Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7157 The Power of Thunder Array

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Ho Ho Ho... Boom!

Facing this tense situation, Jiang Tian pushed hard, and the purple dragon devoured nine dragons recklessly!

Then there was a roar, and it swooped down sharply!

Boom... Boom, boom!

The purple giant dragon wrap poured the essence of nine dragons into his body, making Jiang Tian's aura violently turbulent!



Jiang Tian's body trembled unceasingly, and for a moment, he could hardly hold on to himself.

But being prepared, he still mobilized the power of blood in advance to forcibly suppress the changes in his body.

"good very good!"

Jiang Tian's eyes brightened, and he let out a roar that shook the sky!

This tonic, although it wasn't the blood essence of the dragon monster, but the essence of the nine dragons was quite impressive.

Let his blood aura fluctuate violently.

Crack... bang bang!

The bottleneck of the real dragon's domineering body loosened again, and cracks appeared on the bottleneck of the original solid body!

But there are only a few cracks, and it has not reached the critical point of breakthrough!

And even if it reaches the critical point, he can't break through here!

Because once it enters the breakthrough state, it is bound to be suppressed by the dragon soul annihilating array, and then besieged and fallen by more than a hundred dragon monsters!

"Leizhen, get up!"

Rumble rumble!

Jiang Tian waved his hands together, sacrificing a 3,000-foot purple-gold thunder formation!

As soon as this battle came out, the terrifying Lei Wei instantly changed the expressions of the dragon monsters!


"Oh My God!"

"What method is this?"

They have seen Lei Zhen a lot, and some of the dragon clan evildoers present have the blood of Thunder Dragon.

But they had never seen such a terrifying thunder formation before!

"Blast it away!"

With a wave of Jiang Tian's hand, the breath of the three-thousand-foot purple-gold thunder formation surged, and a terrifying thunder pillar three hundred feet thick was ejected!



There was a loud noise that shook the sky, and the Zijin Thunder Pillar bombarded the pattern of the Dragon Soul Destroyer Formation with terrifying power, erupting with terrifying power!


Waves of thunder force spread rapidly, like a purple-gold thunder shield propped up inside the formation!

"Damn it!"

"not good!"


The monsters of the Dragon Clan changed their expressions in horror!

This thunder force was so terrifying that they had no choice but to block it or dodge it.

Crack... Boom!

The three-hundred-foot lightning pillar exploded crazily, and a big hole was forcefully blasted out of the Dragon Soul Destroyer Formation!

"Damn it!"

"The array is broken!"

"Don't worry about the formation, let's join forces to strangle him!"


The formation has been broken, and the dragon monsters have no time to pay attention to it, so they can only attack Jiang Tian with all their strength.

"Is this the power of the Dragon Soul Destroyer Formation? That's all!"

A fierce look flashed in Jiang Tian's eyes, and violent hostility erupted from his whole body.

The next moment, pointing at a point in the air, he used the explosive sword in "Three Forms of Stars"!


Crack... Rumble!

The purple sword intent exploded like a meteor!

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

The sharp sword power instantly severely wounded dozens of evildoers, causing their blood to fly!

"Dragon Transformation Art, go!"


The purple giant dragon appeared again, and its huge dragon body rushed towards dozens of dragon monsters!

Bang bang bang... click... boom!



One after another, the flesh exploded, and all the blood and essence melted into Zilong's body.

The dragon monsters who witnessed this scene were completely shocked!

Someone immediately activated the vision of the bloodline in an attempt to fight against it.

But most people turned their heads away, trying to escape.

"Void hegemony, open!"

Hum rumble!

With a wave of Jiang Tian's hand, the Void Dominance Domain of thousands of feet spread out in mid-air, directly imprisoning these dozens of people, making them stagnate and unable to escape!


"help me……"

Crack... bang bang bang bang!

Everyone exclaimed in despair, Jiang Tian did not hesitate, clasped his hands and twirled left and right.

The spatial layering suddenly became powerful!

Kill everyone instantly!


With a wave of Jiang Tian's hand, the purple dragon roared forward, devouring the blood of dozens of people again.

Ho ho ho!

The giant purple dragon roared in the air, its aura soared, and its huge dragon body danced wildly, fully fused with the power of the messy blood.

After a while, suddenly swooped down and returned to the body!


Jiang Tian's breath was fluctuating and rising at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"Blood spiritual power, 100%!"

Jiang Tian's eyes brightened!

After repeated tonics, the bloodline spiritual power has reached 100%!

Fill to the full!

"very good!"

Jiang Tian let out a sulky breath, feeling the majestic power of blood, and began to look forward to the scene after the advanced stage.

He has reached the peak of the late stage of the original god state, but in a short time, he will not be able to reach the god-making state!

Because there is still a threshold in the middle, that is the half-step god-making state!

After the warrior's strength breaks through the peak of the original god realm, he will become a half-step god-builder realm!

This is the natural evolution of power, preparing for the advanced god-making realm.

And if you want to really advance to the God-Creating Realm, you need to be guided by the great power of the God-Creating Realm, or use the power of the talisman to comprehend the God-Creating Artistic Conception, and thus step into the God-Creating Realm.

In short, the current him is still far away from the god-making realm!

And even if it is a half-step god-making state, it can't be reached casually!

Because he still needs an opportunity!


"just in front!"

"Listen to this movement, they have already started!"

"We're still late!"

"Maybe it's not too late, the movement is so big, they probably haven't succeeded yet!"



A violent roar resounded through the void, and in an instant, nearly a hundred dragon monsters rushed over.

They got the news before that they were going to surround and kill Jiang Tian.

But for various reasons, it was a step late.

Seeing the spiritual power in the void ahead and the chaotic scene, their mood became more and more anxious!

If the companions have already succeeded, they will naturally not get much benefit.

At this moment, they only hope that Jiang Tian's combat power will not be too bad, and try their best to last a little longer.

Even if you want to lose, you have to wait for them to arrive before you lose!

In that case, they will all have a chance to get a share!

at this time!

Jiang Tian had just dissipated the three-thousand-foot thunder formation, and swiped out from the gap in the dragon soul annihilating formation.

Seeing nearly a hundred evildoers rushing forward, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth!

"Well done!"

Jiang Tian rushed out to meet him.


"It's Jiang Tian!"

"He's running away!"

"Hahahaha, he's not dead yet, stop him!"

"Well done!"

The monsters of the Dragon Clan are in full bloom!

Jiang Tian's combat power seems to be stronger than expected, which is a good thing for them!

Because in this way, they took Jiang Tian head-on, which is considered to be a success.

Before those companions set up the Dragon Soul Destroyer Formation and worked hard for a long time, it was equivalent to making wedding dresses for them and creating favorable conditions!

"Wrap up!"

"Strangle him!"

Boom boom boom!

Nearly a hundred dragon monsters quickly dispersed, surrounding Jiang Tian!

"It actually blasted away the Dragon Soul Destroyer Formation, the method is really amazing!"

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