Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7166 Just out of the wolf's den, and into the tiger's mouth

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at this time!

The branches ranked in the top 100 have just really begun to show their strength!

Especially the powerful branches of the top 50, these evildoers hadn't even made a serious move before.

Because ordinary opponents, in their view, are not worth making a deliberate shot.

Because their targets are always the top 100 offshoot evildoers.

Up to now, when the "moisture" and "bubble" with low strength have been squeezed out, their goals have begun to become clear.

"Friends of the clan, Qianlong Martial Arts has come to an end, you are tired too, why not stay here and be with us!"

Whoosh whoosh!

Amid the cold shouts, the three silver-robed monsters surrounded the five red-robed geniuses.

"Silver Whiskers!"

"Existence ranked forty-five!"

"not good!"

The five red-robed geniuses are from the Chitong lineage, ranking among the top 80!

This is also extremely strong!

But compared with the Silver Whiskers, it is still far behind!

The opponent's ranking is nearly twice as high as theirs, which means a huge gap in strength!

"Don't fight them, go!"

The young man in red at the head wanted to escape forcibly as soon as he called out.

"Want to leave? It's too late!"


The three silver-robed evildoers from the lineage of Silver Beard waved their big hands, and laid silver barriers in the void, blocking their way!

"Clanmates of the Yinbeard lineage, wait a moment!"

"The masters and elders of your and my two veins have always had a good relationship. If you can let me wait a while, there will be rewards!"

"As long as you let us go, we will never miss it, and immediately activate the amulet to withdraw from the competition!"

Seeing that the situation was tense, the evildoers of the Chitong lineage decisively expressed their attitude and begged for mercy.

"Hahahaha, among the hundreds of branches of the True Dragon Family, there are many branches with friendship. Is it because of this reason that you give up the competition?"

"Don't be afraid, we will attack very quickly, and your blood will soon integrate into our body. At that time, we will bring your blood and will to fight together!"

"In a sense, you are considered to have joined my Yinbeard lineage, and you may have the opportunity to go to the holy land of our clan to practice with us in the future. Isn't this a kind of chance?"

The three of them couldn't stop laughing, their eyes were cold and compelling!

"Damn it!"

"Are you not even willing to give it a chance?"

"In that case, let's fight to the death!"


The evildoers of Chitong lineage have no way out, they can only fight to the death!

The five of them raised their hands together and wiped it between their eyebrows!

Buzz buzz!

Bursts of strange buzzing sounds suddenly sounded, and red pupils shot out suddenly!

In an instant, the outer silver barrier was torn apart!

"Quick, rush out!"

"Don't be obsessed with fighting, run away with all your strength, count as many as you can!"

"Come on!"

The five evildoers from Chitong's bloodline launched a violent attack, urging the magic weapon madly, their blood and spiritual power were fully activated, and the offensive was quite spectacular!

However, the three people from the line of Yinbeard all showed disdain and sneered!

"Is this the housekeeping skill of your Chitong family?"

"That's all!"

"He dares to show off in front of us with a mere trick, and this will let you know how powerful he is!"

Boom... Boom!

The violent roar resounded through the void!

Daoes of silver light suddenly emerged, slashing down fiercely like giant blades in the void!

Bang, click... Boom!

The huge silver knife tore through the void, and cut through the red pupils erupting from the five evildoers of the red pupil line effortlessly!

Make them invisible!

"Damn it!"

"How can it be?"

"The methods of the Silver Beard lineage are so powerful?"

The faces of the evildoers with red pupils changed drastically!

The red pupil has always been a means they are proud of, with powerful power and many wonderful functions.

I thought that I could easily confuse the other party and blaze a way of escape for myself.

Unexpectedly, it was broken in an instant!

In front of the silver giant blade of the Yinxiu lineage, their pupil light secret technique is completely vulnerable!

Although they were jealous of their opponents from the beginning, it was only at this moment that they really understood how big the gap between the two sides was!


At this moment, they fell into deep despair!

"The Chitong lineage will never give in, let them die together!"


Boom... Boom, boom!

Seeing that there was no way to escape, the breath of each of the five members of Chitong's bloodline soared, and they all began to burn their bloodline potential!

Prepare to pull the opponent's back!

"Thinking to use this method to drag us to death, dreaming!"

"The means of your Chitong lineage are not worth mentioning to us!"

"Give me town!"


The violent roar resounded through the void, and the silver light surged wildly.

The three silver-bearded evildoers made a bold move, and huge silver light curtains descended from the sky!

The five evildoers of Chitong's lineage were enveloped by this light curtain, and the power of their blood was instantly frozen, and then began to fall back sharply!


"Damn it!"

"how so?"

"It's over!"

Faced with the terrible situation where the power of the bloodline declined sharply, the five people exclaimed in unison, falling into despair!

Even with all their fighting strength, they are not opponents of the Yinbeard lineage.

Now that the power is imprisoned, there is only one dead end!

The five roared in despair, as if they had seen their fall!

"Hahahaha, the Chitong lineage, die!"

The three of the Yinbeard lineage laughed wildly, preparing to harvest the five bloodlines!

At this moment, something unexpected happened!

Hum rumble!

Thousands of feet of space swayed gently, and a mysterious field blocked the five red-eyed evildoers.

This field blocked the silver mask and blocked the violent attacks of the three people from the Yinbeard lineage!

Boom... Boom, boom!

Dashes of silver light blasted down, seemingly violent, but completely unable to break through this domain barrier!

"Void Domain!"

"No, it's the void hegemony!"

"Who is it, get out!"

The three evildoers from the lineage of Silver Beard screamed fiercely, full of murderous aura!

At the critical moment when they were about to succeed, their offensive was blocked, which directly ignited the anger in their hearts!

"I want these five bloodlines!"

A cold voice suddenly sounded, and a figure suddenly appeared, separating the two sides who were fighting.

"Who are you?"

"With your own strength, you dare to fight against our Yinxu family?"

"court death!"

The three evildoers from the lineage of Silver Beard yelled angrily, full of murderous aura!

On the contrary, the faces of the five people from the same line of red pupils on the opposite side are not good-looking at the moment!

Although they were spared death for the time being, they did not dare to relax their vigilance!

At Qianlongwu, no one would lend a helping hand for no reason unless they were someone they could trust.

And the first sentence this strange evildoer uttered pointed at their blood!

Its purpose is undisguised!


"Damn it!"

"It's really just out of the wolf's den, and into the tiger's mouth again!"

"Who are you?"

"If you can help my Chitong bloodline get out of trouble, we don't mind giving you some blood essence!"

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