Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7165 envy jealous hate

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"Moju Mountain, you guys did a good job!"

Cangqiuzi shouted in a deep voice, his roar was like thunder!

Long Cuilan sneered, showing no sign of weakness!

"Cangqiuzi, why are you crazy?"

"The Qianlong Martial Arts has been held countless times. You don't understand the rules, right? Isn't it normal for a few people to die?"

Cang Qiuzi couldn't refute Long Cuilan's counterattack.

But the fury in his heart didn't decrease but increased!

"What a dragon vein master, what a Jiang Tian!"

"Of course Cang will not break the rules of Qianlong Martial Arts, but after the martial arts is over, I will definitely visit your Moju Mountain and have a good exchange with Jiang Tian!"

"You'd better pray that he doesn't die in the Julong Mountain Range, and that he can come out alive after the martial arts competition is over!"

Cangqiuzi blatantly yelled threats, but because it did not violate the rules of the martial arts association, the elders of the True Dragon Family turned a deaf ear to it.

"Hey! None of you can win the Qianlong Martial Arts Competition. Could it be that I, from the Moju Mountain family, are afraid that you won't succeed?"

Long Cuiluan sneered again and again, but he was not so confident in his heart.

Speaking of the background of the branch, the Canglong branch is far above Moju Mountain!

But that was before!

With Jiang Tian's astonishing performance, the Moju Mountain lineage will also welcome a generous reward from the True Dragon Family after the martial arts competition ends.

At that time, the weight of the Moju Mountain lineage will be different!

At that time, she had the confidence and confidence to meet the challenge of the Canglong lineage!

Jiang Tian's feats did not stop!

A few days later, when Qianlong Wuhui is coming to an end!

The ranking of Moju Mountain has reached an astonishing 49th place!

Faced with this ranking, people from the Canglong lineage just shut up!

They would be dissatisfied if Moju Mountain's ranking stayed around ninety.

But when Mo Jushan threw them far away, all the dissatisfaction and aggrievedness turned into shock and horror!

"Moju Mountain, is this going to soar into the sky?"

"This Jiang Tian, ​​why is his combat power so terrifying?"

"All the way up to the forty-ninth place, wouldn't the number of my family's descendants who died in his hands reach hundreds?"


The pulse masters and elders kept guessing, and their faces were extremely ugly.

Hum rumble!

In a blink of an eye, dozens of dragon clan evildoers triggered the escape amulets to teleport back.

After standing still, they looked into the depths of the Julong Mountain Range, their eyes were full of horror, and their hearts were full of fear!

"That Jiang Tian is too scary!"

"His combat power is simply terrifying!"

"Every family friend who met him was almost killed by him!"

"Moju Mountain, where did you find such a freak?"


After the power of the escape talisman dissipated, the bodies of these young evildoers trembled and their faces turned pale, rejoicing that they survived the catastrophe.

The masters and elders of their branches immediately called them to ask what happened.

"Have you met Jiang Tian in the Julong Mountains?"

"His combat power, is it really that terrifying?"

"What are his main means, let's talk about it carefully!"

Many pulse masters and elders asked eagerly, hoping to learn about Jiang Tian's situation through these people.

But the answers of these juniors surprised them.

"Have you seen him? If we've seen him, we won't be able to get out alive!"

"I've seen it before, but I just saw the scene of crushing the evildoers of Canglong's lineage from a long distance away, so I didn't dare to get close!"

"Although I haven't witnessed Jiang Tian's method with my own eyes, I have heard it from other branch clan members. This person has a very strong physical body, and he rarely uses blood and spiritual power when fighting with others!"

"He also has a powerful instant killing skill, which can instantly transform dozens or even hundreds of figures, each of which seems to be a real body, instantly crushing and killing a large number of powerful enemies!"

"It is said that he is still a Void Master, and his sword will is superb, and his methods are endless, which is hard to guard against!"

"Most of my family members who were beheaded by him were swallowed up by the blood vision and became his blood nourishment!"

"This person's combat power is completely beyond our imagination!"

"Terrible, terrible!"

Speaking of Jiang Tian's various means, everyone was shocked, and cold sweat broke out on their foreheads.

After some descriptions, the complexions of the pulse masters and elders became more and more ugly!

"Is this person really so powerful?"

"Moju Mountain lineage, I really found a treasure!"

"It's unreasonable! Why did they soar to such a height? I don't accept it!"

"I'm not convinced either!"

All the pulse masters and elders gritted their teeth and scolded sharply, full of jealousy arose in their hearts.

The Moju Mountain lineage has always been looked down upon by them, and before the start of this martial arts competition, they even almost forgot the existence of this lineage.

But now, this vein is giving them eye drops time and time again, stepping on them to climb step by step.

Now it has reached a height that most branches have never reached!

"Forty-nine, our Jiyuangu lineage has never reached this height!"

"We stab Longling, and we haven't even entered the top 150. How can they do it?"

Everyone gritted their teeth, feeling more and more jealous.

Long Cuiluan's face darkened: "Why, don't you accept it? If you don't accept it, just use the record to speak, don't spit acid here and attack wantonly!"

"Long Cuilan! Don't be too happy!"

"Even if you break into the top 50, it doesn't matter, Qianlong Wuhui has come to an end, and the real peak contest has just begun!"

"Just wait, I'm sure that Jiang Tian will be beheaded by the top-ranked monster!"

"He will never walk out of the Julong Mountains alive!"

"If he walks out alive, the old man's head will be twisted off and kicked as a ball for you!"

Everyone gritted their teeth, swore and swore, and cursed Jiang Tian viciously.

"This is what you said. I will remember all your words. When Jiang Tian returns safely, I hope you can fulfill your promise!"

Long Cuilan is also getting angry!


It's just too much!

These branches are not strong enough, but they can't see other people's glory, and then curse in person, it's crazy!

"Hahahaha! Don't worry, that kind of thing will never happen!"

"The branches at the top of the list are all extremely evil, and each branch has the opportunity to enter the holy land of the aristocratic family to practice. He, Jiang Tian, ​​has returned to the bloodline. How can he compare with them?"

"The Chilong Mountain lineage, the Qingyan lineage, and the Void lineage all have super strong bloodlines. He will have no power to fight back against evildoers from these lines!"

"And if he encounters a monster ranked in the top ten, he will be even more powerless to protect himself!"

"I'm 100% sure that Jiang Tian will never come out alive!"

"Let's wait and see!"


The branch masters and elders' aura surged wildly, wishing to swear a blood oath to the void.

at this time!

In the Julong Mountain Range!

Qianlong Martial Arts has come to an end, more and more people are forced by the situation to use escape talismans to teleport away.

The branch monsters ranked below two hundred have either fallen to their deaths or teleported away. Almost all of them have left the arena of Qianlong Wuhui!

And even if there are less than 200 branch monsters, the rest is less than 20%!

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