Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7167 Silver Bone Dragon

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After understanding the opponent's intentions, the evildoers of Chitong's lineage did not dare to expect to retreat completely.

Since the other party has taken a fancy to his own blood, he has to pay a part of the price to satisfy the other party.

It is better to lose some blood essence than to die here!

"No need, I will take the blood that I want!"

The strange warrior said coldly.

"not good!"

The heart of the evildoer with red pupils suddenly sank, and his face was extremely ugly.

The three people from the line of Yinbeard on the opposite side are also extremely furious at this moment!

"Void hegemony, come and go without a trace, why do I feel that this is a bit familiar?"

"I've never seen this person before. If I'm not wrong, he is probably a foreign aid from the Moju Mountain lineage, Jiang Tian!"

"Jiang Tian, ​​is it really you?"

The faces of the three people from the Yinbeard lineage all changed, and they stared at Jiang Tian firmly.

"Yes, it's me!"

Jiang Tian sneered and nodded.

"Damn it!"

"It turned out to be this evil star!"

"Why is our luck so bad?"

Although the Yinxu branch is ranked forty-fifth, it is full of fear of Jiang Tian.

Although they had never met Jiang Tian before, they had heard of Jiang Tian's amazing actions more than once.

He even once wanted to search and strangle this person.

But now, the other party came here uninvited, but they have no idea in their hearts!

Their mad attack can be blocked with only one void hegemony, the combat power of the opponent is quite astonishing!

Such an opponent makes them feel guilty!

"Don't be afraid, with the strength of the three of us, if we fight him to the death, can't we drag him to death?"

"This son's aura is unfathomable, giving me an unshakable feeling!"

"To be on the safe side, we need to join forces with Chitong!"

Knowing that they were not sure, the three decisively sought to join forces.

"Clanmates of Chitong's lineage, you are very clear about the current situation, only by joining forces to fight together can we have a chance!"

"As long as you repel this person, we will never embarrass you again!"

"Let's join forces!"

Facing the request from the Yinxu lineage, the five people from the Chitong lineage cursed wildly in their hearts!

They really want to refuse, but they don't have the confidence and capital to refuse!

The situation does not allow them to refuse, this is a cooperation with no choice!

"We can work together, but we can't trust you, we must swear a blood oath!"

Chi Tong shouted sharply.

"From now on, my Silver Beard lineage will never embarrass Chitong's lineage during Qianlong Wuhui. If there is any violation, body and spirit will be destroyed!"


The three people of the Silver Beard lineage rubbed their fingertips together and flicked towards the sky.

A vortex suddenly appeared in the void, sucking away three streams of silver blood, followed by streams of thunder!

The blood oath has been fulfilled!

Without hesitation, the two sides joined forces to attack and kill immediately!


"How dare a mere bloodline of a foreign surname step on our heads?"

"Jiang Tian, ​​die!"


The violent roar resounded through the void, and the three people from the Yinbeard family and the five people from the Chitong family each shot wildly.

The eight people each sacrificed the treasure of the dragon clan, and at the same time stimulated the potential of the blood without hesitation, intending to severely injure Jiang Tian in one fell swoop, and even behead him!

In front of such an opponent, they dare not be careless in the slightest.

Because they understand that there will not be too many opportunities, and they must win each other in the shortest possible time!

The three members of Yinxu's lineage each sacrificed a silver bone whip!

This whip is carefully refined from the bones of the silver-bearded dragon of the silver-bearded lineage, fused with the blood of the silver-bearded dragon!

The power has reached the top of the list of fairy treasures!

With a whip, it directly blasts the void!

The body of a huge bone dragon suddenly appeared!

The ten thousand zhang sky collapsed in an instant, forming a huge void rift!

The aura of the billowing heaven and earth rolled back crazily, blending into the body of the bone dragon, roaring and shaking the sky, and the aura was terrifying!

The other two with Yinxumai waved a silver blade like a dragon's tail, and slashed wildly at Jiang Tian!

Crack... Rumble!

The dazzling silver light burst into the void, and the terrifying sharp blade burst out like lightning!

The other released a silver-scaled shield treasure!

I saw the silver light flashing, the shield changed into three, three into nine...in an instant it turned into ninety-nine eighty-one silver giant scales!

Immediately after the offensive of the two companions, attack Jiang Tian!

"very good!"

"Go all out and kill him!"

Witnessing the powerful offensive of the Yinxu lineage, the five evildoers of the Chitong lineage were greatly inspired, and they saw the hope of victory!

Originally, they were bound to die!

But because of Jiang Tian's sudden appearance, the whole situation changed.

While facing threats, they also had the opportunity to join forces with Yinxumai.

Yinxumai has sworn a heavy oath!

As long as they can repel Jiang Tian, ​​they can escape smoothly and save their lives!

For them, this is really the perfect situation!

The only question is whether Jiang Tian can be repelled!

And for them, there is no second answer to this question!

Because of them, it must be done!


The five people from the red pupil lineage rubbed their fingertips, and raised their hands to touch their brows!

Buzz buzz... boom boom!

Ho ho ho!

In an instant, billowing red pupils surged out!

The strong bloody air swept through the void, and rushed towards Jiang Tian crazily!

"good very good!"

"With the support of Chitong's lineage, we will be able to kill this person!"

The spirit of the evildoer of the Yinbeard lineage is greatly boosted!

Although the strength of Chitong's lineage is not as good as theirs, the talent of this lineage has its own uniqueness.

Especially in this kind of occasion, once triggered, it can suppress Jiang Tian's shots to a great extent, making his reaction sluggish and his combat power decline!


The red pupils rolled towards Jiang Tian like a sea of ​​blood!

The bewitching red light instantly filled his sight, and then suddenly became brighter, making him dazzled!

"Pupil bloodline talent!"

Jiang Tian's face darkened, and he decisively activated the magical power of "Phantom Eye"!

Buzz buzz!

Rolling Zilan suddenly swung away, instantly suppressing the red pupil light, offsetting the offensive of the red pupil lineage!

At the same time, the offensive of the Silver Beard lineage has already struck close!

That huge silver bone dragon roared crazily, opened its terrifying silver bone mouth and swallowed it fiercely!


Under the brief disturbance of the red pupil, Jiang Tian seemed to have no time to react, and was directly swallowed by it.

"Hahahaha, it's done!"

"Jiang Tian, ​​let's see how rampant you are now?"

"I didn't expect it to be so simple. It seems that we overestimated him!"

The three people from the Yinbeard lineage laughed wildly, and the boulder in their hearts finally fell to the ground.

The process of shooting was smoother than they imagined!

They even regretted joining forces with Chi Tong!

If I knew that Jiang Tian was so vulnerable, why bother to lose those rare blood?

But the blood oath has been fulfilled, and they dare not break it, so they can only let a few people go.

Seeing that the silver bone dragon devoured Jiang Tian, ​​the five members of Chitong's lineage also breathed a sigh of relief.


"so close!"

"I thought...hehe, it seems that I think too highly of him!"

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, and some smiled wryly at themselves.

They once thought that even if the eight of them teamed up, they might not be able to easily win Jiang Tian.

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