Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7169 Swallow two veins, improve phantom eyes!

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It's only a few breaths before and after!

Witnessing this horrifying scene, the evildoers of the red-eyed lineage changed their expressions in horror!

Anxious to escape!

"Leave it to me!"

Hum rumble!

With a wave of Jiang Tian's big hand, the Void Hegemony suddenly descended, imprisoning the five people from the red pupil lineage inside, and they couldn't move!


"Run away!"

"Let's go!"

The three of them from the lineage of Silver Whiskers are not stupid either!

Seeing that the silver bone dragon couldn't do anything to Jiang Tian, ​​he knew that he was no match.

Taking advantage of Jiang Tian's opportunity to suppress the evildoers of Chitong's lineage, he forcibly escaped!




Jiang Tian took a step forward and arrived in a teleport!

The two fists slammed, and the violent physical power instantly hit the three of them severely!

Puff puff... wow!


"I regret it!"

Kachacha... Boom boom!

The evildoer with silver beard veins uttered two screams, and immediately after that, all three of them fell to their deaths!

"Dragon Transformation Art, swallow!"

Roar... Boom!

The giant purple dragon suddenly appeared, frantically devouring the blood essence of the Silverbeard lineage!

Sizzling... rumbling!

The blood essence of the Silver Beard vein is quite different from the other veins. They have a mixed color of silver and blood, exuding a strong fishy smell!

While Hualong Jue devoured the essence of blood, Jiang Tian stepped on the air with his right foot!

Bang bang bang bang bang bang!

The void hegemony twisted and oscillated, and the bodies of the five red-eyed evildoers exploded!

The Void Hegemony shrank violently, confining their red blood essence into balls.



Under Jiang Tian's urging, the purple dragon turned around, rushed straight out, and swallowed the ball of red blood into its stomach.


It hovered in the void for several times, and after blending the essence of several bloodlines, it turned into a purple rainbow and swept back.


Jiang Tian's breath fluctuated, and his blood and spiritual power became thicker and stronger!

Bang bang bang... boom!

The bottleneck crack of the True Dragon Hegemony has spread again, and it is one step closer to advancing!

"Is this the blood power of the Silver Beard?"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself, feeling a little disappointed.

The combat power of the Silverbeard lineage seems to be strong, but their bloodline essence is not as strong as he imagined.

On the contrary, it was the blood power of Chitong's bloodline that made him more interested!

"Anti-Dragon Art!"


Jiang Tian performed the art of defying the dragon, silently feeling the power of the essence of Chitong's blood.

As expected!

The blood essence of this lineage focuses on the pupil technique!

From this point of view, it is quite similar to the blood of the Phantom Eye Evil Dragon!

But the levels of the two are obviously very different!

The Phantom Eye Evil Dragon is the bloodline he obtained in the lower realm, and its initial level is quite limited.

It was only after he experienced promotion and transformation time and time again that he had the powerful power he has now.

And the Chitong bloodline multiplied in the Dao Domain, and its level was already very high.

After a moment of comprehension, Jiang Tian no longer hesitated, and immediately refined this essence in an all-round way!



The red pupil essence quickly merged into the blood.

No need to urge to move, just go straight to his eyes!

"Sure enough!"

Jiang Tian nodded and smiled, and slowly closed his eyes.

at this time!

The blood of the phantom-eyed evil dragon that had been fused in his body for a long time seemed to have been awakened, and began to agitate, welcoming the essence of the blood of the red pupil.

After a short collision, the two forces quickly merged into one!


In Jiang Tian's divine sea, two phantoms of giant dragons, one purple and one red, are entangled with each other, and they gradually become indistinguishable from each other!

This is exactly the phantom of the power of the blood of the phantom evil dragon and the power of the blood of the red pupil. They are entangled with each other, circling rapidly, and finally turned into a purple-red dragon shadow!

Compared with the previous Zilong and Chilong, it is more solid!

"I don't know how powerful the phantom eyes fused with the blood of Chitong should be?"

Phantom, open!

Jiang Tian opened his eyes sharply, and immediately activated the magical power of phantom eyes!


The purple-red abnormal light rolled out wildly, and the large void violently turbulent!

"So strong?"

Jiang Tian's eyes lit up!

This force is obviously stronger than the previous phantom, but the movement is too great.

"Come again!"

He quickly suppressed the power of phantom eyes, controlling it to about 10%.

At this time, the abnormal movement weakened sharply, but the effect of phantom eyes was not affected!

"Not bad, but still too big!"

Drop again!

Jiang Tian manipulated the magical power of illusion, controlling its power to one percent.

Buzz buzz!

The purple-red halo quickly spread out, as if it had regained the magical effect of the phantom eye.

But the speed and range of its casting have increased by more than ten times!

Once cast, thousands of feet of void are instantly covered!

"One percent has such power, very good!"

Jiang Tian's eyes were slightly closed, and the purple halo immediately faded away.

This tonic made him very satisfied!

After merging the blood of Chitong, the power of phantom eyes has increased significantly!

It is quite different from the previous phantom eyes and supernatural powers!

The initial phantom powers often only have the effect of seeing through illusions and seeing through barriers.

The current magical power of illusion can easily create a magnificent illusion, and set off a huge wave of illusion in the void, making it impossible for opponents to resist!

After beheading the three members of the Yinxu lineage, Jiang Tian also pushed up the ranking of the Mojushan lineage to the forty-fifth position!

Outside the Julong Mountain Range, all veins were shocked again!

Jiang Tian in the Julong Mountain Range did not stop moving forward!

"The Silverbeard lineage ranks forty-fifth, it seems that there are not many opponents left!"

Jiang Tian muttered to himself and flew across the sky.

Qianlong Martial Arts has come to an end!

Ranked 80th, Chitong's lineage was originally an existence that most of the branches were afraid of.

But at this stage, they will be ravaged by the Yinbeard lineage.

From now on, the contest of Qianlong Wuhui will truly reach a fever pitch!

"Where are the monsters of the top ten powerful offshoots?"

Jiang Tian scanned the void and muttered to himself.

Since entering Qianlong Wuhui, he has never met those people.

Not to mention the top ten evildoers, he has never seen even the top thirty!

Speaking of it, it is also a bit strange!

Could it be that those top-ranked powerful branch evildoers are avoiding him?

With this thought in his mind, Jiang Tian couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

This idea, of course, is just idle speculation, not fact.

The top-ranked powerful offshoots are all solid and domineering.

It is absolutely impossible to deliberately avoid his blood with a foreign surname ranked around 300.

In fact, even those evildoers in the mid-stream branches who ranked around the top two hundred didn't take him seriously.

But who would have expected that today's Jiang Tian would use his own power to push the declining Moju Mountain lineage to the top forty-five positions!

Roar... Boom!

In the depths of the Julong Mountains, above a primitive mountain range filled with spiritual mist!

One after another giant dragons roared in the air, and the huge dragons circled rapidly, sweeping away thunder and lightning!

The terrifying dragon claws, even if they don't use force deliberately, can tear apart the void while darting fast!

Bang, click, click... Boom!

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