Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7179 Dragon Secret Technique

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Long Kuang said solemnly: "As far as I know, some powerful illusions can completely confuse the real with the fake. Once you get caught in it, you can't tell the real from the fake, and even brainwash yourself to believe it's real!"


Everyone's expressions changed slightly, and some even gasped!

"So Brother Longkuang thinks that this ruin didn't exist at all, but evolved from an illusion?"

"To be honest, I can't see through it either!" Long Kuang shook his head slowly, with a self-deprecating look on his face.

"This..." Everyone frowned, and the atmosphere was slightly awkward.

If even Long Kuang can't see through it, then what's the point of making such guesses?

After a brief silence, Long Kuang spoke again!

"However, I know a certain kind of secret technique that can break most illusions, even if it is an extremely rare illusion, there will be flaws in front of this kind of secret technique!"


"What illusion, Brother Longkuang, tell me quickly!"

Everyone asked questions.

Long Kuang said solemnly: "It's a secret art of blood, and the more powerful the blood, the more effective it will be!"

"Hahahaha! Looking at the many bloodlines in the world, which one can be stronger than our dragon bloodline?"

"Brother Longkuang, if possible, please use that secret technique to help us find out the truth!"

Everyone couldn't wait to know the truth here, so they urged them one after another.

"How can it be so simple?" Long Kuang shook his head and smiled wryly, mocking himself: "This kind of secret technique consumes a lot, and my bloodline alone may not be able to support it!"

"What's so difficult about this? We're not just for nothing, so of course we can't let the brothers of the Longkuang clan contribute alone!"

"Brother Longkuang, tell me, we need a few people to help, and we are willing to contribute our own strength!"

Everyone urged, Long Kuang was quite moved.

"I'm not afraid of everyone's jokes, I haven't actually performed that kind of secret technique, and I'm not fully sure of it!"

"Brother Long Kuang is humble, you are the only one who knows that kind of secret technique here, who else can we rely on if we don't rely on you?"

"Brother Longkuang, don't hesitate, tell me, how many people do you need to help?"

Everyone can't wait.

Long Kuang said solemnly: "This kind of secret technique consumes a lot. Of course, the more people there are, the better. In this way, on average, each person's consumption will be much smaller!"


"Everyone come together!"

"Brother Longkuang, let's start!"

"Okay, since everyone thinks so highly of me, I, Long Kuang, will give it a try. Let's give it a try!"

Long Kuang took a deep breath, stepped into the air, and began to cast spells.

He stepped into the void, pinched the tactic, and drops of golden-red blood spurted out from his ten fingertips.

Turned into a series of mysterious pattern, spread out!

"Everyone from the clan can just inject blood essence into the pattern pattern. The more the amount, the better the effect, but for the sake of safety, please don't rush for quick success and be careful not to consume too much!"


Without hesitation, everyone immediately rubbed their fingertips and flicked towards the golden pattern.


Chi Chi Chi!

Drops of essence and blood were poured into it, causing the aura of these patterns to surge!

Soon, a series of strange fluctuations swayed sharply in the void, spreading towards the surrounding building ruins.

Wherever he went, there were layers of ripples in the void, and the scene inside was changing, as if the vicissitudes of life were constantly rotating and evolving.

"Brother Longkuang's secret technique is really extraordinary!"

"Hey, why did it stop?"

"Not only that, the breath is still falling rapidly!"

"Brother Longkuang, what's going on?"

Everyone was taken aback, so they asked questions one after another.

Long Kuang frowned and said, "I said before, this kind of secret technique consumes a lot of energy and requires a lot of blood!"

"I see!"

"Everyone, don't be stunned, continue to shoot, and find out!"

Puff puff!

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

Dozens of people shot out one after another, and another drop of blood was injected into the formation.

The formation pattern that had once lost its breath became active again, and the dazzling ripples spread rapidly towards the four strikes.

When these ripples touched the ruins of the building, scenes of strange illusions evolved accordingly.

"Everyone pay close attention, if it's really an illusion, these ruins will have strange changes!"


Everyone stared at the ruins of the buildings, watching the spiritual visions one after another, as if they were about to see their prototypes.

But after ripples passed by, these ruins still remained in their original state!

"Hey, are these really not illusions?"

Long Kuang frowned slightly and muttered to himself.

If it's not an illusion, it's really strange!

After all, no one has ever mentioned the situation here in the previous Qianlong Martial Arts Games.

The architectural ruins are so vast they are almost impossible to miss.

So, he still suspects that there is a problem here!

"Everyone, work harder!"


Under Long Kuang's greeting, everyone spewed out drops of blood again to fuel the power of the secret technique.

Long Kuang turned his hands like a wheel, changing his methods to investigate.

In the end, it was discovered that the ruins of this building were impeccable!

"It seems that I really think too much!"

Long Kuang muttered to himself, looking down at dozens of fellow clansmen, but a strange look flashed in his eyes!

At the corner of his mouth, there was even an imperceptible strange smile!

"Hey, what's that?"

Long Kuang's face suddenly darkened, and he looked to a certain place in front of the right, with a look of surprise on his face.

"What did brother Long Kuang find?"

Everyone hurriedly asked.

"Hey, no, is this an illusion or something weird? Could it be that I feel something is wrong?"

Long Kuang shook his head and sighed, with a look of astonishment on his face.

As he said that, he spit out a few drops of blood again, and his face turned slightly pale at the same time, looking like he had consumed a lot!

"Friends of the clan, this kind of secret technique consumes too much, I'm afraid I can't maintain it too much, why don't I just let it go!"

"Brother Longkuang clan!"

"Since we have found suspicious points, let's focus on investigating!"

"Brother, don't worry, we will do our best to help you!"

Puff puff puff!

Chi Chi Chi!

Everyone made a move, and a drop of blood was injected into the pattern again.

A weird smile appeared on the corner of Long Kuang's mouth, and he changed the formula in his hand, quietly devouring most of the power of his blood into his body.

The remaining less than one-third is used to activate the secret technique.

After a while!

The golden pattern completely dimmed in a low hum, and finally disappeared in midair!

"How is it, Brother Longkuang?"

"Find anything weird?"

Long Kuang stepped down, and everyone surrounded him eagerly asking questions.

Long Kuang blamed himself, shook his head and sighed bitterly: "I'm useless, I let everyone down, after the investigation just now, I didn't find anything suspicious!"

"Looks like it's really not an illusion!"

"Brother Longkuang, don't blame yourself. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't even be able to determine the truth!"

"Since it's not fake, there must be a chance here!"

Everyone was excited!

Since it is a real relic of a strong man, and there is no news related to it in the previous Qianlong martial arts, it means that this relic is likely to be sealed by some kind of power.

And the power to seal it disappeared only recently, so it showed traces.

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