Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7181 giant pupil

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Long Kuang was completely shocked, and his heart was full of despair!

If it was true pupil, then he wouldn't have to struggle.

Because in the past few thousand years, the first place in Qianlong Wuhui has been monopolized by Zhentong's lineage.

And most of the evildoers of the branch, from the beginning to the end of the martial arts meeting, have not even seen the true face of this branch of evildoers!

This is too scary!

Is the evildoer of the true pupil lineage really so powerful that the opponent is completely unpredictable, even unable to do it with a glance?

"Clan brother of the true pupil lineage, is that you?"

"If so, let me die!"

Long Kuang knew that if the opponent came from the lineage of Zhentong, he would not be able to leave alive even if he activated the Escape Talisman.

Simply, just fulfill the last wish and take a look at the other party's true face!

In this way, it can be regarded as breaking the confusion in the heart and satisfying the last curiosity.

Long time, no response!


Long Kuang's originally desperate thoughts suddenly became active again!

Could it be that the other party is trying his best to control the thousand-foot sphere that collapsed from the ruins, and has no time to pay attention to him?

If this is the case, it is possible for him to escape!

With this in mind, he didn't hesitate any longer, and activated the Escape Talisman like lightning!

Hum rumble!

There was a flash of golden light, and a layer of golden runes enveloped him!

Immediately afterwards, the forbidden force covering the Julong Mountain Range began to descend, enveloping him!


Long Kuang let out a sigh of relief. At this point, he has almost succeeded in most of it!

Because the previous dozens of companions couldn't last this far, and their bodies had already been crushed to pieces.

And he was the only one among dozens of people who successfully activated the escape talisman.

Under the power package of the prohibition formation, escape from the sky is almost a certainty!

But at this moment, something terrible happened!


"what sound?"

A strange noise shocked Long Kuang's mind!

He turned his head to look, and suddenly found that the light and shadow in the opposite void changed.

A strange translucent phantom emerged!

"What is this?"

Long Kuang was horrified!

That thing looked illusory and unreal, he let go of his divine sense, but he didn't feel it at all!


This made him extremely frightened!

It was clearly right in front of my eyes, but my spiritual sense didn't respond.

Doesn't this mean that if the opponent sneaks up on him from behind, he won't be able to detect it at all?

"not good!"

Long Kuang was shocked, and turned around like lightning.

As expected!

Behind him, there is also such a phantom!

"Oh no!"

Long Kuang was so frightened that he yelled in horror, without any monstrous demeanor, his mind almost collapsed!

"Escape Talisman, hurry up!"

Long Kuang's last hope was pinned on the Escape Talisman.

At this time, the escape talisman had been activated, and the power of the restraining formation wrapped him layer by layer.

It is said that he can be teleported away!

But he discovered a terrible fact: the power of the escape talisman and the restraining formation has not been able to teleport him away for a long time!

"no no!"

Long Kuang was completely shocked!

This means that the effect of the escape talisman cannot compete with the opponent's mysterious power.


The translucent phantom fluctuated slightly, and soon became clear.

Long Kuang looked at it with great fear, and his face suddenly changed!

Giant pupils!

That turned out to be a huge dragon pupil!

"You...you are really..."


There was a slight fluctuation in the giant pupil, and Long Kuang's expression froze instantly.

The next moment, his body instantly melted away!

It turned into an illusory body composed of imperceptible particles!

No blood flowed out, and no screams!

Long Kuang's body just disintegrated like this!

The next moment, Jutong made another wave.

Long Kuang's disintegrated body turned into a torrent and poured into the giant pupils!

Immediately afterwards, the giant pupil turned around and merged into the thousand-foot sphere suspended in the void opposite!


The thousand-foot sphere formed by the ruins of the building is now rumbling.

Lines of blood began to gather inward and disappear on the surface.

Soon, the ball began to disillusion!

Just as these fallen evildoers guessed before they were alive, this sphere, and even the huge trail before it, were originally illusions!

Not a real entity!

But this powerful illusion made it impossible for them to tell the truth from the fake.

After the phantom receded, the ball no longer existed.

In the void, there is only one illusory pupil floating silently.

In the next moment, this different pupil will disappear into the void!

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

"Since you're here, don't leave!"

A cold voice suddenly sounded!

At the same time, a powerful coercion firmly locked on the giant pupil that was about to disappear!


The giant pupil that was about to become blurred solidified again, and let out a domineering cold snort!

A young figure walked out from the opposite void!

This person is dressed in a black robe, with a strange gray light exuding from his brows, and a strange aura exuding from his whole body, giving people a vaguely eerie feeling!

"Hidden Dragon Lineage!"

Ju Tong's voice was a little surprised.

The rank of Yinlong's lineage is above two hundred, and it is just a small role in front of it.

But it is such a small character who hides here and plots against him.

He couldn't help laughing!

"The mere lineage of the hidden dragon dares to covet my lineage of the real pupil, I think you are impatient!"

Jutong sneered and threatened, but his voice was unusually calm.

Whether it is in Qianlong Wuhui or in reality, the background of Yinlong's lineage is very weak.

The true pupil can destroy the opponent effortlessly!

"Report your name, and I'll let you die!"

The giant pupil threatened the opponent fiercely.

However, the young man in black robe shook his head and sneered, his face full of sarcasm!

"Hey! It's so majestic, should I be afraid?"


Jutong is angry!

Someone dared to put on such a posture in front of it.

The true pupil vein is terrifying, who doesn't know the hundreds of veins?

How dare a martial artist from the lineage of the hidden dragon, who ranks two hundred or so away, dare to be so rampant in front of it!

"What a hidden dragon vein! After this martial arts meeting, there is no need for your bloodline to exist. My true pupil bloodline will completely erase you from the genealogy of the real dragon family branch, leaving no one behind!"

"Hahahaha! What a true pupil, even more domineering than I imagined!"

The young man in black laughed wildly.

"You can still laugh when you are about to die, you really don't know how to live or die!" Jutong shouted coldly.

The young man in black sneered and said: "Although I don't care about the survival of the Yinlong lineage, you are destined not to leave alive today, and you are destined to become my nourishment!"

"court death!"

Giant pupil furious!


A ripple suddenly swayed and rolled straight towards the black-robed youth!

Jutong had just used the same method to kill Long Kuang, leaving him powerless to resist.

In its view, there would be no problem in killing the little ants of the Yinlong lineage!

However, the next moment, a shocking scene appeared!


The black-robed young man shrank his figure and disappeared, and the ripples disappeared in an instant!

"How can it be?"

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