Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7172 Convergence of three veins

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Soon they will be inseparable from each other!

"Hahahaha, happy!"

"With this quasi-divine vein and nourishment, coupled with the support of these high-ranking bloodlines, my Kuangsha lineage will surely be able to easily crush the lineage of Tianqiong, Ziyan and Baishuang this time, and firmly rank second!"

"True pupil, just wait for me!"

Ang... Boom!

The Kuangsha Dragon roared, and its body turned into countless grains of yellow sand and fell below the water surface!

A terrifying scene ensues!

The water and fire exotic land with a radius of tens of thousands of feet began to descend at a speed visible to the naked eye!

In an instant, it turned into a dry land!


The ground trembled violently, and the giant sand dragon sucked up the quasi-spiritual veins and ran away directly. Wherever it passed, the landslides and ground cracked, and the sky was filled with wild sand!

And in the other two places in the Julong Mountain Range, the second-ranked Celestial Dragon and the fourth-ranked Purple Flame Brontosaurus are also raging crazily!

Roar... Boom!

A hurricane swept across the depths of the Julong Mountains, and wherever it went, the peaks of 10,000 feet collapsed instantly, and were lifted up into the sky by the terrifying power of the hurricane, turning them into dust!

Boom, clack, clack... Boom, boom, boom!

A series of cyan thunderbolts evolved, lashing the void wantonly, arousing pieces of terrifying thunder billows and void giant billows!

"Heaven... the giant dragon in the vault of heaven!"

"Run away!"

A dozen dragon monsters were separated by tens of thousands of feet of space, and they were terrified by the scene in front of them!

Sky Dragon!

The towering terrifying hurricane can only be driven by the giant dragon of the sky.

Nothing else!

In the face of such a terrifying existence, they had no time to escape, let alone step forward to investigate.


Tens of thousands of feet away, everyone started to run away with all their might!

But the next moment, another hurricane suddenly appeared in front of them, cutting off their way!


"Damn it!"

"Why is there another one?"

"It's over!"


Accompanied by bursts of desperate screams, more than a dozen dragon monsters were all sucked into the hurricane.

Bang bang bang!

It exploded into a blood mist one after another, and quickly dissipated!

Boom... Roar!

There was a deep dragon roar in the hurricane, and then it swept the mountains and land, sweeping forward with the power of destruction.

Millions of miles away!

In the sky above a primeval dense forest overgrown with towering giant trees, a large expanse of purple flames spread rapidly.

"My God!"


More than 30 monsters of the dragon clan were swept by this purple flame, and after leaving a few shrill screams, they turned into fly ash!

In the jungle of giant trees covered by purple flames, violent thunder and lightning are raging at this time!

"The Thunder God Tree, I didn't expect it to be such a strange tree here, God help me, hahahaha!"

Terrifying laughter erupted in the void shrouded in purple flames.

Immediately afterwards, streaks of purple lightning fell from the sky, like the tentacles of a giant dragon piercing into the Thunder God Tree below!


A terrifying scene followed!

The forest of the Yin Thunder God Tree shook violently, and waves of terrifying thunder powers erupted!

A huge amount of thunder surged out of the tree, turning into a terrifying thunder, resisting the impact of purple lightning!

A series of thunderbolts exploded rapidly, and the void in a radius of 100,000 zhang collapsed into chaos.

The terrifying void raged endlessly, almost destroying everything here.

But the forest of the thunder god tree has always been safe and sound!

But such frightening frenzy could not repel Zilei, on the contrary fueled its arrogance!

"Hahahaha, even Yin Lei wants to stop me?"

"If others encounter you, they may have to retreat in spite of difficulties, but for me, Purple Flame Dragon, you are the best nourishment!"


The violent dragon chant resounded through the void!

The falling purple lightning turned into a spiral shape and began to reverse rapidly!

And with the violent rotation, strands of dark thunder were drawn backwards, all of which were poured into the purple flames in midair.

Boom... Boom!

Ho Ho Ho... Ang!

The violent roar resounded through the void, and with the injection of a large amount of thunder, the purple flame in the midair skyrocketed wildly, and the breath became stronger and stronger!


A series of terrifying giant thunders exploded in the purple flames, stirring up the purple flames!

Such a terrifying power did not disperse the purple flame, but made its aura even more violent!

"Hahahaha, swallow, swallow for me!"

The purple flame dragon roared in the air, showing off its might.

After a while, the forest of thunder god trees below began to wither rapidly!

When the last thunderbolt was drawn into the sky, the jungle completely dried up and turned into dust and completely dissipated!

"Hahahaha! Tianqiong, Kuangsha, Baishuang, tremble!"

"True pupil lineage, I, the purple flame dragon, will step on your proud head this time, and ascend to the top!"

Boom, boom, boom, roar!

The purple color swept across the sky, and swept towards the hinterland of the Julong Mountain Range with a terrifying degree, rolling up shocking waves along the way, and the scene was spectacular!


Half a day later, the Sky Dragon, the Kuangsha Dragon, and the Purple Flame Thunder Dragon came to the hinterland of the Julong Mountain Range!

The clouds here are mighty, and the aura of heaven and earth is extremely pure!

Looking at this void, there are three hurricanes towering into the sky, sending out bursts of terrifying roars!

This is the three sky dragons of the sky lineage!

There are three people from this lineage, and all of them are extremely evil!

Ang... Boom!

The ground rose sharply, as if a giant mountain had broken through the ground!

The next moment, I saw a terrifying yellow dragon rushing out of the ground, roaring wildly, bursting out with terrifying dragon power!

Crazy Sand Dragon!

This is an evildoer of the Kuangsha lineage!

Immediately afterwards, the second and third mad sand dragons rushed out of the ground!

They looked up at the giant dragon in the sky, their eyes were cold and murderous!

On the other side, the terrifying purple flames enveloped tens of thousands of feet of void, and the thunder exploded inside, causing huge waves to rise and fall!

Purple Flame Thunder Dragon!

This is the arrival of the evildoer of Ziyan lineage!

They are all in the purple flame, and the exact number cannot be seen.

But just looking at this momentum, it is not inferior to the lineage of Tianqiong and Kuangsha!

These three bloodlines are all high-level, each has its own advantages and means of suppressing the bottom of the box. The last martial arts meeting and the battle with the white frost dragon were inextricably linked.

In the end, the three veins joined forces to repel the Hoarfrost Dragon!

And the three of them, it was only at the last moment that they were able to distinguish between the superior and the inferior.

Rather than saying it is due to strength, it is better to say that it is the arrangement of luck!

This time, they naturally refused to accept anyone!

From the moment the martial arts meeting started, he deliberately avoided the opponent and frantically accumulated strength.

Until now, after all the low-level opponents have been ravaged, they finally ushered in a long-lost decisive battle!

"My lineage of Tianqiong, Kuangsha, and Ziyan's lineage are all here, where is the giant dragon of Baishuang?"

In the hurricane, there was the whistling sound of the giant dragon in the sky, deep, domineering, and majestic!

"Could it be that you are afraid of us and dare not come?"

The huge dragon body of the Kuangsha Giant Dragon rises from the ground and reaches the void!

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