Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7170 Water and fire symbiosis quasi-sacred veins

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Terrible cracks were torn out of the void, and a frenzy of space rippled along with it.

There are at least a dozen giant dragons wandering in this void, and the scene is extremely terrifying!

However, if someone gets closer, carefully observe the expressions of these giant dragons.

You will find a terrible situation!

These giant dragons are not showing their majesty, but all of them are frightened, as if they are resisting and avoiding some more terrifying existence!

"Who is it, who is playing tricks here?"

"Our Yaotian, Yanlong, and Yinshen veins are all powerful branches ranked within forty, and the Bloodscale vein is even more powerful in the top fifteen!"

"Together, our branches are strong enough to compete with the top five branches. If you have the ability, get out and fight us head-on!"

"What kind of skill is it to hide your head and shrink your tail like this?"

Ho Ho Ho... Boom!

The violent dragon chant resounded through the void, and more than a dozen giant dragons appeared in various colors such as white, red, silver, and red.

A series of majestic fluctuations raged and swept across, rolling up violent huge waves in the void!

They are using this special formation to explore the surrounding situation, trying to find that mysterious opponent!


No matter how they roared, the opponent never showed up!

"Damn! What kind of evildoer is this?"

"He still hasn't shown up like this, he is too calm!"

"Could it be that it's really the top five branches?"

"Maybe, but better not!"

Below these giant dragons, a dozen young evildoers stood in the air.

The colors and styles of their robes are different, and they come from Yaotian, Yanlong, Yinshen and other powerful branches.

The leader among them is a blood-robed youth from the blood scale lineage!

It has been almost half an hour since a dozen people were forced here by a powerful force.

But they never found their opponent, not even where the opponent was!

All kinds of situations made them feel cold and uneasy!

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded!

"Thank you for donating the vision of the bloodline, a few clan friends have worked hard!"



"There are not many women in the branches ranked below 30. Who are you?"

The coldness contained in these words seems to be able to freeze for nine days!

As soon as Fang spread the word, more than a dozen evildoers were furious!


The mysterious woman ignored them, and with a cold scream, white cold air suddenly descended on the void.



A terrifying scene ensues!

The ten thousand zhang void was directly frozen and turned into a huge ice field!

A dozen giant dragons and even a dozen evildoers below were instantly frozen inside, life and death unknown!


A sky-shattering dragon chant came from above the ice field!

A white-robed woman stepped on the head of a huge white dragon and slowly emerged.


With a light tap on the woman's foot, the white dragon opened its huge mouth and swallowed it down!

Roar... Boom!

A horrifying scene followed!

The ice field with a radius of 10,000 zhang suddenly split into countless pieces of ice crystals, turned into a long river of ice crystals and rushed backwards, pouring all of them into the belly of the white giant dragon!

After a short while, the ice field disappeared!

The dozen or so giant dragons and the dozens of evildoers who were frozen inside also all perished!

After the ice field disappeared, only the giant white dragon was floating in the air in this void.

The woman in white stood on top of the dragon's head, with her hands behind her back, and her eyes were cold!

Sizzling... rumbling!

Strange white rays of light escaped from the dragon's body, pouring into her body, pushing her aura to rise again and again, reaching a certain astonishing level!


The woman in white nodded slowly!

It's none other than Bai Shuang's evildoer, Bai Hun Hun!

After the devouring was completed, her expression was extremely calm, without any hint of surprise.

"After fusing the power of these bloodlines, maybe we can compete with those three branches!"

The three branches that Bai Hunhun mentioned were the three branches of Kuangsha, Tianqiong and Ziyan that ranked second, third and fourth!

But even with this tonic, her attitude is still extremely cautious.

The top ten branches are all very strong, and there is almost no obvious gap between the second to fifth branches.

It is possible to win or lose each other!

While she was working hard to nourish herself, the other party must not be idle.

So she didn't dare to be careless or relax in the slightest.

And in another place in Julong Mountain Range!

The vision of the coexistence of water and fire surprised the twenty or so dragon monsters who came to investigate!

"Water and fire coexist, facing the half-step divine vein with two attributes that are mutually restraining, I never expected such an opportunity!"

"I have to say, our luck is quite good!"

"The double-half-step divine veins that coexist with water and fire are almost equivalent to quasi-sacred veins. It is really rare!"

The branch veins they are in all have spiritual veins at the half-step divine vein level, and some even have more than one.

But those spiritual veins have to be shared by vein masters, elders, and the entire ethnic group. There are thousands of competitors, and there are extremely strict restrictions on their use.

But now, there is a water and fire symbiotic vein comparable to a quasi-sacred vein in front of him!

It has no restrictions, and there are only 20 people around it to share!

Even if you only stay inside for half a day, the benefits you can get are far beyond that of cultivating in the family's spiritual veins for several days, or even more than ten days!

"Don't be dazed, hurry up and enjoy this spirit vein!"

"Do you want to leave one or two guards to guard against sneak attacks?"

"Guard! Who will guard it?"

More than 20 people looked at each other in blank dismay, obviously no one wanted to be a guard.

The strength of these people is almost the same, and the rankings of their branches are also very close, and there is no obvious difference between them.

As a result, naturally no one would want to be a guard, and let others take the lead in enjoying this quasi-spiritual vein.

"This is completely unnecessary. With our lineup and strength, even if the top 20 branches come, we have to weigh it carefully!"

"Don't waste time. It will only take half a day at the earliest. When we absorb the essence of this quasi-spiritual vein, our combat power will increase greatly. How many people will be able to defeat us by then?"


The twenty or so evildoers couldn't wait any longer, and they all took steps to rush into this quasi-spiritual vein!

At this moment, a sudden change occurred!

hold head high!

A terrifying dragon chant suddenly resounded from the depths of the spiritual veins!

Accompanied by the sound of the dragon chant, the waters suddenly trembled violently!

Huge water waves jump like fleas on a drum!

At the same time, violent flames spurted out from under the water, like fiery dragons wreaking havoc!



"What's happening here?"

The faces of the twenty evildoers suddenly changed!

The vision in front of them made them very disturbed!

So they released their divine senses to investigate!

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