Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7171 Mad Sand Dragon

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But their spiritual thoughts were strongly disturbed, and they could no longer extend down after only reaching less than ten feet into the water!

"how so?"

"The spiritual power of this quasi-spiritual vein can still block the divine thoughts?"

"Impossible! I've never heard of such a thing!"

A gold-cloaked evildoer retorted loudly!

The power of quasi-spiritual veins is indeed very strong, but if it is said that it can interfere with divine thoughts, and the interference is so strong, it is a bit too much!

In their impression, only those violent thunder and fire spirit veins, or special spirit veins intertwined with gold and thunder, have this kind of power.

And this water and fire symbiotic pulse is supposedly unlikely to have such an effect!

"But how do you explain the current situation?"

On the opposite side, an evildoer in a silver robe looked coldly at the evildoer in a gold robe, with a sullen expression on his face!

"Maybe... maybe there are other mysterious existences lurking in the spirit veins in advance?" the gold-cloaked evildoer guessed.


"How can it be?"

"Joke! We have been here for almost half an hour, and this spirit vein has been relatively stable. If someone is really lurking in it, why..."

A green-robed evildoer sneered and retorted, but before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by a terrifying loud noise!

Bang, click!

Hiss, hiss... Boom!

The terrifying noise resounded through the void!

Streams of water and fire shot up from below the surface of the water, and made extremely ear-piercing screams!

"what's the situation?"

"What is that sound!"

"It's different under the water, everyone be careful!"

Boom... Boom!

Shocked, more than 20 people immediately jumped into the air to avoid this strong vision.

But at the same time, there was a strange noise in the void!

The frenzied flow of water and fire spurting from under the surface of the water increased sharply, and burst out with a biting murderous aura!

"Damn it!"

"What the hell is this?"

"Is there a terrible monster lurking here?"


These twenty or so people are all powerful evildoers, and they consider themselves powerful in battle.

But facing the sudden change at this moment, they all fell into panic.

They had never seen such a scene before, their minds were blank at this moment, and they hardly knew how to deal with it!

"Get out of this water first, hurry up!"

Everyone didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately prepared to stand back and wait and see.

But at this moment, the jet of water and fire suddenly turned into thin sharp objects, rushing towards them with a strong murderous aura!

"Damn it!"

"not good!"

"The situation is wrong!"

"Rush out!"

Everyone's complexion changed drastically, and each of them frantically urged their spiritual power to get out of trouble.

But the rushing rush of water and fire became more and more turbulent.

It bombarded them densely, directly blasting through their spiritual barriers!

"This... what is this?"

A gold-cloaked evildoer was torn apart by the flood of water and fire, piercing through his body.

He used secret techniques to forcibly arrest a stream of water and fire, and he couldn't help being shocked when he looked closely!

In this frenzied flow of water and fire, there is actually a grain of golden sand wrapped around it!



The corners of the golden-robed evildoer's eyes shrank sharply, and his mind trembled!

This grain of sand is not a dead thing, even without the package of water and fire, it still vibrated violently in his palm!

It seems to be a living thing!

Sizzling... Puff!

Bang bang bang... Boom!

The terrible strange sound resounded again, and the defenses of more than 20 evildoers were all torn apart in an instant, and their bodies were injured!

And they all discovered something was wrong!

"Sand, why is there so much sand?"

"No! This is not ordinary sand, it is very strange!"

"This sand actually contains the blood of our clan!" The gold-cloaked evildoer exclaimed in shock, his mind trembling!

"Sand, blood breath... not good, it is... a giant sand dragon!"


"It's over!"


There was an exclamation in the field, and everyone gasped in unison!

The Kuangsha Dragon, that is the third existence among hundreds of branches, is an extremely terrifying opponent!

They would rather encounter a mysterious monster than encounter such an opponent.

Because they encountered monsters, they might still have a way to get out of trouble and fight back.

And when they encounter the giant sand dragon, they may only have a dead end!

"Clanmate of Kuangsha lineage, is that you?"

"I didn't know that Your Excellency was here, and I definitely didn't intend to offend. I also ask my clan friends to let us go!"

"Kuangshamai clan friends please show up!"

Everyone shouted sharply, showing a strong desire to survive.

"Hahahaha! Yes, it's me!"

The sound of wild laughter rose from under the water surface, rippling violently in the void, shaking everyone's eardrums with severe pain, and their minds were in turmoil!


"It really is him!"

"Clan brother of Kuangsha's lineage, we are willing to give up all of our wealth, but please don't embarrass us and let us live!"

"Since the beginning of the martial arts competition, we have harvested a lot of opportunities and treasures, and all these things are given to you!"

"Let us go!"

More than 20 evildoers dragged their wounded bodies and begged each other for mercy.

"Hahahaha, do you want to leave this quasi-spiritual vein?"

The voice of the mad sand dragon resounded through the void, but until now, they still haven't seen each other's shadow!

"That's right, we won't fight!"

"This quasi-sacred vein is for the clan brothers to enjoy, and we will never covet it again!"

"Brother, please let us leave. The Day of Great Grace will be rewarded!"

More than 20 people begged him for mercy impatiently and saw the hope of survival.

"Leaving here, where are you going?" Kuangsha Dragon asked in a deep voice.

"Go anywhere!"

"We will never disturb the peace of our clan brothers again!"

"That's right, clan brother, let us leave!"

Everyone couldn't wait, and wished they could stay as far away from here as possible.

"Anywhere is fine? Hehe, hahahaha, okay, I'll send you to another place right now!"

The laughter of the Kuangsha giant dragon became ferocious and violent.

Twenty or so evildoers looked at each other, with strong anxiety in their hearts!

This atmosphere, isn't it!

Will the giant sand dragon really let them go?

The next moment, something terrible happened!

Sizzling... Puff!

Boom, boom, boom, boom!

Numerous streams of water and fire rushed towards them, carrying a huge amount of sand.

The slender and intensive attack pierced their bodies time and time again!

A large amount of blood was taken out of the body, and their spiritual barriers were destroyed like paper.

The magic weapons and talismans they sacrificed were also severely torn into pieces!

"Damn it!"

"What are you going to do?"


Accompanied by a few desperate screams, more than twenty people quickly turned into two dozens of human-shaped blood mist, and completely disappeared!

Ang... Boom!

The violent roar resounded through the void again!

The countless streams of water and fire that had been spurting just now suddenly stopped, and then began to rewind crazily.

Congealed into a huge yellow dragon!

If you observe carefully, you can see that more than two dozen groups of human-shaped blood mist have merged into its body and began to merge rapidly.

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