Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7173 Three Meridians War

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"Hahahaha, only Bai Hunhu came from Baishuang's lineage, maybe she has been besieged by others and fallen?"

There was a taunting voice from Ziyan all over the sky, Ziyan Thunder Dragon said with a smile.

"If this is the case, it is indeed a great pity!"

The sky dragon sneered.

Although Baishuang's lineage is ranked fifth, they are on par with their bloodlines.

It would be too regrettable for such a bloodline to fall into the hands of others.

"Since she's not coming, what are we waiting for?"

"Bai Hunhu didn't come, but the True Eye lineage hasn't shown up until now. No one else has seen them. What is this lineage thinking?"

Jimai didn't act immediately, and between the words, he was obviously full of fear towards Zhentong's lineage.

"The lineage of the true pupil has always been mysterious and unpredictable, and the dragon sees the beginning but never the end, who knows what they are planning?"

The voice of the giant dragon in the sky became deeper and deeper, and when it came to the line of Zhentong, it seemed that its confidence was a little weaker!

"Isn't it true that the lineage of Zhentong wants to take advantage of us, right?" Kuangsha Hulong said with a frown.

"I can't see it!"

The Purple Flame Dragon shook his head and sneered.

"Think about how proud he is of the true pupil lineage, how could he do such a thing as a chicken-crowding dog?"

"It's true if you think about it, but the lineage of Zhentong has disappeared so far, which shows that it has a huge conspiracy, so we must not take it lightly!"

After a moment of silence, the atmosphere between heaven and earth became extremely strange!

Bai Hunhu didn't show up, and Zhentong's lineage was there, so could it just be wasted like this?

Obviously impossible!

Soon, the three parties became restless!

"It seems that Bai Hunhu really can't come!"

"The true pupil has not shown up for a long time, is there some accident?"

"In that case, let's not waste time!"

Ho Ho... Ang!

As soon as the words fell, the giant dragon of the sky, the giant dragon of mad sand, and the thunder dragon of purple flame roared together, and the terrifying dragon roar directly collapsed into the void.

Make this heaven and earth vision a masterpiece!

"Come on, three veins battle, whoever wins will be the second!"

"If the true pupil lineage does not show up in the end, it will be the first name!"

"This time, it's the battle for supremacy in Qianlongwuhui!"

Ho Ho Ho... Boom!

Three hurricanes began to plunder, and the sky and the earth shattered wherever they passed, and the scene was horrifying!

Ang... Boom!

The three Kuangsha dragons also started to move out, but only two of them faced the three sky dragons.

The remaining one is on guard against Zi Yan's lineage!

"Hahahaha! Since you want to fight, let's have a good fight. What's the point of being timid?"

The Purple Flame Thunder Dragon was obviously mocking the Kuangsha lineage, and at the same time, it swept across the sky and attacked the Sky Dragon and Kuangsha Dragon brazenly!



Both the sky dragon and the mad sand dragon are enraged!

He even tried to suppress both of their veins at the same time!

The tone of Zi Yan's lineage is a little too big!

All of a sudden, the Sky Dragon and the Kuangsha Dragon both turned around and pointed their finger at the Purple Flame Thunder Dragon!

Roar... Boom!

Three powerful hurricanes swept out, tore the edge of Zi Yan fiercely, and swept away to the depths!

Ang... Boom!

Three wild sand dragons soared into the sky, piercing through the void shrouded in purple flames dozens of times!

Boom... Boom!

The large void covered by the purple flames looked dilapidated.

Zi Yan's lineage seems to have retreated steadily!

"Is this the ability of your Ziyan lineage?"

"It's too vulnerable!"

The Sky Dragon and the Kuangsha Dragon seemed to have tasted the sweetness, and couldn't help laughing wildly.

But the next moment, something unexpected happened to them!

"Hey! I really thought you guys won, naive!"

Ziyan was violently turbulent, and thunderbolts rose suddenly!

The violent thunder force began to bombard the Sky Dragon and the Sand Dragon at the same time!

"One against six, you are so arrogant!"


The giant dragon in the sky and the giant dragon in Kuangsha kept shouting angrily, unleashing huge dragon power to contend with them.

"Hahahaha, taste the power of my Ziyan Yinlei!"

Crack... Rumble!


Purple-black lightning bolts flew out of the large expanse of purple flames, blasting into the bodies of Hurricane Hurricane and Kuangsha Dragon at an incredible speed.

Ho ho ho!

The three hurricanes shook violently, showing obvious signs of instability!

"Damn! Ziyan Yinlei, why is your Ziyan Yinlei so strong?"

The sky dragon roared furiously, sounding like it was in a state of despair.

"Hahahaha! Purple Flame Thunder Dragon, do you really think that mere thunder can do anything to me?"


The body of the Mad Sand Dragon suddenly collapsed, exploding into innumerable yellow sand grains.

The yellow sand is rolling in the sky, extremely scattered.

It seems that the dragon body of the Kuangsha dragon has been shattered, but it is difficult for the opponent to capture its real body, and then it is impossible to start!

Crackling... Boom!

A series of purple flames and thunders exploded in the air, hitting a large area of ​​sand.

But compared to the countless yellow sand grains, it is just a drop in the bucket!

"Hahahaha! I am crazy about blood, and I am not afraid of your purple flame and thunder!"

"If you have any skills, just use them!"

The voice of the Kuangsha Giant Dragon sounded one after another, but the Purple Flame Dragon couldn't catch its source.

Because this void is filled with innumerable yellow sands, it is impossible to judge where the real body of the Mad Sand Dragon is.

Its fatal point is even more impossible to capture!

"Damn it!"

The Purple Flame Thunder Dragon howled wildly in the air, obviously daring to be extremely angry!

Although he has a long-standing understanding of the methods of the Kuangsha Giant Dragon, but in actual combat, there is still no good way to restrain him!

On the contrary, the higher-ranked Sky Dragon seemed to be beaten down by him.

"Crazy Sand Dragon, don't be too happy, even if I can't defeat you for a while, you can't do anything to me!"

The purple flame dragon is full of confidence!

Even if you lose, you can remain invincible!

As long as he defeats the giant dragon in the sky, his crazy tonic strength will skyrocket, and then he will free up his hands to deal with Kuangsha's lineage, and he will be sure!

"Ziyan Yinlei, suppress it for me!"


Next, the Purple Flame Thunder Dragon focused on attacking the Sky Dragon.

Countless thunderbolts slammed out, viciously bombarding the body of the giant dragon in the sky, making it violently turbulent and its breath disordered!

"Zi Yan's lineage, do you really think I can't do anything about you?"

"Sky Thunder Array, open!"

Ho Ho Ho... Boom!

The three celestial dragons scattered left and right, forming a triangular formation!

Each sprayed out a cyan thunder column, colliding fiercely in the void!

Bang, click, click!

A terrifying scene ensues!

Three cyan pillars of thunder collided with each other, turning into a sea of ​​void thunder, lying in front of them!

The purple flame thunder blasted into the thunder sea, and was forcibly swallowed by the violently fluctuating Lei Lan, unable to threaten the sky dragon anymore!

"It makes no sense!"

Ziyan Thunder Dragon couldn't help being furious when he saw that the attack was blocked!

But at this time, the Kuangsha Giant Dragon seemed to see an opportunity!

Resolutely abandon the Sky Dragon and attack the Purple Flame Thunder Dragon!

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