Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

7180--Andrew Quickly use the escape talisman

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"Since this is the case, there is likely to be a lot of opportunities hidden here, everyone, don't be stunned, look for it quickly!"

"Thank you Brother Longkuang for taking action, let's take action!"

Whoosh whoosh!

After confirming that the relics were authentic, everyone immediately dispersed and searched for opportunities.

As the top-ranked offshoot evildoers, most of them have completed the tasks assigned by the family until now.

In addition, their relationship with each other is not bad, and they no longer want to fight to the death.

And this relic appeared at the right time, completely making them give up fighting.

Isn't it better to hunt treasures and find opportunities in an safe and sound way than to fight hard?

The crowd dispersed and searched the ruins with all their strength.

Long Kuang also hid in a dark hall.

There was no one around, he showed an excited smile!

With no effort just now, with the help of secret techniques to cover up, he has harvested a large amount of blood essence from the same race.

After this nourishment, his blood power has increased significantly, and his combat power will also be greatly improved.

And these benefits, without taking the slightest risk, are really wonderful!

It's just that with so much essence and blood entering his body at the same time, he needs a little time to refine and suppress it.


Long Kuang used the secret blood technique to forcibly refine dozens of blood essences that had entered his body.

His aura climbed slowly amid the ups and downs, and gradually stabilized!

"Not bad! It's a pity that there are still too few!"

Long Kuang felt very sorry.

If he could swallow a little more, his improvement would be even greater.

But he understands that he can't be too greedy, otherwise it's easy to show his feet.

And once he shows his feet, he will become the target of public criticism.

Facing the siege of dozens of people, there is no doubt that you will die!

After the power of the blood was stabilized, Long Kuang quickly rushed out of the hall.

He silently suppressed his breath to prevent others from seeing his flaws!

After a while, everyone left and came back, each one extremely disappointed!

"Brother Longkuang, we didn't find anything. Did you find anything?"

"I do not have either……"

Long Kuang shook his head and smiled wryly, his face full of regret.

Before I finished speaking, a sudden change occurred!

Crack, crack... Boom, boom!

The center of the ruins suddenly collapsed downwards, while the surroundings rose rapidly and collapsed towards the center, as if a huge "canyon" had been erected in mid-air!

"not good!"

"The situation is wrong!"

"Rush out!"

Everyone's complexion changed drastically, and each of them frantically used evasion techniques to get away.

Some people also resorted to magic weapons and frantically bombarded the surroundings in an attempt to slow down the speed of the collapse.

But all this is in vain!

Although the ruins are collapsing, their strength is astonishingly strong, and their attacks have no effect at all.

There is no way to stop this terrible mutation.

The rate of collapse of the ruins is getting faster and faster, and the distance between the two ends that were originally farthest is less than a thousand feet in an instant!

"Damn it!"


"Use the amulet!"

Witnessing this terrible scene, everyone didn't dare to hesitate any longer, they could only grit their teeth and activate the Escape Talisman cruelly.

Originally, they didn't want to leave. After all, the Qianlong Martial Arts Association had come to an end, and they might get some benefits and "fruits" by staying.

But now, they have to leave.

Because if we continue, I am afraid there will only be a dead end!

Hum, buzz, buzz!

Dozens of spiritual lights suddenly lit up, and one after another escape talisman was inspired by them.


The power of the void began to descend, and it was about to send them out.

But at this moment, a terrifying scene appeared!


The huge architectural ruins collapsed at an accelerated rate and were forcibly closed!

The terrifying power directly crushed the bodies of dozens of monsters!



Bang bang bang bang bang bang!

Amidst a burst of frantic noises, dozens of evildoers fell to their deaths one after another!

At this moment, there was a loud noise!

Crack... bang rumble!

A ball of blood-golden light burst suddenly, blasting out a passage.

Long Kuang rushed out of it with a face full of horror, his eyes full of fear!

"It's dangerous! How could this be, is it a trap?"

Looking back, Long Kuang saw that the original architectural ruins had completely collapsed into a thousand-foot-large sphere, as if a star was floating on the opposite side.

Looking carefully, the blood essence of dozens of people of the same race suddenly turned into strange blood lines, wandering in them.

It made his scalp tingle and he was horrified!

"Hiss! Trap, this is a trap!"

"Who, who did it?"

Long Kuang was horrified!

He scanned the void in horror, and at the same time let go of his divine sense to search around, trying to find the hidden murderer.

But he glanced around, but found nothing!

There is no difference in what he sees, and the investigation of spiritual sense finds nothing!

Such a scene, not only failed to make him feel relaxed, but made him suddenly nervous!


Long Kuang's heart shrank suddenly, and he became more and more frightened!

The situation in front of him can only show that he has encountered a powerful opponent.

It is so powerful that it completely surpasses him, making him hard to find!

"Who is it? Get out of here!"

Long Kuang roared up to the sky, and his voice was mixed with the majestic Longwei.

It turned into ripples wantonly impacting the void!

Rumble... boom!

The violent coercion is rippling wantonly, but no matter where it goes, there is nothing strange!


Long Kuang is desperate!

This is an opponent beyond his imagination!

Who is the one?

He belonged to the whole line of the sky ranked seventh!

As the number one evildoer of the younger generation in the clan, his strength is also extremely tyrannical.

Even if he meets the opponents of the fifth and sixth branches, he thinks he has the strength to fight.

But the opponent in front of him made him feel desperate!

"Could it be them?"

Long Kuang was shocked, and a trace of panic flashed in his eyes!

The evildoers of the fifth and sixth branches, and even the fourth branch, probably don't have this kind of means.

Is it possible to trap and kill dozens of fellow clansmen, and make him invisible and intangible opponents from the top three branches?

"Top three!"

Long Kuang gritted his teeth, his mind trembling!

The top three branches are Zhentong, Tianqiong and Kuangsha!

Of these three Egypts, he can still imagine the latter two, and he can even barely deal with them.

But if it's Zhentong's lineage that ranks at the top of the list, he's completely at a loss!

"No, it's impossible!"

"My luck, it can't be so bad!"

Thinking of Zhentong's lineage, Long Kuang couldn't help shivering!

Although he has never seen a person with true pupils.

And most of the other hundreds of people have never seen it.

But no one dared to question the strength of Zhentong's lineage!

This is a terrifying opponent above hundreds of veins!

His strength is unique among hundreds of branches!

Even the sum of the monsters of the four major branches ranked second, third, fourth and fifth cannot threaten Zhentong's branch!

The strength of this vein is evident!

Could it be them?

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