Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

7163--Andrew half-step god-making realm

Biquge www.xbiquge.bz, the fastest update of the Dragon Emperor!

It took several days to drain the entire spiritual vein, allowing the spiritual power of the blood to break through the limit and step into the half-step god-making realm!

"Half-step god-making realm!"

Jiang Tian's eyes shine brightly!

Although the half-step god-making state is not a substantial state, the combat power has not changed drastically compared to the late stage of the original god state.

But compared to before, there is still a considerable improvement!

At this time, Jiang Tian's combat power was stronger, and he was full of confidence in the follow-up competition.

And the reason why he chose to temporarily retreat these few days is mainly because he had swallowed a large amount of dragon blood essence before, and it took some time to completely refine them.

At the same time, Jiang Tian no longer liked the blood essence of the evildoers who ranked below 200.

Review the experiences of previous days.

Thousands of dragon monsters entered the Julong Mountain Range, and as many as six or seven hundred people were beheaded by him!

Including those who died at the hands of other evildoers, as well as those who quit voluntarily, it is roughly estimated that the total number may have dropped by one-third!

Based on 6,000 people, the number of people who fell and withdrew should be around 2,000.

There are more than 4,000 people active in the Julong Mountain Range!

And the remaining people are very strong.

This means that he will usher in another crazy tonic!

"very good!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were bright, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth!

This half-step divine vein has been completely sucked dry by him.

Next, it's time to leave this place and continue his journey of Qianlongwuhui!



With a flash of Jiang Tian's figure, he escaped from the underground cave in an instant and returned to the Julong Mountain Range.

Scanning around, there is a flash of light somewhere at the end of the line of sight!

There was also a faint and violent roar, obviously someone was fighting over there!

Jiang Tian immediately launched the space escape technique and swept over there.

With the rapid approach, the vision ahead becomes clearer!

A sound of shouting came from afar!

"You people are really overconfident!"

"Do you really think that gathering a group of offshoot evildoers with a ranking of less than 200 can compete with us?"

"too naive!"


A violent roar erupted suddenly!

Several monsters of the Dragon Clan rushed towards the crowd on the opposite side.

There were fifty or sixty people in this group, but they were defeated by four or five people from the opposite side, and it was difficult to protect themselves.

"I surrender!"


Buzz buzz!

Seeing that they were about to die, more than a dozen of them resolutely activated the Escape Talisman and teleported out instantly.

But the remaining 30 people were not so lucky!

Four or five powerful enemies used powerful means to injure them all, and then began to devour the blood essence one by one!

In each branch of the Dragon Clan, there are some bloodline secret techniques that are passed down.

Those who do not have this kind of secret technique will directly suck blood and refine it in the simplest and most direct way.

These five monstrous geniuses all came from the top 100 branches.

At this time, one after another, they used the secret dragon skills to devour the blood of the dragon clan of more than 30 people.

Rumble... boom!

Ho ho ho!

With the continuous devouring, their blood aura grew rapidly.

All are elated!

"Hahahaha, happy!"

"Although the strength of these people is not as good as ours, they are still among the top 200 geniuses!"

"Their blood is also a good nourishment for us, at least it can increase our combat power by more than 20%!"

"With 20% more combat power, we will have greater confidence to compete with the higher-ranked branches!"

The five evildoers quickly sucked up the blood essence of more than 30 people, and their own aura rose and fell slowly.

Finally, they put away dozens of storage rings, satisfied and ready to leave!

At this moment, a cold snort suddenly sounded!

"Your movements are too slow!"


"Who is there?"

The faces of the five people changed suddenly!

Look up into the air!

I saw that under the thick clouds, there was an extra figure at some point!

This is a young evildoer, standing in the air, expressionless, looking at them with indifferent eyes!

"Which line are you from?"

"How dare you spy on me?"

"I think you are courting death!"

"Full you!"

Boom boom boom boom boom boom!

The five monstrous auras soared, rushing towards each other.

Although he didn't know which branch the other party was from, but he was able to sneak around quietly, so his strength was obviously not too weak.

In this way, they have another bloody creature!


One of the gold-cloaked evildoers was the fastest, and his shots were as fast as lightning!

Crack... bang rumble!


I saw his right fist slamming, a golden thunder fist burst suddenly, and the dense lightning blasted into a thunder net and went straight to Jiang Tian!

"Thunder bloodline!"

Jiang Tian's eyes moved slightly, and he stood in place without dodging or avoiding!

In the eyes of the golden-cloaked evildoer, the other party might be frightened!

Faced with his strong attack, perhaps he knew that it was difficult to avoid, so he simply resigned to his fate.

However, the next moment, he was stunned!


The golden thunder net raged down, but disappeared without a trace in an instant!

"How can it be?"

The face of the golden-cloaked evildoer changed!

All the violent thunder and lightning entered the opponent's body.

At this time, the other party should have been severely injured, or even died on the spot!

But he didn't even move his body!


"Are you also of the Thunder blood?"

The golden-cloaked evildoer exclaimed sharply, shocked!

"What kind of bullshit thunder bloodline?"

Jiang Tian sneered!

He is not of the blood of the Lei family, but a Lei Yuan Body Immortal!

He himself is a terrifying source of thunder, so why is he afraid of the opponent's thunder attack?

"Let me tell you how to use Lei Li!"

With a wave of Jiang Tian's right hand, Zijin Thunder suddenly blasted out!

Click... bang!


The monster in the golden robe screamed, and a big hole was blasted out of his chest!

The mouth of the hole was scorched black, exuding a scorching smell!


The faces of the four companions who rushed over immediately changed drastically!

"Damn it!"

"Oh My God!"

"How can it be?"

The golden-cloaked evildoer is of the Thunder blood!

This kind of bloodline is already powerful, and it is a dragon clan, and its branch ranks within one hundred.

Such a powerful bloodline makes him extremely powerful.

He never expected that with such a physique, his body would be instantly pierced by a purple thunder from the other party!

"Brother Jin?"

"How are you?"

Several people screamed wildly.

The golden-cloaked evildoer didn't respond!

"you you……"

The monster in the golden robe raised his hand with difficulty and pointed at Jiang Tian.

Before he finished speaking, his breath died away!


Jiang Tian opened his left hand, and a long dragon-like purple light spewed out from his palm.

Bloodline devour talent!


The rolling blood spilled out, turning into a fist-sized golden blood mass!

The essence of the dragon blood was poured into his body in an instant.

It should be the second time in his memory that he directly devoured the blood essence of the dragon clan!

For the first time, when he was still in the lower realm, he devoured the blood of the Phantom Eye Evil Dragon!

Most of the large amount of blood that had been swallowed before represented the completion of the "Dragon Transformation Art".

It is still a rare move to directly devour the blood essence of dragon warriors like this.

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