Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 7183 Fusion pupil

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"Of course the Yinlong lineage can't get this kind of treasure, this is the hole card bestowed by the elders of this clan!"

"Hole card? Which clan elder is it? Why did he do this?" Long Xuzi was startled, and felt more and more bad!

"You don't need to know, go!"

The young man in black waved his right hand, and a rhombic light mirror suddenly appeared above Long Xuzi.

The radiance burst forth, erupting with terrifying coercion!


Long Xuzi exclaimed in amazement, unable to lift his head under the pressure.

The body bent down involuntarily!

"Even if it is a treasure bestowed by the elders of our clan, don't even think about killing me easily!"

Long Xuzi bit the tip of his tongue violently, and spurted out a mouthful of blood!


The blood essence turned into a cloud of blood mist, pouring all of it into the vertical pupil between the eyebrows.

The next moment, the dark pupil came out of the body and hit the rhombic light mirror!

Crack... bang!

The rhombic light mirror shattered and exploded into pieces of pale golden light!


The black-robed youth was not surprised by this.

Taking a step forward, he has already come to the top of Long Xuzi.

Flipping the palm, a drop of golden-red foreign matter dripped down!


Ho Ho Ho... Ang!

The berserk dragon chant suddenly resounded through the void, it was a drop of golden-red blood essence!

It exudes terrifying coercion, causing the entire void to collapse layer by layer!

A series of terrifying giant waves spread towards the surroundings, and the hundreds of thousands of feet of void turned into a terrifying and fierce field, and the shocks continued!

"Damn! What is this?"

"No...no! This is the blood essence of my family's great power, how can you have it?"

Long Xuzi was terrified and fell into despair!

The golden-red foreign matter is the essence and blood of the mighty Dragon Clan.

The coercion it exuded made Long Xuzi unable to resist, and was crushed immobile.

The bloodline that he is proud of is also in a stagnant state at this moment, making it difficult to mobilize!


Long Xuzi roared wildly, but he was completely unable to resist the terrifying pressure of blood.

"This is the real trump card given to me by the elder of the real clan!"

The black-robed young man gave a grim smile, and swung his right hand down fiercely!



Rolling golden light rolled down wildly, Long Xuzi let out a desperate scream, and his body instantly melted away!


The young man in black robe stretched out his hand and grabbed something from the billowing golden light!

With the palm spread out, it turned out to be a translucent vertical pupil!

The next moment, he took out a pale golden talisman, wrapped it, and carefully pasted the vertical pupil on the center of his eyebrows!

Boom... Boom, boom!


The black-robed youth roared in extreme pain, put his head in his hands, and rolled in the void.

Daoes of golden light burst out from between his brows, shattering hundreds of thousands of feet of space into pieces!

The terrifying scene lasted for a long time before it subsided!

Finally, the young man in black got rid of the pain and got up slowly.

With a wave of his right hand, he summoned the rhombic light mirror, and took a closer look at himself in the mirror.

I saw that among his pupils, there was an extra vertical pupil between his eyebrows!

It is the vertical pupil of Long Xuzi, the number one monster in the lineage of true pupils!

Now, this vertical pupil has belonged to him, and it has become his third pupil!

"Jiang Tian, ​​my dragon dish is here!"

"This time, you are doomed!"


The vertical pupil flashed slightly, tearing the void instantly.

The dragon disc flickered, and disappeared into it!

A day later, in the core area of ​​the Julong Mountain Range, above a huge mountain range.

More than a hundred dragon monsters gathered here!

But what is surprising is that they did not fight, but stood in the air, watching each other.

"Everyone, the Qianlong Martial Arts Tournament is coming to an end, and the rankings of all parties have roughly stabilized. I don't think there is any need for us to fight anymore!"

"Yes, we have gone through hardships, and our strength and ranking are basically the same. It is extremely difficult to make a breakthrough. Why don't we let it go and wait for the end of the martial arts together!"

"So good!"

More than a hundred people reached a consensus, put away their spiritual power one after another, and did not plan to make another move.

For the high-ranking fighters, the task has been completed, and they will not change their results if they attack those low-ranking branch monsters.

As for the warriors with low rankings, they have already done their best so far. At the moment when the Qianlong Martial Arts Association is about to end, there is no need to risk their lives and make unnecessary sacrifices.


The violent dragon chant suddenly sounded, and a white dragon tore through the void and descended from the sky.

A strong chill spread, causing the temperature of this void to drop sharply!


"The Hoarfrost Dragon!"

"What a terrifying coercion!"

More than a hundred warriors were shocked!

"Bai Frost Giant Dragon, why is it so strong? I saw it from a distance a few days ago, and its aura was not so strong at that time. What happened in just a few days?" A green-robed evildoer said in amazement.

"I've heard some things. It is said that in the last martial arts meeting, the people who joined forces to suppress it, the three veins of Tianqiong, Kuangsha and Ziyan, all disappeared!"


"You mean they... hiss!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, thinking of some terrible situations, couldn't help but gasp.

The giant hoarfrost dragon descended on this void, but did not attack them. Instead, it stopped in mid-air, looking down at everyone.

"I'm waiting to meet the elder sister of Baishuang's lineage!"

"Clan sister's cultivation base is tyrannical, and I feel inferior to myself!"

"I have no intention of offending the clan sister at all, and I ask the clan sister to also hold her hand high and let me wait a while!"

Everyone flattered each other one after another, so as not to incur a murderous disaster.

Standing on top of the giant frost dragon, Bai Hunhun looked down upon all directions in a white dragon robe.

"Does anyone know the trace of Zhentong's lineage?"

Bai Hunhun's voice was mixed with incomparable coldness, resounding through the void.

Everyone shuddered and answered quickly.

"No, my brother has never seen that lineage of evildoers!"

"Yes, we haven't seen it either. I think the people who have seen it probably don't exist anymore!"

"Sister Bai, are you going to challenge the True Eye Dragon?"

Everyone asked cautiously, with flattering smiles on their faces.

"Except for the True Eye lineage, I am invincible. It's a pity that I didn't meet it along the way. It's a pity!"

Bai Hunhun said in a low voice.

Looking at the eyes of more than a hundred people, they were full of disdain.

"Zhentong's lineage has always been mysterious, and some people even suspect that he did not participate in this martial arts competition!"

"Impossible, Elder Longyou said that the True Eye lineage has already arrived, and it must be in the Julong Mountain Range!" Someone retorted.

"In this case, I think it should show up soon?"

The Martial Arts Association is coming to an end, if Zhentong's lineage doesn't make a move, they will be at the bottom.

And the powerful Hoarfrost Dragon is obviously the opponent it must defeat!

"I hope it will show up soon, don't make me wait too long!"

Bai Hunhun sat cross-legged on top of the giant frost dragon, with his eyes slightly closed, he waited silently.

The martial arts has been going on until now, and almost all the surviving monsters have come here.

If the Zhentong lineage doesn't want to be at the bottom, they can only come here to look for the Baishuang dragon.

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