Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7041 The phantom shows its power, the bloody talisman!

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In the next moment, he flashed in the void where he raged at the peak of the original God Realm, lying above the terrified warriors of Chiyue City!

"Master City Lord!"

"It's the city lord, he's not dead!"

The warriors of Chiyue City cheered up and shouted in surprise!



"It's Jiang Tian, ​​go back!"

The faces of the original peak powers of the God Realm changed in horror!

Jiang Tian's Thunder shot just now had already caused heavy casualties to them.

Now it suddenly flashes, it is simply a nightmare for them!

"Purple Light Profound Eyes, open!"


Of course Jiang Tian would not give them a chance to retreat calmly!

Before he could solidify his figure, he opened his purple light mysterious eyes!


A huge purple wave swept away, and a violent phantom instantly enveloped these hundreds of peaks of the original god realm!

Most of them had already been injured in Jiang Tian's first wave of shots. At this moment, they were trapped in an illusion, and they instantly became terrified and helpless!

"Xingyun, instant killing skill!"

Buzz buzz!

Chi chi...Puff puff!

Jiang Tian launched the star meteor killing skill, instantly turning two hundred!

Two hundred Jiang Tians flashed at the same time, and purple sword intents flew out with them!

Puff puff puff... chi chi!




Chi chi chi...Puff!

One or two hundred heads flew up in an instant, followed by one or two hundred corpses falling down!

In the face of his star meteor instant killing skill, these powerhouses at the peak of the original god realm were completely vulnerable, and fell to death in pieces!

The warriors of Chiyue City were already stunned at this moment, but this void was covered by illusions, and they couldn't see the details inside at all.

The warriors below could only see heads and corpses falling from mid-air!

In an instant, one or two hundred people at the peak of the original god realm fell to their deaths like raindrops!

"My lord is amazing!"

"Strong, too strong!"

"Jiang City Lord is so terrifying!"


Seeing these corpses falling like raindrops, the warriors in Chiyue City shouted wildly, their spirits lifted!

And in the rolling phantom, Jiang Tian used the star meteor killing skill, as if entering the land of no one!

Chi Chi Chi... Pu Pu Pu!



The peak of the original God Realm seems to have a lot of people, but they are like straws for him to harvest!

In just a few breaths, hundreds of people all fell!

The scene is extremely frightening!

Hum rumble!

The phantom begins to fade away!

More than fifty half-step God Constructors looked down and were stunned!

"Damn it!"

"how so?"

It was hard for them to imagine the scene in front of them!

I thought that Jiang Tian was still stuck in the airspace that repeatedly collapsed, but he didn't expect that the other party had escaped in an instant, and crushed and killed hundreds of peaks of the original god realm in a few breaths!

Such a method is really terrible!

If it were them, they would not be able to do it even if they asked themselves!

"Kill him, quick!"


Everyone felt cold in their hearts, and they didn't dare to neglect in the slightest!

They all shot wildly and started besieging and killing Jiang Tian!

At this time, Jiang Tian had just put away hundreds of storage rings!

Then his figure flickered, and he rushed towards dozens of half-step god-making realms!

"Purple Light Profound Eyes, open!"


The huge purple billow swept away again, and the billowing phantom instantly overwhelmed dozens of half-step god-making powers!


"What a terrifying illusion!"

"This is not an ordinary illusion, this is a blood illusion!"

"Everyone be careful, break through it with all your strength!"

Crack... Crack... Rumble!

The violent roar resounded through the void, and dozens of half-step god-making realm powers shot wildly, trying to break this powerful illusion.

But they immediately discovered that this illusion is not so easy to crack!

Because this illusion can be completely false, even if they know that they are in an illusion, there is no way to erase these illusions!

It seems that they are completely real sights!

"Star loss, instant killing skill!"

Buzz buzz!

Jiang Tian launched the star meteor killing skill again!

In an instant, more than two hundred Jiang Tian flashed at the same time!

An average of four Jiang Tian, ​​surrounded by a half-step god-making realm power, made crazy shots!

Chi chi...Puff puff!


The violent roar resounded through the void, and the ear-piercing howling of swords resounded endlessly!

The fierce offensive caught dozens of half-step god-making realms off guard, and even several of them were beheaded by him!

More than a dozen people were severely injured by him!

But these people are worthy of half-step god-making realm, and when they sensed that the situation was wrong, they immediately launched a crazy counterattack!

"Blood vision, open!"

"Blood Vein Illusion, open it for me!"


One by one, they unfolded the visions of bloodlines, and some of the powerful ones with the bloodlines of the phantom system launched powerful illusions of bloodlines, intending to break the illusion with illusions!

But they soon discovered that such efforts were in vain!

Their blood phantom can't break Jiang Tian's blood phantom at all!

It is impossible to use illusions to break illusions, so they settle for the next best thing and plan to use illusions to create illusions!

But they soon discovered that such a plan is not so easy to realize!

Jiang Tian's phantom is too powerful for them to resist!

"Damn it!"

"what to do?"

"Why is his blood illusion so strong?"

Everyone shouted wildly, but they were in the illusion and couldn't see the position of their companions at all.

Respond to each other only by sound!

But this voice was also deeply disturbed by phantoms, so that it was difficult for them to locate each other's positions!

At this time, Jiang Tian no longer worried about the safety of the warriors in Chiyue City!

Because hundreds of peaks of the original god realm have been forcibly obliterated by him!

And these dozens of half-step god-making realms were also trapped by him in the powerful illusion created by Ziguang Xuanmu, unable to escape for a while!

Just when he was about to harvest these opponents with the powerful power of Xingyun Instant Killing Skill, a terrifying scene appeared!

"Fellow Daoist who has worked so hard, let me borrow your body!"



A big hand protruded from the void, and with a twist of two fingers, a bloody talisman was released!

This talisman was not affected by illusions, as if it had eyes, it flew to the back of the half-step god-making power with blood illusion.

Attached to his body!

"Hiss! Not good, what did you do to me? Get out of here!"

The complexion of this half-step God-Constructing Powerhouse with the blood illusion technique suddenly changed!

Essence and blood spilled out uncontrollably, out of control!

"Ah! Damn it... stop!"


The overflow of essence and blood was already out of control, and the person's aura skyrocketed wildly, but these skyrocketing breaths were not under his control.

Instead, they frantically poured into the bloody talisman!

The breath of the blood talisman rose sharply, releasing a series of strange blood glows!

In just the blink of an eye, this half-step God-Constructing Power who possessed the blood illusion technique was drained of blood and turned into a mummy!

But the strange thing is that this mummy did not fall immediately, and there was still a trace of life remaining!

He watched helplessly as his blood essence was sucked dry, his body withered and turned into a living mummy, but he was completely powerless to stop it!

The next moment, the magic talisman that had drained his innate phantom blood rose into the air with a buzzing sound, and suddenly burst open!

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