Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7178 ambition and conspiracy

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"The evildoers from the True Eye lineage are going to be attracted, what will the elders from the Yinlong lineage do?"

Everyone was surprised, and Long Cuilan was also puzzled.

It seems that things are not that simple!

For some reason, she suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart!

When Jiang Tianchu arrived at Moju Mountain, he deliberately inquired about Longxuan's situation.

It's a pity that neither she nor the elders under her command knew this person, so they couldn't provide any clues.

But now, after learning that the other party came from the Yinlong lineage, Long Cuilan gradually had some guesses.

Obviously, Jiang Tian and this Longxuan probably have some kind of grievance!

But now, Long Xuan got so close to the elders of the aristocratic family, it seems that he has become the other party's follower.

This is definitely not a good thing for Jiang Tian!

"It's a pity that there is no way to inform him!"

Long Cuilan felt a little restless.

Jiang Tian has made unprecedented achievements for the Moju Mountain lineage, far exceeding her expectations.

It can be said that the Moju Mountain lineage stole the limelight in this martial arts competition.

But now, facing this complicated and weird situation, she couldn't even send out a single message.

"Your Majesty Master, you don't have to blame yourself. During the Qianlong Martial Arts Festival, you can't communicate with each other inside and outside, and you can't send messages. Jiang Tian is clear about this!"

"After the martial arts meeting is over, he won't blame you either!"

The accompanying elder comforted in a low voice.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple, but I hope nothing goes wrong!"

Long Cuilan became more and more worried.

I just hope that my thoughts are pure speculation, Jiang Tian had better not have any old feud with Long Xuan, otherwise things might be very difficult!

"Hahahaha, Elder Longyou doesn't need to ask any more questions, let me keep it a secret, you will understand when the martial arts competition is over!"

"Oh, so, Elder Long Qian's visit may give everyone an unexpected surprise?"

Long You nodded slowly.

Since the other party didn't want to explain, he naturally didn't want to ask.

But at this moment, all the pulse masters and elders felt even more strange!

"Looking at the meaning of Elder Long Qian, it seems that the one he wants to pick up is not a monster of the true pupil lineage?"

"How is it possible, besides Zhentong's lineage, who else is worthy of his personal introduction?"

"Could it be Baishuang's lineage?"

"I think it's very possible!"

Having said that, everyone couldn't help but look at the huge list again!

Bai Shuang's lineage is at the top of the list at the moment, but some careful people have noticed that the eyes of Elder Long Qian looking at the list are mixed with a trace of disdain.

The situation is complicated and confusing, which makes people feel more and more strange!

at this time!

Long Xuan beside Long Qian suddenly spoke, his face full of flattery!

"Hey, it's a great honor for me to have Elder Lao Longqian here in person this time, let Elder Longqian worry about it!"

"Hehe, it's okay, you are loyal to the old man, and I should give something back." Long Qian seemed humble, but in fact his face was full of arrogance.

"Don't dare!" Long Xuan's face changed slightly, and he said with a coquettish smile: "The mere Fentian Umbrella is not worth mentioning at all, but it is a rare treasure bestowed by Elder Long Qian. It is a great opportunity for that junior in this vein!"

"Hehe, opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared. It is his ability to accept this opportunity. I believe that he will never let this old man down in Qianlong Wushu this time!"

"The villain doesn't dare to expect too much. If this junior can bring a little help to Elder Long Qian, even if the elder can only get one or two praises from the aristocratic family, the villain will be satisfied!"

"Hahahaha, don't be too modest, I might as well tell you that as long as he wins the first place in this martial arts meeting and follows me to the holy land of my clan to practice, I will have more than 70% hope of entering the echelon of the elders of my clan!"

"May everything go well, may adults succeed immediately, and dreams come true!"

Long Xuan bent over and frantically flattered the other party.

In order to please the elder of this aristocratic family, he gave away the Heavenly Dao Rare Treasure Burning Sky Umbrella obtained in the "Critical Dao Domain"!

At the same time, recommend a certain young evildoer in the clan.

To his surprise, Long Qian was extremely optimistic about that man, and gave him an amazing opportunity on the spot.

And he said that that chance will help the opponent sweep the same level in Qianlongwuhui.

Most importantly, he also told that junior that he must win a super powerful bloodline in Qianlongwuhui!

As long as he succeeds, he can introduce it to practice in the holy land of his clan, and his future will be limitless!

And once that junior gets the first name and enters the holy land of the clan, the Yinlong lineage will also gain immeasurable benefits.

From a mid-stream branch that ranks outside the top two hundred, it has jumped to a super-powerful branch that crushes all directions!

At that time, as the chief minister of the family, Longxuan will also successfully ascend to the position of Vein Master and realize his dreams and ambitions!

This is a win-win plan for all three parties.

It can be said to be fully grasped!

Now, just wait for the end of the Qianlong Martial Arts Association, and that evildoer will return with victory, bringing back good news!

at the same time!

In the depths of the Julong Mountains!

Dozens of dragon monsters are searching around in a huge architectural ruins.

It is full of broken walls and ruins, and I don't know how many years it has been abandoned.

Everywhere is full of the charm of ancient vicissitudes, as if it is a relic of an ancient strong man.

"There is such a large abandoned building in the Julong Mountains, why have I never heard of it before?"

"That's right, the Qianlong Martial Arts has been held so many times, and I've never heard of such a huge architectural relic in the Julong Mountain Range!"

As they searched, they couldn't help the suspicion in their hearts.

Such a large architectural relic should have been discovered by the evildoers of the previous Qianlong Martial Arts Association long ago.

And after each session of Qianlong Martial Arts, the evildoers who survived will share their various experiences in the martial arts with their fellow clansmen.

But no one has ever heard that there is such a huge architectural site deep in the Julong Mountains.

"Could it be that this is fake?" A young evildoer said with a frown.

"Fake! Are you talking about illusions, how is it possible?"

The guess of the young evildoer was immediately refuted by his companions.

There are dozens of them, all of them are from the top 20 branches, and all of them are extremely evildoers of the younger generation.

Regardless of his cultivation base, combat power, bloodlines, or knowledge, it is almost impossible to be deceived by illusions.

"How can such a huge architectural relic be faked?"

"We are not fools, the remnants and the vicissitudes of life here are as good as fake!"

"If this is all false, what else is true?"

Everyone is talking about it, and I am sure it is true!

"That's not necessarily the case!" A gold-cloaked evildoer suddenly said, with a serious expression on his face!

"Oh, what's your opinion, Brother Longkuang?"

Everyone looked at this golden-cloaked evildoer.

This person's name is Long Kuang, and he comes from the lineage of Huntian!

This line ranks in the top ten, ranking seventh!

It is the highest ranked one among all the people present!

His words naturally carry a lot of weight to everyone!

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