Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7182 Hidden Dragon Lineage

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"When did the Yinlong lineage become so strong?"

Ju Tong was taken aback!

I didn't expect the opponent to escape in an instant!

You know, every time it made a shot in the past, there was no accident.

This is the first time ever!

"Do you really think your pupil technique is invincible? That's because you haven't met me. Today, I'll let you know how powerful I am!"

The young man in black robe appeared behind the giant pupil, and a jet-black palm suddenly thrust towards the giant pupil!


The giant pupil instantly reversed, and ripples emerged.

Buzz buzz!

These ripples collided with the pitch-black palm, making strange noises.

But a scene that shocked him appeared!

These ripples did not stop the attack of the pitch-black palm, let alone break it up like they suppressed Long Kuang.

Puff puff!

The fingers of the big pitch-black hand snapped violently, piercing through ripples and piercing towards the giant pupil, which was about to injure it severely!



The giant pupil flipped back in an instant, avoiding the attack of the pitch-black palm.

Looking at the black-robed youth, he let out a frightened cry!

"You actually broke my pupil technique?"

"No! The Yinlong lineage doesn't have this kind of ability, who the hell are you?"

Jutong stared at the black-robed youth from the air, and asked sharply.

It was the only one that crushed opponents before, and it had never been threatened by others.

Now, he really felt the pressure brought by his opponent!

If the reaction was a little slower just now, the big black hand may have severely damaged it!

"For a dying eye, does it matter who I am?"

"Extremely arrogant! Do you really think I can't do anything about you? Die!"

Jutong was completely furious!

The pupil shrank sharply, and a translucent strange ray spewed out!

Incredibly fast!

"Hmph!" The black-robed young man snorted coldly, and instantly raised his pitch-black palm to catch the ray!

"Looking for death!" Jutong was overjoyed!

But then shocked again!

Boom... Boom!

The pitch-black palm was not pierced by the ray, but was firmly resisted by it, unable to move forward!

"how so?"

"Impossible, this is impossible!"

Ju Tong was taken aback!

The young man in black sneered again and again: "Do you really think you are strong, that's all!"

Click... Boom!

The big pitch-black hand squeezed it hard, and it actually exploded that ray!


Ju Tong gasped, horrified!

"No! This is definitely not a method that the Yinlong lineage can have, nor is it the ability that the branch evildoers can have. Who are you?"

"Could it be...the people from my clan?"

Jutong was completely stunned!

This guess makes it extremely disturbing!

Among the hundreds of branches of the True Dragon Family, none of them can pose a threat to it.

But if it is a super evildoer sent by the aristocratic family, it will be different!

The aristocratic family has strong blood, and all the evildoers there are super powerful. Maybe this young man in black robe is the evildoer sent by the family?

But why did my family do this? Qianlong Wuhui has always been a contest of branches, and my family has no interest in getting involved at all!

"Strange, isn't it?" Heishi youth sneered again and again.

"It's okay to tell you, I'm neither a member of the Yinlong clan, nor sent by my clan, but a return bloodline!"

"That's not right either!"

Ju Tong obviously didn't believe it!

After all, the opponent's combat power is still higher than it, so what is it if it's not a monster of our own clan?

"I'm just a drop of the blood of a strong man from my clan!"

The young man in black robe said with a sneer on his face.

However, this sentence exploded in Jutong's heart like a surprise!

"What? The bloodline of a strong family!"


A trace of panic flashed in Jutong's eyes!

The blood level of the True Dragon Family is very high, and it is extremely pure and powerful!

It is precisely to maintain the purity and level of this bloodline that those mutated and diluted bloodlines were kicked out of the family, and hundreds of veins were established!

This returning blood of the Yinlong lineage has actually merged with a drop of the blood of a strong man of his own family. How did he do it?

How could there be such a heaven-defying opportunity?

"Who gave you your own blood?" Jutong roared and questioned!

"This has nothing to do with you, anyway, you can die with peace of mind!" The black-robed youth sneered, and his big black hands moved forward!


A pitch-black strange light shot out instantly, hitting the giant pupil directly!


The black light exploded, billowing black smoke instantly enveloped the giant pupil, and there was a scream from within!


"Hahahaha, the lineage of Zhentong claims to be invincible, I can't stand it!"

The young man in black sneered and stepped forward, ready to accept this opportunity.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened!

"Hahahaha! Do you really think my true pupils are made of mud?"

"Even if you have a drop of your own blood, you can't help me!"

Boom... boom boom!

The billowing black smoke was dispersed by the ripples, but what was exposed was no longer the giant pupils before!

It was a bald young man in a strange robe!

This person has no eyebrows or hair, but a pair of translucent double horns on his head!

Surprisingly, he has only one eye, which is in the middle of his eyebrows!

It's a vertical pupil!

"This is your real body!"

The black-robed young man's eyes brightened, and his face showed excitement!

"You are the first one who can force out my real body, you can die proudly!"

The evildoer of the true pupil line shouted coldly, a strange light flashed in the vertical pupil, and a translucent beam of light shot out violently!

In an instant, he hit the black-robed youth!


The young man in black was caught off guard and was sent flying thousands of feet, his breath was in a state of disarray!


The evildoer of the true pupil lineage took a step forward, and instantly appeared in the path of the black-robed youth flying upside down.

There was a flash of light in the vertical pupil, and a beam of light shot out again.

Click... Boom!


The young man in black was knocked into the air again, and his aura rose and fell wildly. It seemed that the situation was not good!

"Even if the evildoers of my family come, I, Long Xuzi, are not afraid, let alone you are just a returning bloodline!"

"Do you really think that by fusing a drop of the blood essence of a strong man of your own clan, you can compete against me? How naive!"



Another beam of light shot out violently, intending to completely kill the black-robed youth.

But this time, a bizarre scene appeared!


The young man in black robe suddenly opened his mouth, and spewed out a pale golden glow!

It exploded with a bang, turning into a rhombic light mirror!

"Well, what is this?"

The corners of Long Xuzi's eyes narrowed sharply, suddenly he had a bad feeling!

I saw that beam of light blasting on the diamond-shaped light mirror, and disappeared like a mud cow entering the sea!

There were only a few ripples on the surface of the light mirror, nothing unusual!

"What kind of treasure is this?"

Long Xuzi's eyelids twitched, he was shocked!

Can block his pupil light effortlessly, this treasure is by no means ordinary goods.

Even this treasure is just a phantom with condensed spiritual power, not an entity!

If the phantom is like this, how powerful should the entity be?

"It is impossible for the Yinlong lineage to have such a level of treasure. Who gave it to you?"

Long Xuzi asked sharply!

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