Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7174 Didn't expect it?

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Ang... Boom!

A large expanse of violent sand rolled up into the sky, covering a radius of more than ten thousand feet, almost completely enveloping this piece of void!


The sky dragon's heart is dark!

Can't help but secretly rejoice!

Fortunately, the target of the Kuangsha Giant Dragon is not himself, otherwise he will definitely face huge troubles.

Ang... Boom!

The giant sand dragon rolled all over the sky, instantly surrounding Ziyan Leilan!

Countless Huang Kuang launched a crazy offensive, rapidly consuming Zi Yan!

The edge of Ziyan was crushed layer by layer, rapidly eroded!

Seeing that the situation was not good, the Purple Flame Thunder Dragon took the initiative to retreat, and took the initiative to put away the thunder flames!



The purple flames that stretched tens of thousands of feet crazily rolled back, and finally turned into five purple flame thunder dragons, stretching across the void!



Both the Kuangsha Dragon and the Sky Dragon were shocked!

In the lineage of Ziyan, five brontosaurus were present!

The number is almost equal to the sum of their two veins!

No wonder Zi Yan's lineage is so rampant, it turns out it has a strong lineup to support it!

At this moment, both the Sky Dragon and the Kuangsha Dragon were under tremendous pressure.

"Clan friends of the Tianqiong lineage, for the current plan, we have only one way out!"

"That's true, if you don't join hands, you will be defeated by him!"

In fact, the Tianqiong lineage has no choice!

Relying on one's own strength alone, it is impossible to defeat the Purple Flame Thunder Dragon.

If you don't join forces with the Kuangsha Dragon, you will only be more passive.

The same goes for the Kuangsha lineage!

Only by joining forces with Tianqiong can we get out of the predicament!

"Clanmates of the Kuangsha lineage, today you and I will fight together!"

"Hahahaha, just like the last time I defeated the hoarfrost dragon, fight!"

The sky dragon and the mad sand dragon laughed and shot!

The violent roar resounded through the void, and the two sides joined together, and the six giant dragons rushed towards the five purple flame dragons!

In this way, no matter how strong the purple flame dragon is, it will fall into a passive position.

After all, it is almost impossible for five purple flame dragons to defeat six dragons of the same level!

"Zi Yan lineage, let's see how rampant you are?"

The crazy sand dragon is astonishing and indomitable!

The giant dragon in the sky still hesitated at the beginning, but now it followed closely behind, launching a crazy attack!

As long as the Ziyan lineage is defeated, the two sides will share the blood essence of the five giant dragons equally, and the strength of both will skyrocket.

At that time, even if you encounter the lineage of Zhentong, you will have the confidence to fight against it!

Ho ho ho!

Zi Yan's lineage seemed to feel the crisis, and five giant dragons roared wildly in a row!

The crazy sand dragon rushed wildly, as if it had the will to kill!

The sky dragon dare not hesitate!

After all, the division of bloodlines later will depend on who has contributed the most, so we are not far behind.

However, the next moment, a strange scene appeared!

The three Kuangsha giant dragons rushed in front of the five Purple Flame Thunder Dragons, and suddenly scattered left and right!


"not good!"

"Kuangsha lineage, you are shameless!"

The giant dragon in the sky forcibly slowed down, but because the distance was too great, it was too late to escape!

What joint cooperation does not exist!

Kuangsha's lineage only pretended to join forces, but in fact they were used as bait and pulled into the encirclement of the purple flame dragon!

"Hahahaha! Friends of the Sky Clan, didn't expect that?"

"We want to join forces, but not with you, but with Ziyan!"

The Kuangsha dragon laughed wildly, and his words were full of ridicule and contempt.


"It's over!"

The sky dragon is completely desperate!

The combination of three Kuangsha dragons and five purple flame dragons is undoubtedly a hopeless situation for them!

"No! There are five purple flame dragons, do you need to join forces with them?"


The sky dragon suddenly realized that something was wrong!

At the same time, the purple flame dragon on the opposite side laughed wildly!

"Hahahaha! Tianqiong, you are not stupid!"

"Our two purple flame dragons, of course we need to join hands with them!"

Amid wild laughter, the purple flames in the void in front of them changed, and three of the purple giant dragons disappeared instantly, leaving only two purple flame thunder dragons!

"Damn it!"

"be cheated!"

The sky dragon was completely enraged!

It turned out that there were no five purple flame dragons at all, only two from the beginning to the end!

Those three items are simply false!

And they were deceived by the purple flames that spread tens of thousands of feet, thinking that there were really five!

But they don't know that Kuangsha's lineage has secretly colluded with Ziyan's lineage, and they have been cheated!

"Kuangsha, Ziyan, you two are sinister and despicable, extremely shameless!"

"If you don't die today, you will die in the future!"


The giant dragons in the sky have been driven to a desperate situation, their auras are surging, and they spare no effort to launch an attack.

The main target of their impact is the Purple Flame Dragon!

Because there are only two giant dragons in this line, and there are three in the Kuangsha line, you don't need to think about who to choose!

"Hahahaha! Idiots of the Tianqiong lineage, you deserve to be sold!"

"Show me clearly, how many giant dragons do we have in Ziyan?"



The violent dragon chant suddenly sounded, and a terrifying scene appeared!

Behind the two purple flame dragons, there is actually a purple flame dragon hidden!


"Damn it!"

"how so?"

The sky dragon's expression changed in horror!

I feel like I'm running out of brains!

At first it was five, then it became two, and now there is one more!

But no matter how many it is, the situation in front of them is a desperate situation for them!


"Hidden so deep!"

The Kuangsha Giant Dragon was also shocked!

They also thought that there were only two purple flame dragons, but they didn't expect that there were as many as three!

However, are there really only three of them?

"Zi Yan's lineage, how many people are here?"

"Shouldn't you count us in?"

The Kuangsha Giant Dragon's heart was dark, and his back was cold!

The calculations of Zi Yan's lineage are too shrewd, which makes them shudder!

"Kuangsha lineage, what are you still doing?"

"If you don't take action, these three sky dragons will all be ours!"

The three purple flame dragons roared sharply, signaling to Kuangsha to make a move.

Three against three, the scene is 50-50!

It is also possible that the fishermen of Kuangsha's lineage will benefit, so if Kuangsha's lineage does not make a move, Ziyan's lineage does not dare to make a death effort.


The Kuangsha lineage suppressed their fears and began to besiege the Tianqiong lineage!

"In that case, let's die together!"

A horrifying scene followed!

Three giant dragons in the sky suddenly gathered together, two of them opened their huge mouths, and crazily devoured the third companion!

Both breaths began to skyrocket!


The terrifying dragon chant resounded through the void, and the aura of the giant dragon in the vault of heaven rose sharply, reaching an astonishing level.

Started to rush towards the three purple flame dragons recklessly!

Even if they devour their companion's dragon body, they have no absolute chance of winning.

So you can only attack one of them, not both!

They don't even expect to escape, they have already made up their minds to die, and they want to die with each other!

It's not a loss to be able to pull a few pads!

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