Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7156 Nine Dragons Out Together

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Roar... Boom!

Jiang Tian pointed and urged, the purple dragon soared into the sky!

Shaking its head and tail, it unleashes a huge Dragon Might!

"Extreme arrogance!"

"A mere bloodline with a foreign surname dares to challenge us and the power of the real dragon?"

"This will leave you without a place to bury you!"

The monsters of the Dragon Clan roared wildly, urging the power of the formation to attack.

Ho Ho Ho Ho!

In an instant, nine giant dragons of different colors charged towards Jiang Tian with ferocious and terrifying coercion!

The purple dragon standing above Jiang Tian seemed vulnerable to them!

They bared their fangs and claws, roaring frantically to scramble to tear this purple dragon apart!

Boom... Boom!

The purple giant dragon showed no sign of weakness, its huge dragon body suddenly turned around, and its terrifying giant tail swept out in the air!

Before touching the nine giant dragons, the void has already been blown up!

Bang bang bang bang...crack...boom!

The void collapsed layer by layer, completely unable to withstand the blow from the dragon's tail of the purple dragon!

One after another space cracks tore away towards the surroundings, and the terrifying giant waves of the void also surged up, rolling fiercely in all directions!

"Swallow it!"

"Suppress it!"

The monsters of the dragon tribe roared sharply, urging the nine giant dragons to launch a mad attack.

Four of them are located in the four corners of the formation!

Their originally thick bodies suddenly shriveled at a strange speed!

The huge mouth opened violently, but a terrifying force of sucking and devouring burst out!

Hiss... Boom!

The berserk power instantly evacuated the aura of heaven and earth in the formation, and at the same time, this suction turned into terrifying torrents and rolled back towards the four dragon bellies!

The body of the purple dragon shook violently, and the huge wave of void that had just been set off was suddenly swallowed up by these four giant dragons, and it was sucked into their belly forcibly!

Ho ho ho!

The purple dragon was furious, swiped its giant claws and slapped the void, causing waves to explode again!

But these raging waves in the void were also sucked up by the four giant dragons!

"Hahahaha, Jiang Tian, ​​your struggle is in vain!"


The four dragons are consuming the power of the purple dragon with all their strength!

The remaining five dragons are not idle either!

Under the restraint of their companions, they pounced fiercely forward, spewing out terrifying strange lights from their mouths!

Bang, click... Boom!

Ho ho ho!

Five different lights spanned the void, and instantly bombarded the dragon body of the purple dragon, causing its body to shake violently and retreat again and again!

Ho Ho Ho Ho!

They took advantage of the situation and rushed forward, and began to bite the purple dragon frantically with their mouths and claws!

Ho Ho Ho Ho... Oo Hoo!

Even though the purple giant dragon was mighty, it couldn't resist the joint strangling of so many opponents, and fell into a passive state instantly, roaring in pain!

The monsters of the Dragon Clan rose in momentum, as if seeing Jiang Tian's fiasco!

At this time, Jiang Tian was extremely calm!

There was even a sneer of disdain at the corner of his mouth!

That's right!

The nine giant dragons attacked together, which really put the purple dragon at a disadvantage.

But in fact, this is not a sign of defeat for him!

On the contrary, he is preparing a violent counterattack!

Ho Ho Ho Ho... Oo Hoo!

The purple giant dragon condensed by the Dragon Transformation Art was instantly bitten and bruised by five giant dragons!

At this moment, Jiang Tian's right hand was slightly spaced.

Say something in your mouth!


The giant purple dragon that was being bitten crazily burst open!

Crack... Rumble!

The loud roar resounded through the void, and the terrifying purple awns instantly engulfed five giant dragons, and even the other four dragons that were crazily sucked by the four corners of the formation were all severely injured by the sudden spread of purple awns!



There were bursts of roars and screams in the formation, and the nine giant dragons were violently attacked by the burst purple awns, and they were severely injured one by one!


"Damn it!"

"Damn it!"

The faces of the dragon monsters changed, and they cursed sharply.

But the companions who controlled the formation remained calm!

"do not be afraid!"

"He has been forced to the point where he blew himself up as a giant dragon, which means that he is about to die!"

"Keep up and strangle him!"

The momentum of the crowd rose sharply, and they were ready to urge their power to completely crush Jiang Tian!


Jiang Tian suddenly smiled coldly, and raised his hand to make a formula.

"Dragon Transformation Art, gather!"

Roar... Boom!

As he pointed out with his finger, the purple aura that swept across the void suddenly rolled back, frantically gathering at one point!

The next moment, an even bigger purple dragon condensed and took shape, erupting with unprecedented terrifying coercion!


"How can it be?"

"No, we were fooled!"

The complexions of the monsters of the Dragon Clan changed drastically, only then did they know they had been fooled!

Just now the purple dragon blew himself up, it seemed to be forced and helpless, but it was actually Jiang Tian's trick!

He severely injured nine giant dragons in this way, but in fact he had no control over himself.

Gently reversing the formula, the dragon body reunited again, and the breath was even bigger!

Not only that, they even discovered that the re-condensed dragon shot was even frantically devouring the spiritual essence that escaped from the nine giant dragons!

"No, stop him!"

"Dragon Soul Destroyer Formation, suppress it for me!"


The aura of the Dragon Soul Destroyer Formation soared, waves of tyrannical coercion crushed the void, and pressed towards the purple dragon!

"Dragon Transformation Art, swallow them!"

Jiang Tian pinched the tactics and urged, the huge dragon body of the purple dragon rolled in the air, and the five injured dragons were entangled in it!

The giant claws stretched out horizontally, and the sharp fingertips plunged into the heads of the four giant dragons at the four corners of the formation!


The four giant dragons roared crazily, sounding extremely painful!

They struggled violently, trying to resist Zilong's confinement, but their vitals had been severely injured, and they were unable to break free at all.

Ka Ka Ka... Boom!

The giant purple dragon's giant claws exerted force, and instantly crushed the heads of two of the giant dragons!

This scene frightened the evil dragon who controlled the formation, and also frightened the other two giant dragons!

As soon as their resistance relaxed, they were slammed in front of the giant purple dragon and swallowed without explanation!


"Damn it!"

"Quickly destroy it!"

The expressions of the monsters of the dragon race who controlled the formation changed drastically!

Nine giant dragons came out together, already the ultimate power of the Dragon Soul Destroyer Formation.

In their view, Jiang Tian should be easily suppressed, but unexpectedly, he was taken advantage of by the opponent and swallowed him instead!

If this situation is not interrupted, how can Jiang Tian be suppressed next?

"Dragon Soul Destroyer Formation, raise it for me!"

Boom boom boom boom boom!

More than a hundred monsters of the dragon clan made wild moves, injecting blood and spiritual power into the formation, forcibly increasing the power of the formation!

Buzz... boom!

Ka Ka Ka!

The aura of the Dragon Soul Destroyer Formation rose sharply, becoming extremely majestic and terrifying!

The formation pattern of the entire formation even began to shake, as if it might collapse at any time!

Obviously, the power of this large formation has reached its limit, and if it continues to be poured like this, it may disintegrate by itself at any time!

But they couldn't care too much, because Jiang Tian's performance became more and more terrifying, and they felt that they were about to be unable to suppress it!

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