Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7042 Gobble up visions!

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Crack... Rumble! Rumble!

A terrifying roar resounded through the void, and after the blood talisman burst, a terrifying phantom swept wildly towards the surroundings!

The phantom was originally terrifying, but at this moment it did not show its own phantom power, but used all its power to break Jiang Tian's phantom!

Boom, boom, buzz!

Wherever the illusion of the blood talisman went, the illusion created by Jiang Tian with the purple light mysterious eyes was annihilated inch by inch like a rewinding wild cloud!


Jiang Tian's face darkened, and the coldness in his eyes soared!

He originally planned to use illusion and instant killing skills to deal with these people, but he didn't expect that the other party still had some special methods.

He actually sacrificed that companion of the innate phantom blood to break through its purple light and mysterious eyes phantom!

And when he looked around the void, the power of the blood talisman spread and showed no signs of fading away!

"Sure enough, there are ways!"

He knew that he somewhat underestimated the means of these half-step god-making powerhouses.

Before the power of the blood talisman dissipated, his phantom means could not be used.

And scanning the void, there were originally more than fifty half-step god-making realm powers, but now there are less than forty left!

And among the forty, nearly half were injured!

Among the half of the injured, a dozen or so were seriously injured and their combat strength was greatly damaged!

It can be said that the effect of his offensive just now is very significant!

But because he didn't achieve the goal of eradicating them all, he had to continue to attack!

The phantom is temporarily unusable, but he can still use the instant killing technique!

"Xingyun, instant killing skill!"

Buzz buzz!

Jiang Tian didn't need to be covered by illusions, and then used instant killing skills!

In an instant, more than two hundred figures suddenly appeared!

Every five ginger days or even six ginger days surrounded a half-step God Constructing Realm!

"Damn it!"

"Instant killing technique!"

"So many avatars...all of them are real!"

The half-step god-making powers were horrified!

Originally, they thought that most of Jiang Tian's figures were just phantoms, but now they suddenly discovered that all of these Jiang Tians seemed to be real bodies!

But how is this possible?

There can be more than two hundred ginger days in this void, how could they all be real?

But they just can't see any flaws!


Before they had time to think about it, they immediately shot wildly.

But how can one person resist five or six Jiang Tian's "cooperative" attacks?

Chi chi...Puff puff!

Crack... bang bang bang!


The violent roar resounded through the void, and more than two hundred Jiang Tian shot wildly in an instant!

The purple sword intent, the purple fist shadow, and the power of the flesh blasted out crazily!

More than two hundred Jiang Tian staged a crazy scene with nearly forty half-step God Constructors!

Seeing the faintly flashing scene in mid-air, all the warriors of Chiyue City were stunned!

That blood talisman could have created a powerful illusion to obscure their sight!

But because the power of the blood talisman is used to suppress and guard against Jiang Tian's blood phantom, the phantom power erupted by itself at this moment is very small.

Therefore, the warriors of Chiyue City below almost all saw the scene in mid-air!

And the other hundreds of warriors from all sides who were in the late stage, middle stage, or even lower stage of the original god realm were terrified at this moment!

"Oh My God!"

"How can it be?"


Everyone gasped, and the void was filled with shock!

Hundreds of peaks of the original God Realm were wiped out by Jiang Tian in an instant!

And there are more than fifty half-step god-making realms, and now there are less than forty left!

And these forty peak combat powers are now under the siege of more than two hundred "Jiang Tian"!

"Damn it!"

"What method is this?"

"Where did he get so many clones?"

Everyone was terrified and didn't dare to attack and kill the warriors of Chiyue City for a while!

"Flame Spirit Puppet, kill!"


Jiang Tian waved his hand across the air, and more than a dozen flame spirit puppets rushed out, rushing into the camp of the remaining hundreds of warriors at the late stage of the original god realm and below.

"It's starting to fight back!"


"Warriors of Chiyue City, kill them!"

Seeing more than a dozen flame spirit puppets start to attack, the warriors of Chiyue City were invigorated and rushed to kill them like a tide!

at the same time!

Jiang Tian!

More than two hundred ginger days!

They each shot wildly, bombarding nearly forty half-step god-making powerful enemies with sword intent and physical strength!

After the violent offensive blasted out, several more people fell from the half-step god-making realm power.

More than a dozen people were seriously injured by him!

Almost all were injured!

"Damn it!"

"That does not work!"

"Hurry up and kill him!"

"Joint, how to join hands?"

"Which one to kill?"

Facing more than two hundred Jiang Tian, ​​everyone was completely terrified!

With so many Jiang Tians, which one are they going to kill first?

Buzz buzz!

at this time!

Xingyun's instant killing skill began to recede, more than two hundred Jiang Tian disappeared in an instant, and only one person remained in the end!


An old man in the half-step God Constructing Realm was refreshed and prepared to take this opportunity to fight back.

However, before he finished speaking, Jiang Tian launched the star meteor killing skill again!

Buzz buzz!

More than two hundred Jiang Tian reappeared, frightening them!

Jiang Tian made wild moves these days, sword intent and physical strength gushed out wildly, killing several people in an instant!

And the remaining 30 or so people have all been seriously injured, and their combat power has been greatly damaged!

They are destined to be Jiang Tian's opponents no longer. Even if they broke the illusion before, they failed to turn the tide of the battle!

Everyone unfolded the blood vision, but in front of more than two hundred Jiang Tian, ​​their blood vision did not play a role in turning the tables!

"Hua, Long, Jue, go!"

Ho Ho Ho... Ang!


Jiang Tian's aura soared wildly, billowing purple light shot up from his body, and turned into a terrifying dragon!

This giant dragon rushed to the sky and began to devour dozens of blood visions frantically!

These are the blood visions of the half-step god-making realm, and the nourishing effect is beyond imagination!

But it requires a process of devouring, and only when the giant dragon transformed by the "Dragon Transformation Art" is devoured and returned to the body, all the nourishment will be fed back.

At this time, Jiang Tian would not kill these opponents directly.

Because he still needs the other party's survival to maintain these blood visions!

"Damn it!"

"Zhuzi! What do you think of us elders as great masters?"

More than thirty half-step god-making powers were completely furious!

At this moment, they felt that to Jiang Tian, ​​they were like a group of monsters being raised.

The only function is to provide Jiang Tian with blood nourishment!

As a half-step god-making power, a powerful existence that is about to touch the threshold of the god-making realm, to be treated like this by a junior in the original god realm, their martial arts hearts will explode!

"For what? Of course I use you as a treasure trove of living resources!"

Jiang Tian responded with a sneer, his eyes slightly ferocious.

"Damn it!"

"I want to die with you!"

Thirty half-step god-making realms can't help it!

They have never been so ravaged by others, and now they have a feeling that life and death are involuntary.

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