shouted happily!

Although the current situation is somewhat dangerous, there are opportunities in the crisis!

The huge wave of void created after the burst of the Baizhang void hegemony, and the space storm layer superimposed by the rotating and crushing layers of Wanshan Yin grind each other, transforming into unprecedented void power!

This kind of power is a rare nourishment for his void hegemony!

"Swallow, swallow for me!"


It is not enough to rely on the Void Hegemony to absorb, Jiang Tian also launched the "Swallowing the Void Art" to swallow the void storms.

Crazy refining the power of the void at the fastest speed!

Rumble... boom!

The power of the Void Dominant Body is constantly increasing, while the pressure from the Void Giant Wave and Wanshanyin is rapidly decreasing!

Jiang Tian became more calm and calm under the double pressure of the huge waves of the void and Wan Shanyin.


The tonic of the Void Hegemony ended soon, as if it had reached a certain critical point, and no longer absorbed the power of the Void!

The space storm swallowed into the body by the "Swallowing the Void Art" can no longer nourish the Void Dominant Body!

Jiang Tian shook his arms, and once again invoked "Void Dominion!"

Hum rumble!

Thousands of feet of hegemony emerged!

Its strength has reached the level of the previous Baizhang Hegemony, or even higher!

"very good!"

Jiang Tian's spirit was lifted!

The original Baizhang hegemony was almost impenetrable by external forces, and it was an extremely powerful means of defense.

The current Qianzhang Hegemony also has the same power, and its range has been increased by a full ten times!

How strong would it be if it were reduced to a hundred feet?


As Jiang Tian thought, he suddenly urged!

The Void Hegemony immediately shrank to the size of a hundred feet, and the strength shocked him immediately!

"Strong, so strong!"

Today's Baizhang Hegemony is ten times stronger than before!

It is completely proportional to the changes in Qianzhang's hegemony!

With such means, even if it is Wan Shanyin, he has no fear!

"Hahahaha, come on!"

"Let me feel how strong Wan Shan Yin is?"

Under the cover of Baizhang's hegemony, Jiang Tian punched Wan Shanyin from the air!

Crack... bang rumble!

Purple light burst!

Wan Shanyin was blasted out of a big hole when he asked, and a large piece of rubble fell down, but it didn't seem to have much impact on the huge Wanshanyin!

"Come again!"

Jiang Tian dashed forward in a teleportation, pasting it under the Wanshan seal.

Using the power of the real dragon's dominant body to bombard wildly, hundreds of punches were blasted in an instant!

Bang bang bang bang... click... rumble!

A series of purple-gold fists exploded wildly, and he smashed out big holes on the surface of Wanshan Seal. Gradually, hideous cracks appeared at the bottom of Wanshan Seal!

"Damn, what are you doing?"

The expression of Heiyun Pavilion Master suddenly changed!

He originally thought that Jiang Tian's rush into the huge waves of the void was purely seeking his own death.

Even if he didn't fall on the spot, he would be severely injured by the void caused by the superposition of the two forces.

He never expected that Jiang Tian would go directly to the bottom of Wanshan Seal and bombard it with his physical strength!

The Wanshan seal is made by gathering the power of Wanshan, and it is a physical magic weapon, so it is naturally not afraid of the bombardment of external forces.

But if this external force exceeds its tolerance limit and reaches a certain level of terror, it's a different matter!

Jiang Tian's power is gradually approaching and even faintly exceeding this limit at this moment!

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