Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7031 Angrily Exploding Wanshan Seal

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Although Wan Shanyin is strong, he still needs to push it with all his strength, and only by releasing complete power can he exert the greatest effect.

It is difficult for Wan Shanyin's power to be fully exerted when Jiang Tian is so close to the violent bombardment.

It's like an elephant is strong, but it can't do anything to a small flying insect!

But Jiang Tian's combat power is far from comparable to flying insects!

Although the realm of his Heiyun Pavilion master is very different, the difference in combat power is not that great.

Now thanks to the growth of the Void Hegemony, this gap has been further narrowed!

Crack, crack... Boom!

Jiang Tian shook his fists violently, blasting the bottom of Wanshan Yin into a gigantic crater!

"Damn! Damn!"

The master of Heiyun Pavilion was completely furious!

At this time, the Wanshan seal was obviously damaged, and it was forcibly destroyed by Jiang Tian in just a moment, which made him extremely furious!

"Die to me!"

The master of the Heiyun Pavilion instantly appeared on the top of Wanshan Yin with one step, and stomped hard with both feet!

Click... bang!

The void below Wanshanyin exploded crazily, and Jiang Tian's tiny figure was engulfed in it like a flying insect!


The powers of all parties gasped, and the green camel old monster who hadn't had time to make a move from the beginning to the end was trembling in his heart!

Yaotian and Zishan were even more thankful that they didn't provoke Heiyun, otherwise they might have been brutally murdered by him right now!

"Die! Die for me!"

The master of the Heiyun Pavilion roared sharply, and stomped on his feet one after another!

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!

Wan Shanyin crushed crazily, only a few hundred feet away from exploding the void arena!

"It's over, Jiang Tian is over!"

"Jiang Tian at this time is probably already smashed to pieces!"

"The master of the Heiyun Pavilion personally controls the Wanshan Seal, who can stop him?"

"Perhaps, this young evildoer has already perished!"

All the powers from all sides exclaimed, as if they saw the scene of Jiang Tian's death.

In the face of such an offensive, even if hundreds of them joined forces, they would suffer heavy casualties, let alone Jiang Tian alone?


Just when everyone thought Jiang Tian was going to die, an astonishing scene ensued!


The huge body of Wanshanyin suddenly began to tremble violently, and there was a disturbing shaking!

And at the bottom of the Wanshan seal, more and more gravel fell down, many of which were even engraved with patterns!

That was obviously part of the formation of Wanshanyin, but now for some reason, it turned into rubble and fell!

At the same time, ear-piercing sounds of friction, cutting and slashing continued to come out!

"What's that sound?"

"It seems... the sound of swords rubbing against each other?"

"Sword intent! Jiang Tian is a sword repairer with a star sword body!"

"Is he not dead?"

"Obviously so! Not only is he not dead, but he is still using his sword intent to forcibly slash and cut the Wanshan seal!"

"Is this useful?"

"Isn't the fact in front of you proof?"

The powers of all parties exclaimed endlessly, but their attitudes were completely different!

Some people believe that Jiang Tian must die, while others find that Jiang Tian is still using his own strength to resist the suppression of Wan Shanyin.

And the counterattack is getting stronger and stronger!

Crash... boom!

Kachacha... Boom!

More and more gravels engraved with complex formations fell crazily, and Wan Shanyin shook violently, and the stable aura began to turbulently!

at this time!

At the bottom of Wanshanyin's deep collapse, Jiang Tian is urging the Star Sword Field to bombard frantically!

The billowing purple-black sword intent wrapped with a large amount of purple starlight turned into torrents of sword intent and crazily strangled the collapsed body of Wanshanyin.

Crack, crack... Boom, boom!

Terrifying roars emanated from the bottom of Wanshan Seal, and were repeatedly refracted between the deeply sunken mountain walls, as if a huge trumpet roared and waves of coercion accelerated!

This wave of sound and coercion fell directly on the void arena, and was quickly dispelled by the space pattern.

Without the obstruction of the void arena, the warriors of Chiyue City who were hiding under the arena would have fallen to their deaths in an instant.

At this time, the lower half of Wanshanyin has almost become an empty shell!

"Jianyu, blast me!"

Crack... Rumble!

The Star Sword Field exploded suddenly, the terrifying sword power spread wildly, and the hollowed-out lower half of the Wanshan Seal exploded.

The body of its mighty giant peak was half shattered in an instant, leaving only the upper half suspended in the void, looking extremely embarrassed!

"You dare to destroy my Wanshan Seal? I want you to die!"

Standing at the top of the remaining Wanshan seal, the master of Heiyun Pavilion roared wildly!

"Wan Shanyin is gone, do you really think you can win?"

The moment the Star Sword Field exploded, Jiang Tian had already escaped from the bottom of the Wanshan Seal, and came to the void, opposite to the Lord Heiyun Pavilion.

The next moment, he clenched his hands in the air and swung forward wildly!

Boom, boom!

The Dongtian Hammer and Futian Dong reappeared, and two huge shadows of the hammer smashed out with his swing!


The master of the Heiyun pavilion immediately urged the remaining Wanshan seal to stand in front of him.

Two hammer shadows struck violently, and the remaining Wanshan Seal collapsed!

Crack... Rumble!

The terrifying roar resounded through the void, and Wan Shanyin was completely blown into rubble and flew in all directions.

And the two heavy hammers in Jiang Tian's hands are still intact!

He swung the sledgehammer and smashed it towards Heiyun Pavilion Master!

Crack... bang bang bang!

A burst of hammer shadows blasted out, making the master of Heiyun Pavilion extremely embarrassed!

"Damn it!"

"How can it be?"

"Jiang Tian, ​​who was in the early stage of the original god realm, actually forced the master of the Heiyun Pavilion, who was half a step into the god realm?"

"This is too exaggerated!"

Everyone was amazed and felt incredible!

"Now, it's my turn!"

Jiang Tian yelled violently, and swung two giant hammers to smash wildly.

Bang, bang, bang... Boom, boom!

The terrifying roar resounded through the void, stronger than the half-step god-making power of Pavilion Master Heiyun, who was still forced into a panic by Jiang Tian.

"Damn it!"

The master of the Heiyun pavilion roared furiously, and was furious!

As a half-step god-making powerhouse, one hand can crush the top-level powerhouse of the original god realm, but he didn't expect to be at a disadvantage in front of Jiang Tian, ​​who was in the early stage of the original god realm.

"Jiang Tian, ​​do you really think you can defeat this old man? You are so naive!"

The master of Heiyun Pavilion screamed wildly, and used the unique power of the half-step God Constructing Realm!


Accompanied by a violent roar, a huge and strange force erupted from his body, instantly filling the void!


The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes shrank slightly, secretly surprised!

Wherever this power goes, a series of strange scenes will follow!

The power of the original gods?


This is no longer the pure power of the original god, it has undergone obvious transformation, and to some extent has broken away from the shackles of the power of the original god.

Reached a higher level!

"Gaoshen artistic conception? No!"

Jiang Tian shook his head!

The opponent is only at the half-step level of the god-making realm, not a real power of the god-making realm.

And it needs a talisman to advance. It is obviously impossible to transform the power of the original god into the artistic conception of god-making at this stage!

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