Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7162 Spirit veins in the cave

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"You..." Everyone was speechless by her, their faces livid!

Long Cuiluan scolded angrily: "If you have the ability, you also go and invite such a blood of a foreign surname!"

"It makes no sense!"

"Extreme arrogance!"

"Long Cuilan, do you still know what your surname is? You might as well follow his surname Jiang!"

In a fit of rage, someone yelled and cursed, and the words were extremely despicable!

"Who dares to insult my vein master?"

"Have the ability to fight one-on-one!"

Boom, boom, boom!

The faces of the priests and elders of the Moju Mountain line sank, and their breaths soared, defending the dignity of Long Cuilan.

It is to maintain the reputation of Moju Mountain!

Ka Ka Ka!

The vein masters and elders of each branch clenched their fists tightly, making crackling noises.

They can't wait to besiege Long Cuilan immediately, and kill the arrogance of Moju Mountain!

But with the elders of the True Dragon Family sitting in charge, they dare not make mistakes!

During the Qianlong Martial Arts Festival, it is strictly forbidden for the vein masters and elders of each branch to fight privately, and any violation will be severely punished.

No matter how courageous they are, they dare not do this, they can only enjoy their mouths.

"There are hundreds of branches of the True Dragon Family. I don't believe that I, Moju Mountain, are the only ones who have invited foreign aid. You people dare to swear to God that you haven't invited any foreign aid?"

Long Cuilan's question was immediately refuted by many branches.

But there were also a few branch masters and elders with ugly faces and fell silent.

This is obviously a guilty conscience!

"Hmph, hahahaha!" Long Cuiluan sneered again and again.

"Our Jiang Tian is only a bit more eye-catching and more powerful, which makes you so jealous. If his performance is stronger, aren't you afraid that you will hit your head against the wall?"


"Long Cuilan, you are delusional!"

"Just relying on him, breaking into more than a hundred is already the limit, and you want to go further?"

"Stop daydreaming like this!"

"Tell you, Jiang Tian can also compete with the branches in the middle reaches. If he encounters an extremely evildoer within a hundred, he will definitely die!"

"Just wait and see, the good luck of your Moju Mountain lineage ends here!"

Many pulse masters and elders cursed one after another, and even played the trick of cursing.

"It's not up to you to decide what record Jiang Tian can achieve and how he will rank in the end. I believe that he still has greater potential, but I must say that it has already created a miracle for him to be able to reach this position. Next, even if he falls another 20 or 30 places, it is not unacceptable!"

Long Cuiluan's remarks were based on retreat, and seemed modest and cautious, even a little conservative.

But in the ears of the pulse masters and elders, it is more like a show off in a cheap way!

"Long Cuilan, don't be too happy!"

"Those of us from the branch may not be able to cure him, but someone will be able to kill him!"

"Wait until Qianlong Wuhui is over, let me see if you can still laugh?"

Numerous pulse masters and elders vented their inner anger, and there were endless curses in the venue, and the atmosphere was extremely chaotic.

It's a few days in a flash!

In the Julong Mountain Range, Jiang Tian has killed more than a thousand dragon monsters!

And in the past few days, hundreds of dragon clan evildoers have also inspired escape amulets to withdraw from the martial arts contest.

Most of these people are evildoers in the branches ranked below 200, and most of them are warriors of the downstream branches ranked below 300.

For them, the competition in Qianlongwuhui is still too fierce!

From the moment they entered the Julong Mountain Range, they have been living in fear.

It is already the limit to endure until now!

"It's... too scary!"

"The top 200 monsters, one is stronger than the other, and the cruelty is stronger than the other!"

"We...we can't stand it at all!"

The young evildoers who teleported out were all terrified and frightened.

Some people with a slightly weaker heart even cried with their heads in their arms, thankful that they had saved their lives.

Faced with this situation, all the pulse masters and elders have long been familiar with it.

Because every Qianlong martial arts meeting, this kind of situation will happen.

The strength and background of the hundreds of branches of the True Dragon Family are uneven, and huge gaps are inevitable.

"Give me silence!"

"Let me ask you, have you ever met Jiang Tian from Moju Mountain?"

"Answer the old man's question!"

Lan Cang, the master of Lan Lin's lineage, asked sharply, a huge coercion enveloped these evildoers, forcibly suppressing their turbulent minds.

"Master Lan Cangmai, I... I haven't seen him, but I have heard about his record. It is said that he is not inferior to the top 200 evildoers at all!"

"I've seen this man! Although he was far away at the time, I witnessed the terrifying scene where he killed dozens of people by himself!"

"I've also heard about his record. It is said that he faced three super evildoers led by the black dragon's lineage Mo Yu, and easily killed them with one against three!"

"Not only that! I heard from some clan friends that he frantically devoured the vision of blood in the Julong Mountains to nourish himself!"

"Someone used the Liuhe Extreme Dragon Formation to encircle and suppress him, but they failed to strangle him. In the end, the formation was destroyed and everyone was killed!"

"I also heard that someone used the Dragon Soul Destroyer Formation to besiege him, but in the end he broke through the formation and killed them all!"

"If this momentum continues, his record will probably improve!"

"This person...is too scary!"

"Moju Mountain lineage, how did you find such an evil star?"

Hearing everyone's answers, Lan Cang's old face completely sank.

He wanted to hear some words that belittled or questioned Jiang Tian, ​​and killed the prestige of Moju Mountain.

Unexpectedly, the answers of these young evildoers, on the contrary, contributed to Jiang Tian's fierce reputation, and also made the Moju Mountain line even more powerful!


The elder of the True Dragon Family suddenly spoke, and the sound shook the audience!

All pulse masters and elders immediately silenced and listened to the instruction.

The elders of the True Dragon Family didn't care about the discord among the various veins.

He glanced at the audience and said coldly: "So far, Qianlong Wuhui has passed one-third of the progress, and the next competition will be even more fierce. The real contest has only just begun. I look forward to the performance of the monsters of all veins!"

"What the elder said is true!"

"We are also looking forward to their performance!"

The pulse masters and elders nodded repeatedly, not daring to have the slightest objection.

In the depths of the Julong Mountains!

Jiang Tian is in a hidden cave!

He originally came here to retreat for a while, preparing to stabilize his physical body and bloodline spiritual power that had been increasing recently.

Unexpectedly, in the depths of the cave, there is actually a half-step divine vein suppressed!

The aura of the half-step divine vein should have been overflowing continuously, causing many evildoers to covet it.

But for some strange reason, the aura of this spirit vein was completely blocked!

"The occlusion restriction that evolved naturally is really rare!"

Jiang Tian glanced around.

The thick wall of this cave formed a natural restriction, suppressing the breath of the half-step divine vein within it, preventing it from leaking out at all.

And he also reaped unexpected benefits because of this coincidental discovery!

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