Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7040 Ten thousand streams return to the sea

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And once he falls into the siege of the opponent, no matter how strong he is, it is impossible to get rid of it in an instant.

It is impossible to keep watching the other hundreds of peak original gods and the remaining hundreds of weaker warriors.

The warriors in Chiyue City will surely be slaughtered!

This is what he does not want to see!

But today, the warriors of Chiyue City cannot retreat, they must fight!

The road of a warrior is a road to rise through bloody battles. If you retreat easily when encountering a strong enemy, then you are not a warrior in the true sense!

No one can stay in good times forever!

No matter how strong the performance is in times of prosperity, it is often just an illusion!

Only when facing adversity can one truly see a person's martial arts heart!

"Warriors of Chiyue City, I will deal with their high-end combat power, and leave the rest to you!"


"We are willing to follow the Lord City Master and fight them to the death!"


Fight, fight, fight!

The warriors of Chiyue City raised their arms and shouted wildly, their voices shook the sky!

"Hahahaha! A group of ants will kill you immediately without a place to bury you!"


More than fifty half-step god-making realms rushed out and rushed straight to Jiang Tian!

"Everyone, Jiang Tian is not our turn, but let's not be idle!"

"Let's do it!"

Hundreds of peaks of the original God Realm stepped forward one after another, preparing to launch a tragic massacre against the warriors of Chiyue City!

And the rest of the warriors in the late stage, middle stage, or even lower levels of the original gods are going to follow behind them to pick up all kinds of treasures.

"Empty Formation, go!"

Hum rumble!

With a big wave of Jiang Tian's hand, a huge space pattern was spread over the warriors of Chiyue City!


"Arrogance! Do you really think that a pattern can stop us?"

"Break it open for me!"

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!

The violent roar resounded through the void, and the powerhouses at the peak of the original god realm shot out and bombarded the formation pattern.

But then their faces changed drastically!

The function of this pattern is not only to consume and resist their offensive, but most importantly, to bounce back their offensive in full!



"Damn it!"


"Damn it!"

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!

The berserk attack was bounced back by the space pattern and blasted into the crowd, causing them to be in chaos.

But after all, these are the peaks of hundreds of original gods, and it is impossible for a mere space pattern to block them there.

Soon, this pattern was destroyed by a more violent offensive.

But what awaited them was another terrifying existence!

"Sword Domain!"


The purple-black sword field circled up, blasting into the crowd like a huge purple-black mill.

"Damn it!"

"Blast it!"

When hundreds of experts at the peak of the original God Realm were about to make a move, the purple-black giant mill suddenly accelerated into the crowd and exploded!

Crack... Rumble!

"Damn it!"



The shrill screams resounded through the void, and the self-explosive power of the purple-black sword field swallowed up dozens of powerhouses at the peak of the original god realm.

The terrifying power spread wantonly, severely injured hundreds of people, and sent the remaining hundreds of people flying!

The scene was extremely terrifying for a moment!

"Damn it!"

"Extreme arrogance!"

"When we don't exist?"

Jiang Tian's shot was as fast as lightning, which caught more than fifty half-step god-making realms off guard!

Before they even touched Jiang Tian's fur, Jiang Tian blasted and killed dozens of peaks of the original god realm first.

This made them extremely furious, and then they started to shoot wildly!

Bang bang bang bang... click... rumble!

Terrifying roars resounded through the void, and more than fifty half-step god-making powers shot at the same time, and the power was terrifying!

In an instant, the terrifying offensive flooded the void, enveloping Jiang Tian without any explanation!

Click, click, click, click, click!


The void repeatedly collapsed, stirring up terrifying waves of space!

Jiang Tian defended with a hundred feet of void hegemony, and at the same time fully unleashed the violent power contained in the void hegemony body to swallow the huge waves of space!

Hum rumble!

The essence contained in the huge waves of space poured into his body through the Baizhang void hegemony, making his void hegemony body stronger.

The Void Hegemony, which was already approaching a certain bottleneck, has clearly reached a critical point again!

"If the Void Hegemony breaks through this bottleneck, what will it evolve into?"

Jiang Tian didn't know the answer to this question.

Because he is walking on a path of martial arts that has no reference!

Whether it's the real dragon body, the void body, or the star sword body, there is no complete record for reference!

He can only explore step by step, as for how far it will eventually develop, he himself cannot predict!

"bring it on!"


Jiang Tian shook his arms together, and the billowing waves of space turned into countless strands of space essence power into the void hegemony, and then injected into his body like thousands of streams flowing into the sea.

Nourishing the powerful physique of the Void Dominant Body!

Buzz buzz!

The aura of the Void Dominant Body soared towards the critical point, but to Jiang Tian's surprise, he still couldn't touch the final bottleneck!

"It has reached the critical point, and there is still potential?"

Jiang Tian was extremely surprised, but it wasn't a bad thing.

After all, the bigger the bottleneck, the stronger the power after advancement.

This is a good thing for him!

But the question is, when will this bottleneck end?

Fortunately, under the joint attack of more than 50 half-step god-making realms, they decided that Jiang Tian would be injured even if he was not dead, so they were waiting and watching calmly.

And such a scene just gave Jiang Tian the opportunity to calmly nourish himself!

Let him continue to devour the essence of space power in the violent space waves!

Rumble... boom rumble!

Jiang Tian absorbed the nourishment like ten thousand streams returning to the sea, but his heart was not easy.

Although he is now at peace for a while, the warriors in Chiyue City have already begun to face enormous pressure!

The many peaks of the original God Realm who were repelled by him just now have stabilized their positions and started to counterattack!

They didn't dare to attack Jiang Tian directly, so they aimed at the warriors of Chiyue City below!


"Kill them all!"

Bang, click... Boom!

These people shot wildly and started killing the warriors in Chiyue City!

"Back, back quickly!"

The warriors of Chiyue City changed their expressions in horror, and swept back with all their strength.

But there were still many people who had no time to escape, and were killed in an instant, at least two or three hundred people!

no way!

There are more than tens of thousands of warriors in Chiyue City in this void, and these powerhouses at the peak of the original god realm are like destructive existences to them.

With just one blow, a large number of warriors were killed!

Jiang Tian noticed the change below, and no longer took it easy to make up for it!

Although he still has enough time to devour the nourishment brought by the huge waves of space, the problem is that the warriors in Chiyue City simply cannot bear such one-sided harvesting and killing!


Jiang Tian shouted violently, and teleported away in the Void Dominion!

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